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Compliance of Nodes in a Kubernetes Cluster using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate

This repo will explain how you can check for compliance of worker nodes in a Kubernetes cluster using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate (OWCA).

Launch AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate Server

  1. Launch a Chef server using OWCA: Specify a name and take rest as the default values.

  2. Download Credentials and Starter Kit.

    1. Expand the Starter Kit bundle, this is your Chef repo.

    2. Credentials file is named <owca-name>_credentials.csv.

  3. From the AWS Console, select the Chef server and login to the OWCA Dashboard. Use the credentials downloaded earlier.

    owca dashboard

Download and configure ChefDK

  1. Download and Install ChefDK from

  2. Initialize a terminal:

    eval "$(chef shell-init bash)"
  3. In the Starter Kit directory, get SSL certificate from the Chef server by giving the following command:

    knife ssl fetch
  4. Verify install:

    $ knife client list

Upload Chef Cookbooks

Upload Chef Client and Audit cookbook. Chef nodes, also the Kubernetes worker nodes, executes these cookbooks from the OWCA server based upon their checkin time.

  1. Download all dependencies:

    berks install
  2. Upload cookbooks and dependencies to the Chef server:

    berks upload
  3. By default, Apache 2 is included in the recipe uploaded to the Chef server. This is not required to be installed on the worker nodes. Remove apache2 recipe from <owca-server>-repo/roles/opsworks-example-role.rb.

  4. Create role for the cookbooks execution:

    knife role from file roles/opsworks-example-role.rb
  5. In Chef UI, Compliance, Profile Store, Available, search for DevSec SSH Baseline profile and click on Get.

  6. In <owca-server>-repo/site-cookbooks/opsworks-audit/attributes, check this is the same profile that is defined.

Create Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Install kops

    brew update && brew install kops
  2. Create an S3 bucket and setup KOPS_STATE_STORE:

    export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://kubernetes-aws-io
    aws s3 mb kops-config/$KOPS_STATE_STORE
  3. Create a k8s cluster:

    export NAME=chef.k8s.local
    kops create -f kops-config/$NAME.yaml
  4. Create the master instance group:

    kops create -f kops-config/master-eu-west-1a.yaml
  5. Update kops-config/nodes.yaml to replace INSERT-YOUR-USERDATA-HERE with the contents of from the Starter Kit. It allows the node to bootstrap with the OWCA server.

  6. Create the nodes instance group:

    kops create -f kops-config/nodes.yaml
  7. Create a secret pointing to the SSH key:

    kops create secret --name $NAME sshpublickey admin -i ~/.ssh/
  8. Launch the cluster:

    kops update cluster $NAME --yes
  9. Validate the cluster:

    kops validate cluster
  10. Optionally, login to EC2 instances:

    ssh -i my-chef-automate-repo/.chef/private.pem  admin@<public-ip>

Show Kubernetes Nodes as Chef Nodes in OWCA Server

  1. Open Chef Automate console

  2. Check that the Kubernetes worker nodes are registered as Chef nodes:

    chef nodes registration
  3. Check that the nodes are non-compliant:

    chef nodes compliance

Fix the Compliance

  1. Install the ssh-hardening cookbook with Berkshelf by editing the Berksfile in the root of the OpsWorks starter kit. Add the following line:

    cookbook 'ssh-hardening'
  2. Add this cookbook to the nodes run list by adding the following line to the roles/opsworks-example-role.rb file, in the run_list() section:

  3. Upload the changes back to the Chef Automate server:

    berks install
    berks upload
    knife upload roles/opsworks-example-role.rb
  4. Wait for the nodes to check in again.

License Summary

This sample code is made available under a modified MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


Check for compliance of worker nodes in a Kubernetes cluster using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate.



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