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bolme edited this page Jul 31, 2014 · 1 revision

###Help wanted

PyVision is currently looking for people to write maintain installation guides for different platforms: Linux, Windows XP, Windows Vista, MacOS X. If you would like to maintain documentation for any of these platforms or just have some notes that would help others out please post to the Help Forum.

If you have a vision algorithm that solves a common problem and would like to add it to this library let us know on the [ "Help Forum"].

###David Bolme - Creator/Project Lead

Started PyVision. Contributed the initial code including: interfaces to (PIL, SciPy, OpenCV, libsvm), classifier and regression algorithms, analysis classes, face recognition code, and documentation.

###Stephen O'Hara - Contributor and Linux Guinea Pig

Developed Surveillance module, background subtraction and motion detection routines. Made enhancements to the Image and Video modules. Created the Montage class for displaying multiple videos or images in a single window. In my role as the guinea pig, I help identify new use-cases, fix documentation where I find issues, and help ensure that the core library works as well on linux as it does for Mac.