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Repository files navigation

For when you have too many issues... too many GitHub issues. And pull requests.


A picture is worth a thousand words: screenshot A view of fragile's own development on

What's it do?

Show the relationships between the core artifacts of an open source project through public APIs TODO: across many data providers.

  • Repos
  • Issues
  • Pull Requests
  • Collaborators
  • TODO: Mailing list threads
  • TODO: wiki pages

How do I use it?

Right now, you can check out the proof-of-concept confections on for IPython and fragile itself.

An open issue is making configs referencable by gist id, like the superb, at which point it will be much easier to add links to new configurations.

Several options for standalone deployment or local usage, are possible, including the original deployment concept as a part of gh-pages, potentially as a submodule.


You don't have to deploy fragile. Getting OAuth working is kind of a pain, and I hope becomes useful. However, the original concept, still supported, is less centralized.

Fragile is a single page app: you can deploy it easily in your gh-pages branch, and once your users sign into github it should automagically pull in the right issues, pull requests and other things from the GitHub API to make your life better.


If you want to use the gh-pages approach, you'll need to register your domain. Otherwise, you'll get nasty XHTTPrequest errors when you try to load the page.


You won't use the client secret received during the registration process unless you actually deploy the OAuth backend... which needs better documentation. The following instructions will work securely with basic auth, as no information is passed to the (fragile) server, but your users will be required to log in with the "keys to the kingdom" on APIs.

Get it

In your repo:

git checkout -b gh-pages    # -b will create it, if you don't have it
mkdir fragile               # or whatever you want to call it
cd fragile
git clone git clone -b gh-pages git:// . 
rm -rf .git                 # whoa, watch out, there
git add fragile
git commit -m "enabling ticket pull request fusion goodness"
git push origin gh-pages

Then go to your GitHub page, login and BOOM!

Customization with fragile.json

Fragile should handle the sunny day pretty easily: serving from GitHub Pages on the single repo you want to view. However, if you have a more complicated setup (multiple repositories in an organization, perhaps), Fragile can meet your needs without any javascript hackery. Create a fragile.json next to index.html, and fiddle with the things you see below.


Default: the title of the repo from which GitHub Page it is served A nice little title that gets added up in the top right. Also rocks it into the footer with a snazzy ©. Man, I wish my keyboard had an © key. I would © everything.

  "title": "My Repo"


Default: the repo from which GitHub Page it is served

A list of repositories to track. If specified, you won't get the "default" repo (the one you are looking at), so make sure to put that one in.

  "repositories": ["user/repo", "other-user/other-repo"]

Future Feature: show more than master

By default, you'll get the master for each of your repos. If this is not cool, like you use a devel branch for pull requests, you can use it like this:

   "repositories": {
     "user/repo": "master",
     "other-user/other-repo": ["master", "devel"]


Default: the folks listed as collaborators on the repos(s)

All developers are created equal... except for some, who are more equal: they can commit to the offical repo. Several of the columns light up collaborators who are doing stuff on tickets and pull requests. If you want to set this manually, you'll get what you ask for.

  "collaborators": ["user1", "user2"]


Default: the distributed what is fragile intro

A path to an SVG file (probably needs to be relative), such as can be made with the excellent Inkscape. It has a few configurations styles:


  "landing": "landing.svg"

TODO: build


Will load landing.svg, then wait for the user to click before hiding landing.svg and showing thankyou.svg. You can split PDFs, such as could be printed from LibreOffice then converted into SVG with Inkscape or pdf2svg.

Single Inkscape SVG Build

If a landing SVG uses the inkscape namespace sodipodi, and you specify an empty list, the Inkscape layers will be built at a nice 3 second delay.

if you specify a number of seconds, it will wait that long instead of 3 seconds.


Multiple Customizations

The easiest way to have multiple customized setups is by using the ? in the address bar. For example: will pick load ipython.json.

TODO: The browser will remember your previous setups in localStorage.

What is this repo?

Even though Fragile is just HTML and JavaScript, I still haven't found the love that is node.js development: this is my cut-down development stack based on Flask that lets me use Jinja templates and python for sysadmin tasks as a build system for an optimized web app.

This repo will maintain the development process: code, build, test, documentation and design. A separate effort, providing feature input to this one, is described in the Roadmap.


Let's make this awesomer!


Make an issue for questions you'd want to be able see visually answered, and we'll see if we can't do it!


I am still working on the dev documentation! I feel like the process is still a little weird to generate the static pages.

Pull requests welcome! Custom handlers, new ways to view the repo structure, better tests & documentation, an OAuth backend, anything that you think would make Fragile cooler.

It would be great if you pushed your Fragile to the gh-pages of a project you care about as a test case.


This project sprang from general interest in open source projects, but also to support ongoing research into free/libre open source communities. One short-term goal in forming the bulk of the experimentation data for a paper/competition entry/workshop at one or more conferences.

The current goal is to structure a monthly release cycle around the lifecycle of the conference schedules: while the user is king, certain features may be prioritized to support experiments and visualization techniques. The research for the documents will be managed in a separate repo on GitHub.


Proof of concept

See Future Features


Start of Conferences

Future Features

See issues/pull requests. Maybe on the demo?


Successful free software projects grow, sometimes primarily because they are on high-involvement sites like GitHub or SourceForge! At scale, the management of issues and pull requests can become daunting, especially if multiple core developers are involved. From Carreau on ipython-dev:

I think the problem is you don't really know who is responsible for which
PR/issue, so you lost time wondering whether you have to be involved,
or if you are in a good place to review. 

The longer part is to read the PR, unpacked the new UV laser, and wondering
what the other dev thought about that are. I miss a small "involvement
indicator" on PR that say "involved"/"neutral"/"don't care" on the side to
know which PR I should take care of.

Also the "who agree for merging" is a little confusing sometime.
I would like a "ok to merge" button, that you just click and you get the
count of +1 vote that goes back to 0 if a new commit
is pushed.

I think this would highly improved the merging /review rate with :

 * This pr has 3 "merge ok", I just have to read add mine and I can merge.
 * This PR has already 2 dev with are "involved" I can worry of others.
 * This one has nobody I'll look after it.


I want more lasers in my development!

Free Software, Thanks!

Fragile is free for you to use and extend under the terms of the MIT License. Its development would not be possible without the help of the many libraries and frameworks it uses.




Name Origin


Walter and the Dude walk to the Dude's car.  The Pomeranian 
trots happily behind Walter who totes the empty carrier.

      Walter, you can't do that.  These 
      guys're like me, they're pacificists.  
      Smokey was a conscientious objector.

      You know Dude, I myself dabbled with 
      pacifism at one point.  Not in Nam, 
      of course--

      And you know Smokey has emotional 

      You mean--beyond pacifism?

      He's fragile, man!  He's very fragile!


About is a browser-based app for visualizing the relationships between the community artifacts of open source project such as repos, issues, pull requests and collaborators.







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