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this repo consists of several tools dedicated to custom BIG DATA tools.

Deploying metamap on Google Cloud Storage

Following scripts are used to deploy METAMAP on clusters


To instal and run metamap, you'll need to install the compression tool bzip2. On linux type machine, you'll run

apt-get install bzip2

The metamap running scripts relie on a 32bits script. Any 64bits computer that does not support 32bits will fail to launch metamap. For instance, on a linux type machine, you have to install the GNU C development libraries.

dpkg --add-architecture i386 
apt-get install libc6:i386 // ubuntu distro
dpkg --add-architecture i386 
apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 // debian distro

runnning the scripts

  1. providing correct flags to -o, --os : stands for the OS : it can be either linux, darwin (OSX) -y, --year : stands for the 4 digits year of the package -h, --help : stands for help (no information yet)

the you'll have to run ./ -o $OS -y $year

  • Windows is not supported the same process needs to be done for win32

after ensuring you have correctly installed the bdutil tool porvided by Google Cloud, you can run this

./bdutil -P metamap -b metamap_hd -u run_command --\ ./ -o $OS -y $year # -P is the prefix, here metamap and -b the name of your google cloud bucket, here metamap_hd

this will deploy on all the whole cluser. If needed, you can deploy more strictly by specifying the -t (--target) flag, wihch must be one of the following [master|workers|all].

** Remark ** we are supposing you are using the bdutil google cloud deployment. If you are using the more recent dataproc, then you'll have to use the

  1. running

you'll have to set the same flags are those of, so running then you'll have to run

./ -o $OS -y $year

  1. starting and stopping servers

you'll have to provide the year flag of the distribution : -y, --year : stands for the 4 digits year of the package

this script starts or stops the SKR/Medpost Tagger server, the Word Sense Disambiguation server, and the MM server.

to start servers, run sudo -y start

to stop servers, run sudo -y stop

  1. using puppet

User can use any favorite culster management tool, Ansible, Chef or whatever. Here, we make the choice of using puppet. User will have to install on the cluster, and then all the deployment routine occurs : so that metamap is intalled on all the nodes and, to the only condition the installation is correct, then the metamap servers are ran.

To run the manifest, User has to go the /path/to/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests and then run sudo puppet apply site.pp, and all the magic happens ;) For example on a linux machine, this path is /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests

In the modules folder, one find the scripts that will be synced on all agents and the two main modules, namely metamap where all the metamap installation logic appears and servers well all the servers kick-off happens. We use facter to apply the main server commands. For now, to stop the server, User will have to

  • edit the /path/to/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/servers/lib/facter/commands.rb file and change start to stop
  • run export FACTER_order=stop
  • apply the manifest again sudo puppet apply site.pp in /path/to/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests

We let in place some test_*.pp manfest file for debug purpose.

** Remark ** The usability of server "start and stop" commands need to be improved

cluster synchronisation

Our main tool is `puppet`. First, you have got to install puppet on the master node of the cluster. Then add the manifest `site.pp` we provide in the manifet folder.
In general, this folder is `/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests` - for a `debian` machine. When puppet is ran the necessary packages will be installed 
all across the nodes, the `metamap` packages, that are already installed in the master node will be synced on the workers and the metamap servers will be kicked to start.
We provide also some custom base to do sync, for a handmade scripts. `` is intended to allow synchronization on some range of workers. This is not provided by `bdutils`. (this needs improvement to target nodes by name and range).

filtering and metamap processing

Clinical Trials is the database from which extracting the datasets.

filter_trials deals with filtering each trial.

metaprocess_trials applies UMLS ontology. the metamap api is called setting this options

By default, the options called are

-A -V USAbase -J acab,anab,comd,cgab,dsyn,emod,inpo,mobd,neop,patf,sosy

To pass any other options, for example -y -Z 2014AB, add this as the last argument of program arguments.

avrosation_trials deals combines filtering and metamap processing in two bound mapreduce jobs. the input format is avro, better suited for large number of small xml files.

for the moment, there are two way of running avrosation_trials from the main method of or the last one uses hadoop chaining. it must be more efficient. need to be benchmarked

Remark avrosation_trials contains 2 classes, namely AvroReader and Avrowriter that strictly supports transformation of the large number of xml files into one Avro container large file. this can be built and extracted as a separated jar.

spark-filter_trials is the same trivial tool than filter_trials, except it runs with spark. To submit the spark job, you have to run

spark-submit --master yarn --class filter.ParseXML --packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:1.0.0 $some_path/target/spark-filter-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar $some_file_.avro some_output_dir

we assume here that you added spark-submit to your $PATH


  • First, the $some_file_.avro and some_output_dir are located in your distributed storage.

  • Second, in some case, it might be necessary to add jars to this command, especially for MetaMapApiand prologbeans jar files. So that you should add the --jars flag to this command : spark-submit --master yarn --class org.avrosation.filter.ParseXML --jars /path/to/MetaMapApi.jar,/path/to/prologbeans.jar --packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:1.0.0 $some_path/target/spark-filter-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar $some_file_.avro some_output_dir

spark-metaprocess_trials is the same trivial tool than metaprocess_trials, except it runs with spark. To submit, the command is

spark-submit --master yarn —-class 
metamap.MetaProcess —-jars $some_path/target/spark-metamap-process.jar $some_file_input.txt $some_file_input.txt output_files

This command can be eventually completed by the following arguments --num-executors number_of_executors --executor-cores number_of_cores

  • The follwing issue can occur after wrapping the java code into the jar file and then submit the command :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes

Then , we suggest the followong treatment of the jar file : `zip -d yourjar.jar 'META-INF/.SF' 'META-INF/.RSA' 'META-INF/*SF'

BMJ scraping

in the src/ directory, you'll find the BMJ Open Access scrapper.


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