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This is a plugin for drawing population pyramids with flot.

This is a very simple (too simple, I fear) approach to population pyramid plotting, but it works for me. It uses horizontal bars and does some data preprocessing in order to extract the Y axis labels and flip one of the series, so it is drawn in the negative region of the X axis. The labels in the X axis are formatted so we do not get negative values.

WARNING the plugin has some basic tests which test (yeah, that is redundant) that the minimum requirements are met (i.e. to plot a horizontal, side-by-side bar graph, with the right X and Y axis tick labels), but the integration with other flot plugins and/or with some of the generic flot options still has to be tested. Cuidadín, pues.

Step by step explanation

Supose you want to plot the two following (fictional and meaningless) data using a population pyramid wich shows the men data against the women data:

Age groupMenWomen

The flot.pyramid plugin will process the data as follows (given we want to plot the bars representing women values to the left):

  1. Extract the data labels (0-20, 20-40, and 40+) and use them as the Y axis tick labels
  2. Add a custom X axis formatter, so the negative values are shown as positive
  3. Flip the women related data, so flot is actually plotting -900, -1150, and -1000. The original series data is left untouched. The "flip" only affects the datapoints used internally by flot.

And that's it!

Usage instructions

In order to use the plugin you need to download src/jquery.flot.pyramid.js and add a script tag to your page loading that file (remember that this is a flot plugin, so you will also need to add jquery and flot itself). The following code is extracted from the example.html file in this project:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="lib/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="src/jquery.flot.pyramid.js"></script>

Plot configuration options

You can pass flot the following configuration options when using the pyramid plugin:

  • series.pyramid
    • show: when set to true it will activate the plugin... so do not forget it!
    • barsWidth: the width of each bar in the pyramid. Default is 0.6

In order to draw a population pyramid chart, call plot with the following configuration object:

var flot_options = {
  series: {
    pyramid: {
      show: true,
      barsWidth: 0.5 // defaults to 0.1 if omitted

var series = { ... } // see below for info on series definition and configuration

$.plot($('#pyramid_container'), series, flot_options);

Data series configuration

Number of series

Currently, you can only plot two data series in the same graph. Plotting more than two series has not even been tested :P

Data groups labeling

You can use textual labels representing each of the groups the data is split in, providing an array of label, value pairs as the series data (see example below).

Bars direction

The plotting direction can be specified for each series. You can use L or W for left (the "negative part of the X axis) and R or E for right (the positive part. This is the default when you do not specify a direction).

Series configuration example

This code shows an example series data object:

var flot_options = { ... } // see above for info on plot configuration options

var series = [
    label: 'Men', // the series label
    data: [ ['0-4',1302329], ['5-9',2328460], ['10-14',1090872], ['15-19',1158983], ... ]
    label: 'Women', // the series label
    data: [ ['0-4',1224757], ['5-9',1129454], ['10-14',1030163], ['15-19',1084773], ... ],
    pyramid: {
      direction: 'L' // Women bars will grow towards the left

$.plot($('#pyramid_container'), series, flot_options);