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Game of Thrones - Graph

This is a sample PoC utilising Gremlin. I built this on top of Cosmos DB in Azure, but any Gremlin-compatible endpoint should work.

Note: the datasets aren't complete by any means, but it is good enough to get started; please feel free to submit a PR with updates!


Getting started

  • Edit config.js with your Cosmos DB endpoint and primary key
  • Run npm install to get the required modules
  • Run node app.js to upload the dataset

Sample queries

g.V() : get all vertices

g.V('jon_snow'): get a particular vertex by ID

g.V().hasLabel('house').values('name', 'words') : filter vertices and select specific properties

g.V('margaery_tyrell').both('marriage') : explore relationships both inbound and outbound

g.V().hasLabel('person').order().by(outE('killed').count(), decr) : all people, in descending order by number of people they've killed

g.V('cersei_lannister').outE('killed').inV().values('name') : the names that a particular person has killed

g.V('cersei_lannister').outE('killed').inV().outE('blood').inV() : the houses of the people killed by a person; good for identifying feuds!

g.V().hasLabel('person').group().by('seasonOfDeath').by(count()) : the number of deaths per season

g.V('cersei_lannister').until(has('name','jon_snow').or().loops().is(30)).repeat(out()).path().by('name').simplePath() : identify a path between two people, based on the defined relationships


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