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Merge pull request cms-sw#6938 from mkirsano/new_residualdecay
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new residualdecay
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cmsbuild authored and bendavid committed Jan 12, 2015
1 parent af1d290 commit 4824b79
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Showing 3 changed files with 253 additions and 57 deletions.
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/plugins/HepMCA2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
// HepMC2.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2014 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.

// Author: Mikhail Kirsanov,
// Header file and function definitions for the Pythia8ToHepMC class,
// which converts a PYTHIA event record to the standard HepMC format.

#ifndef Pythia8_HepMCA2_H
#define Pythia8_HepMCA2_H

#include <vector>
#include "HepMC/IO_BaseClass.h"
#include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h"
#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
#include "HepMC/Units.h"
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"

namespace HepMC {


// The Pythia8ToHepMCA class.

class Pythia8ToHepMCA : public IO_BaseClass {


// Constructor and destructor.
Pythia8ToHepMCA() : m_internal_event_number(0),
m_print_inconsistency(true), m_free_parton_warnings(true),
m_crash_on_problem(false), m_convert_gluon_to_0(false) {;}
virtual ~Pythia8ToHepMCA() {;}

// Alternative method to convert Pythia events into HepMC ones.
bool append_event( Pythia8::Event& pyev, GenEvent* evt, GenParticle* rootpart);

// Read out values for some switches.
bool print_inconsistency() const {return m_print_inconsistency;}
bool free_parton_warnings() const {return m_free_parton_warnings;}
bool crash_on_problem() const {return m_crash_on_problem;}
bool convert_gluon_to_0() const {return m_convert_gluon_to_0;}

// Set values for some switches.
void set_print_inconsistency(bool b = true) {m_print_inconsistency = b;}
void set_free_parton_warnings(bool b = true) {m_free_parton_warnings = b;}
void set_crash_on_problem(bool b = false) {m_crash_on_problem = b;}
void set_convert_gluon_to_0(bool b = false) {m_convert_gluon_to_0 = b;}


// Following methods are not implemented for this class.
virtual bool fill_next_event( GenEvent* ) { return 0; }
virtual void write_event( const GenEvent* ) {;}

// Use of copy constructor is not allowed.
Pythia8ToHepMCA( const Pythia8ToHepMCA& ) : IO_BaseClass() {;}

// Data members.
int m_internal_event_number;
bool m_print_inconsistency, m_free_parton_warnings,
m_crash_on_problem, m_convert_gluon_to_0;



// Main method to append PYTHIA event to HepMC event.
// Read one event from Pythia8, append GenEvent
// and return T/F = success/failure.

inline bool Pythia8ToHepMCA::append_event( Pythia8::Event& pyev, GenEvent* evt, GenParticle* rootpart) {

// 1. Error if no event passed.
if (!evt) {
std::cerr << "Pythia8ToHepMCA::fill_next_event error - passed null event."
<< std::endl;
return 0;

// Conversion factors from Pythia units GeV and mm to HepMC ones.
double momFac = HepMC::Units::conversion_factor(HepMC::Units::GEV,
double lenFac = HepMC::Units::conversion_factor(HepMC::Units::MM,

GenVertex* prod_vtx0 = new GenVertex();
prod_vtx0->add_particle_in( rootpart );
evt->add_vertex( prod_vtx0 );

// 2. Create a particle instance for each entry and fill a map, and
// a vector which maps from the particle index to the GenParticle address.
std::vector<GenParticle*> hepevt_particles( pyev.size() );
for (int i = 2; i < pyev.size(); ++i) {

// Fill the particle.

hepevt_particles[i] = new GenParticle(
FourVector( momFac * pyev[i].px(), momFac * pyev[i].py(),
momFac * pyev[i].pz(), momFac * pyev[i].e() ),
pyev[i].id(), pyev[i].statusHepMC() );
hepevt_particles[i]->set_generated_mass( momFac * pyev[i].m() );

// Colour flow uses index 1 and 2.
int colType = pyev[i].colType();
if (colType == 1 || colType == 2)
hepevt_particles[i]->set_flow(1, pyev[i].col());
if (colType == -1 || colType == 2)
hepevt_particles[i]->set_flow(2, pyev[i].acol());

// 3. Loop over particles AGAIN, this time creating vertices.
// We build the production vertex for each entry in hepevt.
// The HEPEVT pointers are bi-directional, so gives decay vertices as well.
for (int i = 2; i < pyev.size(); ++i) {
GenParticle* p = hepevt_particles[i];

// 3a. Search to see if a production vertex already exists.
std::vector<int> mothers = pyev[i].motherList();

unsigned int imother = 0;
int mother = -1; // note that in Pythia8 there is a particle number 0!
if ( !mothers.empty() ) mother = mothers[imother];
GenVertex* prod_vtx = p->production_vertex();
while ( !prod_vtx && mother > 0 ) {
if(mother == 1) {
prod_vtx = rootpart->end_vertex();
} else {
prod_vtx = hepevt_particles[mother]->end_vertex();
if ( prod_vtx ) prod_vtx->add_particle_out( p );
mother = ( ++imother < mothers.size() ) ? mothers[imother] : -1;

// 3b. If no suitable production vertex exists - and the particle has
// at least one mother or position information to store - make one.
FourVector prod_pos( lenFac * pyev[i].xProd(), lenFac * pyev[i].yProd(),
lenFac * pyev[i].zProd(), lenFac * pyev[i].tProd() );
if ( !prod_vtx && ( mothers.size() > 0 || prod_pos != FourVector() ) ) {
prod_vtx = new GenVertex();
prod_vtx->add_particle_out( p );
evt->add_vertex( prod_vtx );

// 3c. If prod_vtx doesn't already have position specified, fill it.
if ( prod_vtx && prod_vtx->position() == FourVector() )
prod_vtx->set_position( prod_pos );

// 3d. loop over mothers to make sure their end_vertices are consistent.
imother = 0;
mother = -1;
if ( !mothers.empty() ) mother = mothers[imother];
while ( prod_vtx && mother > 0 ) {

// If end vertex of the mother isn't specified, do it now.
GenParticle* ppp;
if(mother == 1) ppp = rootpart;
if(mother > 1) ppp = hepevt_particles[mother];

if ( !ppp->end_vertex() ) {
prod_vtx->add_particle_in( ppp );

// Problem scenario: the mother already has a decay vertex which
// differs from the daughter's production vertex. This means there is
// internal inconsistency in the HEPEVT event record. Print an error.
// Note: we could provide a fix by joining the two vertices with a
// dummy particle if the problem arises often.
} else if (ppp->end_vertex() != prod_vtx ) {
if ( m_print_inconsistency ) std::cerr
<< "HepMC::Pythia8ToHepMC: inconsistent mother/daugher "
<< "information in Pythia8 event " << std::endl
<< "i = " << i << " mother = " << mother
<< "\n This warning can be turned off with the "
<< "Pythia8ToHepMC::print_inconsistency switch." << std::endl;

// End of vertex-setting loops.
mother = ( ++imother < mothers.size() ) ? mothers[imother] : -1;

// 4. Check for particles which come from nowhere, i.e. are without
// mothers or daughters. These need to be attached to a vertex, or else
// they will never become part of the event.
for (int i = 2; i < pyev.size(); ++i) {
if ( !hepevt_particles[i]->end_vertex() &&
!hepevt_particles[i]->production_vertex() ) {
std::cerr << "hanging particle " << i << std::endl;
GenVertex* prod_vtx = new GenVertex();
prod_vtx->add_particle_out( hepevt_particles[i] );
evt->add_vertex( prod_vtx );

// Also check for free partons (= gluons and quarks; not diquarks?).
if ( m_free_parton_warnings ) {
if ( hepevt_particles[i]->pdg_id() == 21 &&
!hepevt_particles[i]->end_vertex() ) {
std::cerr << "gluon without end vertex " << i << std::endl;
if ( m_crash_on_problem ) exit(1);
if ( abs(hepevt_particles[i]->pdg_id()) <= 6 &&
!hepevt_particles[i]->end_vertex() ) {
std::cerr << "quark without end vertex " << i << std::endl;
if ( m_crash_on_problem ) exit(1);

// Done.
return true;



} // end namespace HepMC

#endif // end Pythia8_HepMCA2_H

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