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The Patrisika Example Language.


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PatEL's syntax is based on Lisp's S-expression but with two significant changes:

  • Supports infix operators, like (1 + 2).
  • Use indents to avoid too-deep nests.

There are three fundamental constructions in PatEL:

  • Invocation: [a b c]
  • Infix: (x + y)
  • Struct: {a b c} and {.a 1 .b 2}

For invocations you can replace [a b [c d [e f g]]] with [a b : c d : e f g] to eliminate deep nests.

Invocations and Infixes can be written in line-level like this:

f2 a b c : x y z
    d e f
    g h i
    j + k

This is identical to the form [f2 a b c [x y z [d e f] [g h i] (j + k)]], but much clearer.

Primitive Semantics

  • [if test consequent alternate] Evaluate test, then when it is true, evaluate and return consequent, otherwise evaluate and return alternate.

  • [if test consequent] Evaluate test, then when it is true, evaluate and return consequent, otherwise return nothing.

  • [piecewise [condition1 consequent1] [condition2 consequent2] ...] Evaluate condition1, when it is true, evaluate and return consequent1; otherwise, evaluate the rest condition-consequent pairs in the same manner. When all conditions are all false, return nothing.

  • [match term [pattern1 consequent1] [pattern2 consequent2] ... ] Evaluate term, and test whether it matches pattern1. When it matches, extract the parts mentioned in the pattern, evaluate and return consequent1. Otherwise, evaluate the rest pattern-consequent pairs in the same manner. When all patterns mismatch, return nothing.


    define [sum list] : match list
        {} 0                               # empty
        {head :: rear} : head + [sum rear] # cons
        otherwise : throw : new Error "Input is not a list." # everything else
  • [while test body] Assign temporary variable t to nothing. Evaluate test, then when it is true, evaluate body and set t to the value of body, then loop; otherwise return t.

  • [return e] Evaluate e, and immediately return the current function valued e.

  • [throw e] Evaluate e, and throw an exception valued e.

  • [yield e] Mark the current function as Generator Function. Evaluate and yield e.


    define [endless] : begin
        local x 0
        while true : begin
            yield x
            set x : x + 1
    define g : endless
    console.log [].value # 0
    console.log [].value # 1
  • [foreach [e range] body] Enumerate items in range using standard ES6 semantics, assign the current item to e and evaluate body.

  • [define e value] Define a local constant e and set its value to value.

  • [local e value] Define a local variable e and set its value to value.

  • [local x] Declare a local variable x and set it to nothing.

  • [define [f a b c] body] Define a local constant f, and set it to a function takes parameters a, b and c, and returns body.

  • [local [f a b c] body] Define a local variable f, and set it to a function takes parameters a, b and c, and returns body.

  • [define pattern value] Assign value to pattern, and declare all variables occurred in pattern as local constant. Function call patterns are not supported here. Function call patterns are not directly supported here, but can be used as sub-pattern.

  • [local pattern value] Assign value to pattern, and declare all variables occurred in pattern as local variable. Function call patterns are not directly supported here, but can be used as sub-pattern.

  • [lambda [a b c] body] Returns a function which takes parameters a, b and c, and returns body.

  • [set pattern value]: Set pattern value to value. Function call patterns are not directly supported here, but can be used as sub-pattern.

  • [begin a b ... z]: Evaluate a, b, ..., z in order and return z's value.


The Patrisika Example Language







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