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A highly available PostgreSQL cluster with Consul, HAProxy and Kubernetes

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HA PostgreSQL on Kubernetes

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This project serves as a proof of concept for a highly available PostgreSQL setup using Consul, HAProxy, and Kubernetes. Helm is used to package and install the solution to K8s. Moreover, a Travis CI build is set up, which installs minikube, builds the docker images, deploys the chart, and finally runs integration tests simulating different failure scenarios.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Implementation
  3. Demo
  4. Migration & Upgrades
  5. Configuration


The setup features the following:

  • A db cluster with two pods at least (StatefulSet), one acting as master and the rest as standbys (streaming replication).
  • Which db pod gets to be master is based on leader election implemented using Consul. (guide)
  • Automatic failover in case the master db's health checks fail.
  • A ClusterIP service to be used by clients, backed by a lb cluster with two pods at least (ReplicaSet).
  • A lb port that forwards traffic to the current master, and is to be used for writing/replication by clients/standbys.
  • Another lb port that distributes traffic among the healthy standbys, and is to be used for read-only queries.
  • Zero downtime migration/upgrades through logical replication.


A database pod consists of the following containers:

  • postgres: the PostgreSQL database process.
  • consul: a Consul agent running in client mode.
  • controller: a multithreaded process written in Python that monitors the local postgres db, participates in leader election, and maintains/exposes the state of the pod.

On the other hand, a loadbalancer pod runs the following containers:

  • haproxy: listens for client connections, and proxies them to the appropriate db pods.
  • consul: the Consul agent running in client mode.
  • consul-template: watches the state in Consul for db cluster changes, and configures the local haproxy accordingly.

Within the db pod, the controller has the following responsibilities:

  • Executes the health checks, postgresAlive and postgresStandbyReplication, for the local db and updates Consuls' checks accordingly. In case the master db pod fails the alive check, Consul would then release the leadership lock, allowing any healthy standby db pod to take over the master/leader role.
  • Monitors the election status and constantly tries to acquire the leadership lock. If acquired, it promotes the standby db to master by executing pg_promote().
  • Exposes the health status via an HTTP endpoint /controller/ready, which is used as a readiness probe by K8s, and as a health check by the lb.
  • Exposes the role via HTTP endpoint /controller/role, that is queried by the db container during startup, and would answer with one of the following:
    • Master, which causes the db to start as a normal master, and execute init scripts if needed.
    • Replica, which causes the db to create a base backup of the current master (to be used as the starting point for streaming replication), and start in standby mode.
    • DeadMaster, which causes the db container to block during startup/restarts.

The haproxy within the lb pod listens on the following ports:

  • *:5432, which directs traffic to the master backend.
  • *:5433, which balances connections among pods within the standby backend (leastconn algorithm).
  •, which exposes the Runtime API/stats socket for configuring HAProxy (admin level).
  • *:9999, which exposes a user level stats socket, and allows querying statistics only.

The haproxy backends are configured by consul-template. It monitors the election key service/postgres/master, and updates the master backend in case the key's content changes (through the Runtime API). It also queries Consul for healthy postgres services, and updates the standby backend accordingly (excluding the current master from the list).

Additionally, haproxy monitors the health of the db pods (exposed by their controller) to determine whether to keep connections open or not. This is needed in order to force clients/slaves to retry connecting to the new master in case of a failover, or to another standby in case the one they were using experiences issues.

Finally, deleting a dead master db pod, would spawn a new one whose init container clean-data would block if the db's PersistentVolume contains data. This way, the cluster's admin would get a chance to clean up the PV, signal the init container to proceed, and then the db pod would start as a standby with a clean filesystem.


To test the setup locally, the following needs to be present/installed:

  • Docker (used version 19.03.8-ce).
  • Minikube (used version 1.9.2, with none driver).
  • Kubernetes (used version 1.18.1).
  • Helm (used version 3.1.2).

After installing the requirements listed above, do the following:

  1. Clone the repository, and navigate to the clone directory.
  2. Run the chart deployment script with the namespace to use:
    ./scripts/ demo-ns
    This script would build the docker images, create the namespace (recreate if it exists), install the helm chart there, and wait for the cluster to be ready. At the end, it would output the pods in the namespace:
    NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    consul-0            1/1     Running   0          114s
    consul-1            1/1     Running   0          106s
    consul-2            1/1     Running   0          101s
    ha-postgres-0       3/3     Running   0          114s
    ha-postgres-1       3/3     Running   0          58s
    ha-postgres-2       3/3     Running   0          34s
    postgres-lb-gbqb8   3/3     Running   0          114s
    postgres-lb-rpcvf   3/3     Running   0          114s
  3. Start the demo script with the created namespace:
    ./scripts/ demo-ns
    This script would create a test table in the db, and keep inserting records (using the lb's ClusterIP service). It would also monitor the state of the cluster, output several stats, and keep refreshing them:
    Stats (LB/DB stats are refreshed every 10 insert attempts!)
      Client inserts: 247 attempts, 0 failed
      ha-postgres-0 | master  | t       | 240     | f
      ha-postgres-1 | standby | t       | 240     | t
      ha-postgres-2 | standby | t       | 240     | t
  4. In another terminal, overload the master db's cpu as follows:
    kubectl -n demo-ns exec -it ha-postgres-0 -c postgres -- bash
    apt-get update
    apt-get install -y stress
    stress --cpu 1000 -t 20s
    Notice that the client inserts started to fail, and shortly, one of the standbys would be promoted to master, while the other would start replicating from it:
    Stats (LB/DB stats are refreshed every 10 insert attempts!)
      Client inserts: 384 attempts, 37 failed
      ha-postgres-0 | -       | -       | 282     | f
      ha-postgres-1 | master  | t       | 343     | f
      ha-postgres-2 | standby | t       | 343     | t
  5. Now that the old master is down, the cluster admin needs to delete the pod, and clean its PV as follows:
    kubectl -n demo-ns delete pod ha-postgres-0
    # Wait for the replacement pod to be created
    kubectl -n demo-ns exec -it ha-postgres-0 -c clean-data -- sh
    rm -rf /pgdata/*
    touch /proceed
    The pod would then start as a standby, and catch up with the replication:
    Stats (LB/DB stats are refreshed every 10 insert attempts!)
      Client inserts: 734 attempts, 37 failed
      ha-postgres-0 | standby | t       | 693     | t
      ha-postgres-1 | master  | t       | 693     | f
      ha-postgres-2 | standby | t       | 693     | t

Migration & Upgrades

The initial migration to this chart, or in-place upgrades to PostgreSQL, would incur some downtime due to the following reasons:

  • Clients won't be able to execute write queries during a master db restart.
  • PostgreSQL db files are incompatible with newer major versions.
  • Since applications tend to pool db connections, properly draining those connections before restarting the db would be challenging.

To overcome the above issues, and with zero downtime, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Create a new db cluster with the new version/changes.
  2. Configure the new db cluster to logically replicate from the existing one (referred to as "seed db").
  3. Wait for the replication to catch up.
  4. Perform an application failover, i.e., set them to use the new db cluster.
  5. Destroy the seed db cluster.

This chart allows configuring a seed db through the db.seedDb.* parameters (refer to the configuration section below). Setting the would cause the master to create a subscription during initialization with the configured values.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
db.clusterSize Db StatefulSet replicas 3 Db host to seed/logically replicate from nil
db.seedDb.port Seed db port nil Seed db name nil
db.seedDb.user Seed db user nil
db.seedDb.password Seed db password nil
db.seedDb.publication Seed db publication name nil
db.postgres.image Postgres container image
ha-postgres:12.2 Postgres db name postgres Postgres super user's name postgres Postgres super user's password su123
db.postgres.users.replication.password Postgres replication user's password rep123
db.postgres.settings Postgres additional system settings
{"wal_keep_segments": 10}
db.postgres.resources Postgres container resources
{"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "512Mi"}} Postgres data PV storage class nil Postgres data PV size 1Gi
db.controller.image Controller container image
db.controller.checkInterval Controller time interval (in seconds) between two consecutive health/leader election checks 10
db.controller.connectTimeout Controller timeout (in seconds) for connecting to postgres during health checks 1
db.controller.aliveCheckFailureThreshold Controller number of consecutive failures for the alive health check to be considered failed 1
db.controller.standbyReplicationCheckFailureThreshold Controller number of consecutive failures for the standby replication health check to be considered failed 4
db.controller.consulKeyPrefix Controller Consul key path prefix to use for the election key or for storing state ha-postgres
db.controller.resources Controller container resources
{"limits": {"cpu": "250m", "memory": "64Mi"}}
db.cleanData.image CleanData container image
db.cleanData.resources CleanData container resources
{"limits": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "64Mi"}}
lb.clusterSize Lb ReplicaSet replicas 2
lb.service Lb ClusterIP service name postgres
lb.masterDbPort Lb port that forwards traffic to the current master 5432
lb.standbyDbPort Lb port that distributes traffic among the healthy standbys 5433
lb.maxNumberOfStandbys Maximum number of standbys that the cluster could ever have 10
lb.haproxy.image HAProxy container image
lb.haproxy.timeouts.connect HAProxy connection attempt timeout 2s HAProxy maximum inactivity time set on the client & server sides 30m
lb.haproxy.statsPort HAProxy user level stats socket TCP port 9999
lb.haproxy.livenessProbe HAProxy container liveness probe additional settings
{"initialDelaySeconds": 10}
lb.haproxy.readinessProbe HAProxy container readiness probe additional settings
{"failureThreshold": 1}
lb.haproxy.resources HAProxy container resources
{"limits": {"cpu": "150m", "memory": "256Mi"}}
lb.consulTemplate.image ConsulTemplate container image
lb.consulTemplate.resources ConsulTemplate container resources
{"limits": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "64Mi"}}
consul.image Consul container image
consul.server.clusterSize Consul server StatefulSet replicas 3
consul.server.service Consul server headless service name consul
consul.server.livenessProbe Consul server container liveness probe additional settings
{"initialDelaySeconds": 60}
consul.server.resources Consul server container resources
{"limits": {"cpu": "250m", "memory": "128Mi"}} Consul server data PV storage class nil Consul server data PV size 100Mi
consul.client.resources Consul client container resources
{"limits": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "64Mi"}}

Moreover, placing .sh/.sql scripts in the chart's folder files/postgres-init-scripts, would cause the master to execute them during initialization.


A highly available PostgreSQL cluster with Consul, HAProxy and Kubernetes






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