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dwm with my personal modifications

This repo contains dwm with my preferred modifications applied. The set of patches has evolved over the years (more than a decade now). I don't expect this setup to be useful to others and there's nothing particularly special about it, but it's shared all the same. Right now modifications include:

  • Add config.h with my preferred setup. Revert to colours used in an earlier dwm release, and use the Windows key as the modifier.
  • Add support for re-execing the dwm binary (useful for when recompiling). Uses getauxval(AT_EXECFN) to get the binary location.
  • Compile dwm with -O2 -flto. Not going to have any meaningful performance difference, but there doesn't seem a good reason not to.
  • Apply the pertag patch so that layout etc. can be modified on a per tag basis.
  • Apply the centeredmaster patch to provide a new layout with the master area centered on the screen. I don't add the centeredfloatingmaster layout from that patch. Mapped to Mod+c.
  • Apply the movestack patch to allow windows to be moved using Mod+shift+j and Mod+shift+k.
  • Apply the zoomswap patch so that the current window and previous master are swapped upon zooming (Mod+Enter).
  • Apply the bottomstack patch to provide a new layout where the master area is on the top of the screen and the stack is below. I remove the bstackhoriz layout, as I don't use it. bstack is mapped to Mod+b (and status bar toggling is remapped to Mod+Shift+b).
  • Apply the cyclelayouts patch to enable cycling through the available layouts. This is mapped to Mod+, and Mod+..
  • Patch dwm so the clock in the status bar is updated each second, without relying on an external script calling xsetroot. This patch uses select with a timerfd to do this, and removes support for updating the status boar using xsetroot.

Historical notes

Until recently (Dec 2019) I used dwm with the flextile and systray patches, and a few extra custom modifications. Although flextile provides a huge amount of flexibility vs fixed layouts, I found I never used it and couldn't come up with easy to remember bindings. Using the Windows key as the modifier rather than AltL is also a recent change, that for now is a trial.