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High energy Neutrino Astronomy: Looking at the Universe with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope

arunavam edited this page Dec 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Abstract : The word "multi-messenger" is quite new and increasingly used in astronomy and astroparticle physics. It refers to the combination of various techniques (both observational and theoretical) at different photon wavelengths and with different 'messengers', to get a deeper understanding of the astrophysical objects we observe in the sky with respect to what learnt from a single messenger alone. In this context, recent discoveries have opened a new observational window onto the Universe, including the observation of an astrophysical flux of high-energy neutrinos and the possible identification of the first astrophysical source of high-energy neutrinos. The seminar focuses on Neutrino Astroparticle Physics and Multi-messenger Astrophysics. It introduces the working principles of high-energy neutrinos and unveils the challenges in their operation. Milestones discoveries and the current state ion the art will be then discussed.

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