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elasticsearch network log analysis

TO DO multi_level_DWT_fxn in

  1. k means
  • on data without transformation
  • on data with db1 transformation
  • cD of db1 transformation
  • cA and cD of haar transoformation
  1. test the experiment
  • training data
  • test data
  • live experiment with kali
  1. add some other type of wavelet transformation,
  • maybe haar
  • right now using db1
  1. USE cD from wavelet transformation
  • cD being discarded right now
  • for level 1 tranform one array of cD
  • for level 2 transform two array of cD
  • need to better use this cD
  • need to figure out dynamically how many cD are coming
  • combine all cD into one array and that could be one more data point for plotting and k-means



create 6 level of wavelet transformation and save the graph

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from csv_to_pandas import csv_into_dict_of_data
from wavelet_transformation import dictOdDictOfList_rawNumber_to_DWTApprox

import sys
from es_to_csv import dir_exists, file_exists
def df_before_transformation():
def df_after_transformation():

first plot without any transformation

  • get dictionary of dataframe from csv_to_pandas file using csv_into_dict_of_data function
  • no wavelet transformation
  • pass the dataframe to plot_graph_and_save

then plot wavelet transformed data for the range 1 to level

  • get tranformed data from wavelet_transform file using dictOdDictOfList_rawNumber_to_DWTApprox function
  • pass each transformed dataframe to plot_graph_save
def plot_troffic_graph_df_into_graph_and_save(df_dict, identifier):
  • takes a dictionary of dataframe and id to name the file
  • get the keys of dict which is protocols and convert into list
  • make sure dictectory to save exists
  • for each key in dict which is protocol
  • take the value which is dataframe
  • and plot it
  • each line in the plot is a column of dataframe which is one day of data.
  • remove the legend coz too many days which creates long list of legend
  • save the plot in a file
def plot_elbow(df_dict, id):

too many transformation between data types: csv, list, dict, dataframe and nest combination of those.

import pandas as pd
import pywt
from pprint import pprint

from csv_to_pandas import csv_into_dict_of_data
def csv_into_wavelet_transformed_dict_of_dataframe(wavelet_to_use, level, csv_path):
  • call dictOfDF_into_dictOfProtocol_dictOfDate_listOfTotal to get dict of dict of list
  • for loop on each key, value pair of dict of dict of list
  • nested for loop for second dict of dict_of_dict_of_list
  • pass this list along with wavelet type and level of transformation to call multi_level_DWT_fxn
  • multi_level_DWT_fxn return array of cA
  • convert this cA array into list and replace the original list
  • transform back to dict of combined dataframe
  • return this new dict of dataframe which kept its name dict_dict_list making things a little confusing
def multi_level_DWT_fxn(data_list, wavelet_to_use, level):
  • takes the list for wavelet transformation to given level
  • trasnformation returns cD (detail coeff) and cA (approximation coeff)
  • array of cA returned
  • cD discarded
def dict_of_df_into_dict_of_dict_of_list():
  • get dictionary of dataframe from csv_to_pandas file using csv_into_dict_of_data function
  • get the keys of the dict into a list which is list of protocols
  • for each protocol get the dataframe from dict value
  • get columns names of that dataframe which is date into a list
  • now nested loop, for each date in that list of dates make a dictionary
  • dict key: protocol
  • dict value: another dict (dict2)
  • dict2 key: date
  • dict2 value: list of data for the day
  • return this dict of dict of list

import pandas as pd
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def csv_into_dict_of_data(dataset_path):
  • calls get_sub_directories_into_list to get list of dir path and dir
  • calls combine_all_csv_to_one_df_per_protcol to get one combined dataframe per protocol
  • get combined dataframe for all protocol and make a dictionary
  • key of dict: protocol name
  • value of dict: combine dataframe for the protocol
  • return this massive dict
def combine_all_csv_to_one_df_per_protcol(one_subfolder):
  • calls get_all_fileNames_inside_folders to get all files in the one_subfolder
  • calls make_list_of_dataframe_from_fileNames to get a list of dataframe for files in each subfolder
  • takes the list of dataframe and combines into one dataframe
  • index is still time of day at 15 minute interval
  • each column of dataframe is traffic for the day.
  • column header is the date starting from 8-30-18 to today
  • return the combined dataframe
def make_list_of_dataframe_from_fileNames(files_with_path):
  • calls make_dataframe_from_csv to convert data of each files into dataframe
  • does the same for all files in that folder and appends them all to a list
def make_dataframe_from_csv(file):
  • get the csv file from the input file with full path name
  • convert into dataframe with time as index and total traffic as column
def get_all_fileNames_inside_folders(one_subfolder):
  • returns all the file inside the folder
  • all files in full pathname starting from root of the project
def get_sub_directories_into_list(path):
  • traverses through csv folder to get sub folders
  • returns a list of directory path and list of directory


python3 -m doctest -v


  • every morning
  • git add, commit and push after 10 min
  • generates log for run and git in elastic.log
crontab -e 			#edit
crontab -l			#view
crontab elastic.cron 		#add new cron job

  • run last 17 days on es_traffic_pandas_csv as a one time thing for all protocol
  • the function called returns pandas dataframe.
  • something was probably changed and for load_daily but not load_one_time probably not updated
  • ???
def push_to_csv

  • get single level indices from es_index_fileName
  • call es_traffic_pandas_csv to get dataframe
  • call append_to_csv to append data into csv
def es_simple_agg
  • aggregate websites visited --* sounds important
  • not used
  • ???
  • calls threeAggs_2Tags which returns a dict of list
  • each pair is ignored and es_nested_agg_pandas is called with variable not defined or imported. but it is a know function in different file to build json
  • very confused where i was going with this
  • maybe I was testing higher order function by passing a function in a function
  • I probably didn't need it but I was probably reading about function that takes function as parameter
  • es_nested_agg_pandas returns dataframe which is appended to csv files
def es_3agg_2tag_agg


  • single level has simple indexes, like total, dns, dhcp etc
  • threeAggs - not sure
def single_level_query
def threeAggs_2Tags

strip complex url to get domain name

import es_connection, es_request_json, es_pickle
def domain_name(str):
	return domain name like
  • uses simple json structure in aggStructure to flatten 3 level nested aggs response from elastic
  • found online
  • complex elastic result to df
  • and to top it off it is recursive. I definitely didn't write this function
def elasticAggsToDataframe(elasticResult,aggStructure,record={},fulllist=[]):
	flatten nested aggs response from elastic: stackoverflow

convert elastic data to pandas dataframe

def get_pandas_dataframe(ind, start, end):
	return es_agg_converted_to_panda_dataframe

build json query,connect to elastic, retrieve data, get the aggs and pass to get_pandas_dataframe

def es_traffic_pandas_csv(fileName, ind, start, end):
  • uses function from parameter fn_for_json_query to build json query
  • connect to elasticsearch pull the data using that json
  • calls elasticAggsToDataframe to flatted elastic response to df
  • strip to domain name if it is external server
  • strip to server name if it is internal server
  • encrypt the IP using SHA1
  • drop duplicates
  • return the dataframe
def es_nested_agg_pandas(start, end, fn_for_json_query, traffic_type):

can't find this function

def get_agg_response_list_of_dict(ind, start, end ):
	return agg_es_data_15min_interval

connect to elastic

def es_connect():
	return es_client_connection

build json for total traffic with index = *

def json_query(index, startDate, endDate):
	return json_structure_ready_for_es_query

  • build json query for protocols different than total
  • index = {dns, dhcp...}
def json_protocol_query(index, startDate, endDate):
	return json_structure_ready_for_es_query

  • build json query for traffic between internal source to external destination
  • what is the difference from json_internal_to_external in es_request_2tags_3aggs_json ??
def json_external_query
	return es_request_query


  • build json query for internal source to internal destination --* traffic within the network
  • build json query for internal source to external destination --> traffic going out
def json_internal_to_internal
def json_internal_to_external


simple json structure used to break down complex, multiple aggs level data simple df

def agg_firewall_external_dest

def dir_exists(dirName):
def file_exists(fileName):
def file_empty(fileName):
def line_count_97(fileName):
def build_directory(fileName):
  • creates file path, checks if directory and file exists,
  • check if file is empty but not used ??
  • verify 97 lines in csv, if not rewite the file
  • 97 lines represent 96 traffic data and 1 header
def append_to_csv(fileName, df):
  • not used coz it has to be used with that complicated firewal thing that is on hold
  • similar to append_to_csv but actually uses result of check of file is empty
def append_nested_aggs_to_csv(fileName, df):



log of all activity inluding git and running script


elasticsearch network log analysis







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