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Cleaned up file to make it more concise. Also refactored related step
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baphled committed Jul 23, 2010
1 parent 980c73b commit b7c33c1
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Showing 2 changed files with 43 additions and 58 deletions.
83 changes: 34 additions & 49 deletions features/plain/lighthouse_integration.feature
@@ -1,50 +1,49 @@
Feature: Lighthouse integration
In order pull in potential features from lighthouse
As the system
As a user
I want to be able to retrieve a list of features

Scenario: We should be able to talk to lighthouse
Given we are using the account name "baphled"
And we have an the project number "50164"
When we specify the ticket type "state:open tagged:feature"
When we retrieve tickets
Scenario: We should be able to retrieve tickets from Lighthouse
Given I are using the account name "baphled"
And I have an the project number "50164"
When I specify the ticket type "state:open tagged:feature"
When I retrieve tickets

Scenario: We need a place to edit our lighthouse resource information
Scenario: There should be a place to edit our Lighthouse resource information
When I am on "parking index"
When I use the "New Resource information" link
When I follow "New Resource information"
Then I should be sent to the "New Resource" page

Scenario: We want to be able to add a new lighthouse resource
Scenario: I should be able to create a new Lighthouse resource
When I am on "parking new"
And I fill in "resource_name" with "baphled"
And I fill in "resource_project" with "50164"
And I fill in the resource form
Then submit the form
And the resource information should be saved

Scenario: We should be able to use the lighthouse resource when it has been stored
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
Scenario: I should be able to use the lighthouse resource when it has been stored
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
When I am on "parking index"
And I select "baphled" from "resource_id"
And I fill in "parking_tag" with "feature"
And submit the form
And there should be a list of tickets found

Scenario: We should be able to import all found tickets into the parking area.
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
Scenario: I should be able to import all found tickets into the parking area.
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
When I am on "parking index"
And I select "baphled" from "resource_id"
And I fill in "parking_tag" with "feature"
And submit the form
Then I should be able to select tickets to add to parking

Scenario: We should display all parked tickets on the index page
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
Scenario: All parked tickets should be displayed on the index page
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
And there are parked tickets on the system
When I am on "parking index"
Then a list of parked ticket should be displayed

Scenario: We need to be able to save the selected tickets and save them as parked item
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
Scenario: I should be able to save the selected tickets as parked item
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
When I am on "parking index"
And I select "baphled" from "resource_id"
And I fill in "parking_tag" with "feature"
Expand All @@ -55,9 +54,9 @@ Feature: Lighthouse integration
And I press "Park"
Then one item should be saved as parked items

Scenario: We should not be able to save a ticket if the ticket and the body are already in the system
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
And we have a tickets that is invalid
Scenario: A ticket should not be saved if the title and its content are found on the system
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
And I have a tickets that is invalid
When I am on "parking index"
And I select "baphled" from "resource_id"
And I fill in "parking_tag" with "feature"
Expand All @@ -67,8 +66,8 @@ Feature: Lighthouse integration
And I press "Park"
Then the flash message "Unable to save tickets" should be displayed

Scenario: We should not save any tickets if one of them is invalid
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
Scenario: A ticket should not be save if any one of the tickets are invalid
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
And there are no tickets parked
When I am on "parking index"
And I select "baphled" from "resource_id"
Expand All @@ -77,8 +76,8 @@ Feature: Lighthouse integration
Then I should be able to select tickets to add to parking
And I should not see a list of tickets to import

Scenario: We should be able to view a tickets description body
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
Scenario: I should be able to view a tickets description body
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
And there are no tickets parked
When I am on "parking index"
And I select "baphled" from "resource_id"
Expand All @@ -88,13 +87,13 @@ Feature: Lighthouse integration
And I press "Park"
Then the save tickets should have a body

Scenario: A user should not be able to import tickets if a resource has not been set up
Scenario: I should not be able to import tickets if a resource has not been set up
Given there are no resources
When I am on "parking index"
Then the ticket search form should not be visible.

Scenario: We should be able to view a tickets title
Given we have set up the lighthouse resource
Scenario: I should be able to view a tickets title
Given I have set up the lighthouse resource
And there are no tickets parked
When I am on "parking index"
And I select "baphled" from "resource_id"
Expand All @@ -104,24 +103,10 @@ Feature: Lighthouse integration
And I press "Park"
Then the saved tickets should have a title

Scenario: We should be able to select a parked ticket and convert in into a feature
Given we are using the account name "baphled"
And we have an the project number "50164"
And there are are tickets
Scenario: I should be able to convert a parked ticket in into a feature
Given I are using the account name "baphled"
And I have an the project number "50164"
And there are tickets
When I am on "parking index"
And we click on the first ticket
Then the feature form should be displayed

Scenario: The project name must be valid
When I am on "parking new"
And I fill in "resource_name" with "foo"
And I fill in "resource_project" with "50164"
And submit the form
Then there a error "Name must be a valid LightHouse project name" should be displayed

Scenario: The project number must be valid
When I am on "parking new"
And I fill in "resource_name" with "baphled"
And I fill in "resource_project" with "23"
And submit the form
Then there a error "Project must be a valid LightHouse project" should be displayed
And I click on the first ticket
Then the feature form should be displayed
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions features/step_definitions/lighthouse_integration_steps.rb
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Given /^we are using the account name "([^\"]*)"$/ do |account_name|
Given /^I are using the account name "([^\"]*)"$/ do |account_name|
Lighthouse.account = account_name

Given /^we have an the project number "([^\"]*)"$/ do |project_number|
Given /^I have an the project number "([^\"]*)"$/ do |project_number|
@project_number = project_number

Given /^there are resources$/ do
@resources = Resource.all

Given /^we have set up the lighthouse resource$/ do
Given /^I have set up the lighthouse resource$/ do
When %{I am on "new parking"}
And %{I fill in the resource form}
Then %{submit the form}
Expand All @@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
LightHouse.stub!(:all).and_return [mock_model(Lighthouse).as_null_object]

Given /^we have a tickets that is invalid$/ do
Given /^I have a tickets that is invalid$/ do
LightHouse.stub!(:create).and_return false

Given /^there are no tickets parked$/ do
LightHouse.stub!(:all).and_return []

Given /^there are are tickets$/ do
Given /^there are tickets$/ do
@lighthouse_tickets = Lighthouse::Ticket.find(:all, :params => { :project_id => @project_number, :q => "state:open tagged:feature" })
LightHouse.stub!(:all).and_return @lighthouse_tickets
Expand All @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
Resource.stub!(:all).and_return []

When /^we specify the ticket type "([^\"]*)"$/ do |ticket_parameters|
When /^I specify the ticket type "([^\"]*)"$/ do |ticket_parameters|
@lighthouse_tickets = Lighthouse::Ticket.find(:all, :params => { :project_id => @project_number, :q => "state:open tagged:#{ticket_parameters}" })

When /^we retrieve tickets$/ do
When /^I retrieve tickets$/ do
@lighthouse_tickets.should_not be_empty

Expand All @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Resource.find_by_name("baphled").should_not be_nil

When /^there should be a list of tickets found$/ do
Then /^there should be a list of tickets found$/ do
response.should have_selector :ul do |list|
list.should have_selector :li
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
LightHouse.first.title.should_not be_empty

When /^we click on the first ticket$/ do
When /^I click on the first ticket$/ do
click_link @lighthouse_tickets.first.title

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