paz is a simple packaging and deployment tool for PHP projects on Windows Azure.
Given a simple application needing only a webrole, paz will automagically convert the application from a regular application folder to a Windows Azure application package ready to upload or run in the local development environment
Very Beta Project! Understand that this project is in a very early development phase. Please report all bugs and/or feature requests on the Github project issue tracker
paz relies on the Windows Azure SDK for PHP being installed correctly. See
Want to contribute? Please keep all code in this single self contained file :)
help - Display this menu
in - Source of PHP project
out - Output of Windows Azure package. If not specified the project directory from -in will be used
dev - If flag present local development environment will be used
noSDK - If present will not copy the Windows Azure SDK for PHP Microsoft folder to project
sdkPath - Override default Windows Azure SDK for PHP path if not default install
tempBuild - Override the temp build location
Windows: - Download paz - Extract the files to C:\Program Files\paz - Add C:\Program Files\paz to your path - Begin using paz from the command line :)
paz support custom ServiceConfiguration.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef files. To use custom files simply place them in the root directory with your PHP files. After paz packages your application they will be removed so that they are not accessible on the website.
NOTE Right now there are a couple startups scripts that MUST be present in the ServiceDefinition.csdef file in order to properly run PHP on Windows Azure. paz will not currently add these back into any custom ServiceDefinition.csdef file. Make sure that you have added them before you attempt to deploy. The section of code you will need is as follows:
For a quick demo I will be using a simple pre-built PHP CMS application that does not require a database, Pluck CMS (
- Install paz, see above if this is not already done
- Download Pluck CMS from
- Extract the Pluck CMS archive to C:\temp\pluck
- Open a command prompt
- Run: paz -in "C:\temp\pluck" -dev -noSDK
-- The -dev flag signals paz to build a package for local development. If this flag is not present a package for the Windows Azure Portal will be created
-- This particular application does not require the Windows Azure SDK for PHP libraries to be included (for connecting to Windows Azure services) so the -noSDK flag has been used
- After paz processes the PHP application and builds a package the default web browser will open and display your application
- When satisfied with the development version you will run the following command to create a package for deployment to Windows Azure
-- paz -in "C:\temp\pluck" -noSDK
That's It!
To create a deployment package in the current directory simply type: paz
To create a deployment package inside of the project directory: paz -in path/to/project
To create a deployment package inside a specific output folder: paz -in path/to/project -out path/to/output
To develop locally using the compute emulator: paz -in path/to/project -dev
To ensure the Windows Azure SDK for PHP libraries are not added by paz: paz -in path/to/project -noSDK
If the Windows Azure SDK for PHP is not installed in the default location: paz -in path/to/project -sdkPath path/to/sdk