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docs: added documentation for version 18.2
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- reworked developer chapter "TLS"
- added a table with all configuration directives for TLS
- added developer and user chapter for PAM authentication
- added connection sequence diagram for passive file daemon connections before 18.2
- added sequence diagrams for PAM authentication
  • Loading branch information
franku committed Jan 16, 2019
1 parent 647f2aa commit 4a609ba
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Showing 6 changed files with 503 additions and 221 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
,**Default Console**,→,**Director**
*Name* [#identity]_,\*UserAgent* [#user_agent]_,,\*UserAgent* [#user_agent]_
*Password* [#psk]_,Console-Director,,Director-Director
*Certificate directives*,Console-Director,,Director-Director
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Console-Director,,Director-Director
,**Named Console**,→,**Director**
*Name* [#identity]_,Console-Console,,Director-Console
*Password* [#psk]_,Console-Console,,Director-Console
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 17.2:",Console-Console,,Director-**Console**
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 18.2:",Console-Console,,Director-**Director**
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Console-Console,,Director-Console
,**Director**,→,**File Daemon**
"*Name*, Version 17.2:",Director-**Client**,,Client-Director
"*Name* [#identity]_, Version 18.2:",Director-**Director**,,Client-Director
*Password* [#psk]_,Director-Client,,Client-Director
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 17.2:",Director-Client,,Client-**Director**
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 18.2:",Director-Client,,Client-**Client**
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Director-Client,,Client-Director
,**File Daemon**,→,**Director**
"*Name*, Version 17.2:",Client-**Director**,,Director-Client
"*Name* [#identity]_, Version 18.2:",Client-**Client**,,Director-Client
*Password* [#psk]_,Client-Director,,Director-Client
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 17.2:",Client-Director,,Director-Client
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 18.2:",Client-Director,,Director-Director
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Client-Director,,Director-Client
,**Director**,→,**Storage Daemon**
"*Name*, Version 17.2:",Director-**Storage**,,Storage-Director
"*Name* [#identity]_, Version 18.2:",Director-**Director**,,Storage-Director
*Password* [#psk]_,Director-Storage,,Storage-Director
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 17.2:",Director-Storage,,Storage-**Director**
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 18.2:",Director-Storage,,Storage-**Storage**
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Director-Storage,,Storage-Director
,**File Daemon**,→,**Storage Daemon**
"*Name*, Version 17.2:",not defined,,not defined
"*Name* [#identity]_, Version 18.2:",job name,,job name
*Password* [#psk]_,job session key,,job session key
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 17.2:",Director-Storage,,Storage-**Director**
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 18.2:",Director-Storage,,Storage-**Storage**
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Director-Storage,,Storage-Director
,**Storage Daemon**,→,**File Daemon**
"*Name*, Version 17.2:",not defined,,not defined
"*Name* [#identity]_, Version 18.2:",job name,,job name
*Password* [#psk]_,job session key,,job session key
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 17.2:",,,
"*Certificate directives* [#cert]_, Version 18.2:",Storage-Storage,,Client-Client
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Director-Client,,Client-Client
,**Storage Daemon**,→,**Storage Daemon**
"*Name*, Version 17.2:",not defined,,not defined
"*Name* [#identity]_, Version 18.2:",job name,,job name
*Password* [#psk]_,job session key,,job session key
*Certificate directives* [#cert]_,Storage-Storage,,Storage-Storage
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Director-W Storage,,Director-W Storage
*Name* [#identity]_,Traymon-Traymon,,Director-Console
*Password* [#psk]_,Traymon-Traymon,,Director-Console
*Certificate directives* [#cert]_,Traymon-Director,,Director-Director
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Traymon-Director,,Director-Console
*Name* [#identity]_,Traymon-Traymon,,Storage-Director
*Password* [#psk]_,Traymon-Storage,,Storage-Director
*Certificate directives* [#cert]_,Traymon-Storage,,Storage-Storage
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Traymon-Storage,,Storage-Director
*Name* [#identity]_,Traymon-Traymon,,Client-Director
*Password* [#psk]_,Traymon-Client,,Client-Director
*Certificate directives* [#cert]_,Traymon-Client,,Client-Client
*Tls Enable / Tls Require*,Traymon-Client,,Client-Director
207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions docs/manuals/en/new_main_reference/source/bareos-18.2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
TLS Configuration Reference

To be able to communicate via TLS, TLS needs to be configured on both sides. In Bareos certain directives are used to set up TLS.

The following table explains the location of the relevant TLS configuration directives for all possible Bareos TCP connections. Each resource is referred to as <component>-<resource> to identify the exact configuration location. Refer to chapter :ref:`ConfigureChapter` for more details about configuration.

In Bareos Version 18.2 the relevant resources for some connections had to be changed. Affected directives are marked with the applicable version and the respective resource is written in bold letters.

*Remark: TLS-PSK is not available on Bareos components before Version 18.2.*

.. csv-table:: TLS Configuration Reference
:file: Bareos_connection_modes_overview_1.csv
:widths: 20 35 10 35

.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#identity] From Version 18.2 onwards this is identical to the TLS-PSK Identitiy
.. [#psk] From Version 18.2 onwards this is identical to the TLS-PSK Pre-Shared Key
.. [#user_agent] The name of the default console is predefined and cannot be changed
.. [#cert] Certificate directives are: TlsVerifyPeer, TlsCaCertificateFile, TlsCaCertificateDir, TlsCertificateRevocationList, TlsCertificate, TlsKey, TlsAllowedCn
Compatibility with File Daemons before 18.2
As from Bareos 18.2 all components by default establish a secure connection with encryption first, followed by the proprietary Bareos protocol. This is accomplished using TLS PSK. Older components of Bareos than version 18.2 start a connection with a cleartext handshake without encryption.

However, for downward compatibility Bareos Director Daemons and Bareos Storage Daemons are able to connect to Bareos File Daemons older than version 18.2, too. In this case Director and Storage switch to the old protocol.

There are two connection modes of a File Daemon, active and passive. In contrast to a connection from an active Bareos File Daemon, the protocol version of a passive File Daemon has to be probed by the Director Daemon initially when a job is initiated. This information is stored in the configuration and immediately submitted to the Storage Daemon when the job is started.

The following sequence is used to figure out the right protocol version and to submit this information to the attached Bareos Storage Daemon:

.. uml::
:caption: Sequence diagram of a Bareos File Daemon connection

hide footbox

Actor user
participant "ConfigurationParser\nclass" as Config << C,#EEEEEE >>
participant "Some methods in\ndirectordaemon namespace" as Dir << N,#EEEEEE >>
participant "Client methods in\n directordaemon namespace" as F << N,#EEEEEE >>
participant "Client methods in\n filedaemon namespace" as FC << N,#EEEEEE >>

== Config Initialisation ==

user -> Config: reload config
activate Config
Config -> Config: ParseConfigFile()
Config -> Dir: ConfigReadyCallback()
activate Dir
Dir -> Config: ResetAllClientConnectionHandshakeModes
Dir <-- Config: All handshake modes reset to\nClientConnectionHandshakeMode::kUndefined
Config <-- Dir: ConfigReadyCallback() done
deactivate Dir
user <-- Config: config reloaded

... try to connect to a client ...

== Client Connection to old unknown client ==

user -> Dir: run some client command
activate Dir

Dir -> F: ConnectToFileDaemon()
activate F
note right of F: Possible modes:\nkTlsFirst (try TLS immediately),\nkCleartextFirst (old cleartext handshake)
F ->> FC: Try to connect to Filedaemon with immediate TLS\nconnection mode (kTlsFirst)
F ->> FC: If immediate TLS fails try cleartext handshake mode\n(kCleartextFirst, this will happen with old clients before 18.2)
F <- FC: Connection established
Config <- F: Save successful mode into configuration of client
Dir <-- F: ConnectToFileDaemon() done
... do something with client ...
FC <--> F: close client connection
Dir <-- F:
user <-- Dir : finished some client command
deactivate F
deactivate Dir

... connect to the same filedaemon again ...

== Client Connection to a known client ==

user -> Dir: run some client command
activate Dir
Dir -> F: ConnectToFileDaemon()
activate F
Config -> F: Load successful mode from configuration of client
F -> FC: Connect to Filedaemon with saved connection mode from config
F <- FC: Connection established without waiting or probing
Dir <-- F: ConnectToFileDaemon() done
... do something with client ...
FC <--> F: close client connection
Dir <-- F:
user <-- Dir : finished some client command
deactivate F
deactivate Dir

deactivate Config

.. _PAMConfigurationChapter:



Before Bareos Version 18.2 authentication with a Bareos Director is done primarily by a named Console connection. Name and password are set in the regarding Bareos Console or Bareos Webui configuration resource. Starting with Bareos Version 18.2 it is also possible to use Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) to authenticate a user indenpendently from the Console Resource.

As consequence a dedicated named Console or Webui configuration must be used to establish a connection to a Bareos Director Daemon. This connection has name and password credentials, but only to establish an encrypted connection to the Director. To be able to authenticate users with PAM using this console, each user needs an additional User configuration that holds the regarding name and the Access Control List (ACL) or ACL profile. The ACL will be loaded as soon as the User is authenticated.

The credentials for user authentication comes from the PAM module which has been enabled for the Bareos Director Daemon.

For a simplified technical overview the following diagram shows the connection sequence of a Bareos Console to a Bareos Director using an interactive PAM authentication using the PAM module.

More technical details can be found in the Bareos Developer Guide: :ref:`PAMDeveloperChapter`.

.. uml::
:caption: Initiation of a Bareos Console connection using PAM authentication

hide footbox

actor user
participant "B-Console" as console
participant "Director" as director
participant "PAM-Linux" as pam

user -> console: start a named bconsole
console <-> director: initiate TCP connection
console <-> director: initiate a secure TLS connection (cert/psk)
console <-> director: primary challenge/response authentication

== PAM user authentication ==
note left of pam: i.e.\nconfigured in /etc/pam.d/bareos
director -> pam: initialize pam module
director <- pam: request username / password via callback
console <- director: send "login:" / "password:" request encrypted via TLS
user <- console: prompt "login:" / "Password:"
user -> console: enter username / password (hidden)
console -> director: send username / password encrypted via TLS
director -> pam: give back username / password
director <- pam: return success of authentication
console <- director: send welcome message
user <- console: show welcome message
director -> pam: shutdown pam module

autonumber stop
== PAM user authentication end ==

... do something with console ...

user -> console: quit session ('q'; Ctrl + D)
console <-> director: Shutdown TLS
console <-> director: Finish TCP connection

To enable PAM authentication two systems have to be configured. The PAM module in the operating system and the Bareos Console.

PAM Module
This is depending on the operating system and on the used pam module. For details read the manuals. The name of the service that has to be registered is "bareos".

Fedora 28 example: :

.. code-block:: ini
:caption: :file:`/etc/pam.d/bareos`
# check authorization
auth required
Bareos Console
For PAM authentication a dedicated named console is used. Set the directive UsePamAuthentication=yes in the regarding Director-Console resource:

.. code-block:: ini
:caption: :file:`bareos-dir.d/console/pam-console.conf`
Console {
Name = "PamConsole"
Password = "Secretpassword"
UsePamAuthentication = yes
.. code-block:: ini
:caption: :file:`bconsole/pam-console.conf`
Console {
Name = "PamConsole"
Password = "Secretpassword"
UsePamAuthentication = yes
PAM User
Example of a User resource (Bareos Director Configuration)

.. code-block:: ini
:caption: :file:`bareos-dir.d/console/pam-user.conf`
User {
Name = "Bareos"
Password = ""
CommandACL = status, .status
JobACL = *all*
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
.. _PAMDeveloperChapter:

PAM is an authentication method provided by many operating systems to establish a standardized interface for the authorization of users.

The name of the service to be registered with the respective PAM module is "bareos".

The following sequence diagram shows three options how a user can be authorized on a Bareos Director Daemon:

* Option 1: No PAM authentication using named console
* Option 2: Interactive PAM authentication
* Option 3: Direct PAM authentication

In this example the complete connection and authorization sequence of a Bareos Console respective Bareos Webui is shown.

A detailed description on the configuration see this chapter: :ref:`PAMConfigurationChapter`.

.. uml::
:caption: Console/WebUI connection sequence from Bareos 18.2

skinparam SequenceMessageAlign reversedirection

actor "Console\nWebUI" as W
participant "director\ndaemon" as D

W <-> D: Initiate TCP connection
W <-> D: TLS Cert/PSK Handshake
note right of D: <b>default console</b>: identity *UserAgent*,\npassword/key from director resource\n\n<b>named console</b>: identity <console-name>,\npassword/key from console resource

W -> D: "Hello <*UserAgent*|console-name> calling"
W <- D: "auth cram-md5[c] <password-md5> ssl=<0|1|2|4>"
W -> D: "<password-md5>"
W <-- D: On Failure [Close TLS connection]
W <- D: On Success: "1000 OK auth"

W -> D: "auth cram-md5[c] <password-md5> ssl=<0|1|2|4>"
W <- D: "<password-md5>"
W --> D: On Failure [Close TLS connection]
W -> D: On Success: "1000 OK auth"

... ...

== Option 1: No PAM authentication (Default Console) ==
... no further action ...

== Option 2: Interactive PAM authentication (Console) ==

note right of D: pam can only be used when connected \nwith a named console (__not__ default console) \nusing EnablePamAuthentication= yes

note left of W: (__RS__) is the Record Separator \n(ASCII-character 0x1e)

W <- D: "1001__RS__" (Pam Authentication required)
W -> D: "4001__RS__" (Interactive Pam (i.e. pam_unix))
W <- D: "0x2" (type = PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON)

note left of W: type as bcd: \n0x0 (PAM_SUCCESS)\n0x1 (PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF) \n0x2 (PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON)

W <- D: "Login:"
W -> D: "<cleartext pam-username>"
W <- D: "0x1" (type = PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF)
W <- D: "Password:"
W -> D: "<cleartext pam-password>"
W <- D: On Success: "0x0" (PAM_SUCCESS)
W <- D: On Success: "0x0" (empty message)

== Option 3: Direct PAM authentication (WebUI) ==
W <- D: "1001__RS__" (Pam Authentication required)
W -> D: "4002__RS__Username__RS__Password" (PAM credentials)
... ...

== On any failure ==
W <--> D: [Close TLS connection]
W <--> D: Close TCP connection

== On success ==
W <- D: 1000__RS__OK:__RS__<director-name> Version: <version> (<date>)
W <- D: 1002__RS__<You are logged in as: <username>|You are connected using the default console>

... run some console commands ...

W <-> D: [Close TLS connection]
W <-> D: Close TCP connection

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