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Parts comments and code into a data structure with htmlParser2 for html and line based comment parsing for everything else. code-part tracks starting line numbers for each code section so it's possible to add line numbers if you plan to use a syntax highlighter like google-code-prettify to display your code.

code-part's code for line based parsing was modified from docco. This code base does not include docco. The only current dependencies are htmlParser2, lodash and dox.

Comment support for everything except html only extracts comments at the beginning of the line and only the single line version of the languages comment. For example /* not extracted */ does not get extracted but // extracted does.

The dox version does the opposite. Skipping line based comments and parsing only multi-line based. Obviously dox only works with JavaScript.

To see a list of the languages supported by the line based parsing have a look at resources/languages.json.


  var part = require('code-part');

  // Path is used to decide which parser to use
  // (html or lineBased currently) and decides comment
  // parsing in lineBased.
  part(path, code, config, function (err, sections) {

  // If code is null, the specified path is assumed
  // to be a path on the file system and is read in
  // with `readFileSync`.


  part(path, code, {
    // Options used when parsing html.
    // By default the parser will skip comments that start with
    // `<!--[`. Set to `true` to include these as comments.
    noSkipDirectives: false, // default

    // Used instead of path's extension when determining
    // the parser (html or lineBased). Also used in the
    // lineBased parser.
    // when looking up comment markers and deciding if it
    // is literate (litcoffee).
    extension: '.css'
  }, callback);


  • input:
/** a comment
 * @api private
// another comment
somecode = 1;
someothercode = 2;
  • output:
{ split: 
   [ { docsText: '',
       docsLine: 1,
       codeText: '/** a comment\n * @api private\n */\n',
       codeLine: 1 },
     { docsText: 'another comment\n',
       docsLine: 4,
       codeText: 'somecode = 1;\nsomeothercode = 2;\n',
       codeLine: 5 } ],
   [ { tags: [ { type: 'api', visibility: 'private' } ],
        { full: 'a comment',
          summary: 'a comment',
          body: '' },
       isPrivate: true,
       isConstructor: false,
       isEvent: false,
       ignore: false,
       line: 1,
       codeStart: 4,
       code: '// another comment\nsomecode = 1;\nsomeothercode = 2;',
       ctx: undefined } ] }
  • input:
// comment 1
var code = 1;
// comment 2
if (code) code += 1
  • output:
{ split: 
   [ { docsText: 'comment 1\n',
       docsLine: 1,
       codeText: 'var code = 1;\n',
       codeLine: 2 },
     { docsText: 'comment 2\n',
       docsLine: 3,
       codeText: 'if (code) code += 1\n',
       codeLine: 4 } ],
   [ { tags: [],
       description: { full: '', summary: '', body: '' },
       isPrivate: false,
       isConstructor: false,
       line: 1,
       codeStart: NaN,
       code: '// comment 1\nvar code = 1;\n// comment 2\nif (code) code += 1',
       ctx: undefined } ] }
  • input:
  <!-- title part -->
  <head><title> title </title></head>
  <!-- main body -->
  <h1>hello world</h1>
<!-- the end -->


{ split: 
   [ { docsText: '',
       docsLine: 1,
       codeText: '<html>\n  ',
       codeLine: 1 },
     { docsText: 'title part',
       docsLine: 2,
       codeText: '\n  <head><title> title </title></head>\n<body>\n  ',
       codeLine: 3 },
     { docsText: 'main body',
       docsLine: 5,
       codeText: '\n  <h1>hello world</h1>\n',
       codeLine: 6 },
     { docsText: 'the end',
       docsLine: 7,
       codeText: '\n</body>\n</html>\n',
       codeLine: 8 } ] }


It is possible to use jade, but multi-line comments are not supported.


  // comment 1
    // comment 2
    title A Title

Not Supported:

    This is a
    multi-line comment
    and is not supported
    title Another Title

Neither is CoffeeScript multi line ### comment.


  • Multi-line comment parsing like jade comments.


Copyright (C) 2014 Scott Beck, all rights reserved

Licensed under the MIT license


Parts comments and code with htmlParser2 for html and docco for everything else







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