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OpenTok Getting Started Sample App

A simple server that uses the OpenTok PHP SDK to create sessions, generate tokens for those sessions, archive (or record) sessions, and download those archives.

Quick deploy to Heroku

Heroku is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) that can be used to deploy simple and small applications for free. To easily deploy this repository to Heroku, sign up for a Heroku account and click this button:


Heroku will prompt you to add your OpenTok API key and OpenTok API secret, which you can obtain at the TokBox Dashboard.


Installation & Running on localhost

  1. Clone the app by running the command

     git clone
  2. cd to the root directory.

  3. Run composer install --ignore-platform-reqs command to fetch and install all dependecies.

  4. Next, input your own API Key and API Secret into the run-demo script file:

    export TOKBOX_API_KEY=0000000
    export TOKBOX_SECRET=abcdef1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef
  5. The run-demo file starts the PHP CLI development server (requires PHP >= 5.4) on port 8080. Start the server using the run-demo script:

`$ ./run-demo`
  1. Visit the URL http://localhost:8080/session in your browser. You should see a JSON response containing the OpenTok API key, session ID, and token.

Exploring the code

The web/index.php file contains routing for the web service. The rest of this tutorial discusses code in this file.

In order to navigate clients to a designated meeting spot, we associate the Session ID to a room name which is easier for people to recognize and pass. For simplicity, we use a local associated array to implement the association where the room name is the key and the Session ID is the value. For production applications, you may want to configure a persistence (such as a database) to achieve this functionality.

Generate a Session and Token

The GET /room/:name route associates an OpenTok session with a "room" name. This route handles the passed room name and performs a check to determine whether the app should generate a new session ID or retrieve a session ID from the PHP Session. Then, it generates an OpenTok token for that session ID. Once the API key, session ID, and token are ready, it sends a response with the body set to a JSON object containing the information.

// if a room name is already associated with a session ID
if ($app->storage->exists($name)) {

    // fetch the sessionId from local storage
    $app->sessionId = $app->storage[$name];

    // generate token
    $token = $app->opentok->generateToken($app->sessionId);
    $responseData = array(
        'apiKey' => $app->apiKey,
        'sessionId' => $app->sessionId,

    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo json_encode($responseData);
else {
    $session = $app->opentok->createSession(array(
        'mediaMode' => MediaMode::ROUTED

    // store the sessionId into local
    $app->storage[$name] = $session->getSessionId();

    // generate token
    $token = $app->opentok->generateToken($session->getSessionId());
    $responseData = array(
        'apiKey' => $app->apiKey,
        'sessionId' => $session->getSessionId(),

    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo json_encode($responseData);

The GET /session routes generates a convenient session for fast establishment of communication.

$app->get('/session', 'cors', function () use ($app) {

Start an Archive

A POST request to the /archive/start route starts an archive recording of an OpenTok session. The session ID OpenTok session is passed in as JSON data in the body of the request

// Start Archiving and return the Archive
$app->post('/archive/start', 'cors', function () use ($app) {
    $sessionId = $app->request->post('sessionId');
    $archive = $app->opentok->startArchive($sessionId, 'Getting Started Sample Archive');
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo json_encode($archive->toJson());

You can only create an archive for sessions that have at least one client connected. Otherwise, the app will respond with an error.

Stop an Archive

A POST request to the /archive:archiveId/stop route stops an archive recording. The archive ID is returned by call to the archive/start endpoint.

// Stop Archiving and return the Archive
$app->post('/archive/:archiveId/stop', 'cors', function ($archiveId) use ($app) {
    $archive = $app->opentok->stopArchive($archiveId);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo json_encode($archive->toJson());

View an Archive

A GET request to '/archive/:archiveId/view' redirects the requested clients to a URL where the archive gets played.

// Download the archive
$app->get('/archive/:archiveId/view', 'cors', function ($archiveId) use ($app) {
    $archive = $app->opentok->getArchive($archiveId);
    if ($archive->status=='available') {
    else {

Get Archive information

A GET request to /archive/:archiveId returns a JSON object that contains all archive properties, including status, url, duration, etc. For more information, see here.

$app->get('/archive/:archiveId', 'cors', function ($archiveId) use ($app) {
    $archive = $app->opentok->getArchive($archiveId);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo json_encode($archive->toJson());

Fetch multiple Archives

A GET request to /archive with optional count and offset params returns a list of JSON archive objects. For more information, please check here.


GET /archive // fetch up to 1000 archive objects
GET /archive?count=10  // fetch the first 10 archive objects
GET /archive?offset=10  // fetch archives but first 10 archive objetcs
GET /archive?count=10&offset=10 // fetch 10 archive objects starting from 11st

More information

This sample app does not provide client-side OpenTok functionality (for connecting to OpenTok sessions and for publishing and subscribing to streams). It is intended to be used with the OpenTok tutorials for Web, iOS, iOS-Swift, or Android:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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