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GCAM Special Edition - version 2020.05.13

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@blinkenlight blinkenlight released this 13 May 18:04
· 1 commit to master since this release

What's new

For the list of changes, please see the latest changelog in the repository's master branch

Installing on Linux

Unfortunately there are no pre-built binaries for Linux at this time. However, once the dependencies (the tools "autoconf" and "libtool" and the libraries "libgtk2.0-dev" and "libgtkglext1-dev") are installed, it should be straightforward to build directly from source with the usual "autoreconf -visf", "./configure", "make" and "make install".

Installing on Windows

The zipped "win32" package below should work on Windows XP / Windows 7 etc. either 32 or 64 bit - no installation required, just unpack anywhere and run.