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DynamoDB Update Expressions in Clojure, designed for use with Amazonica.

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DynamoDB’s native update expression syntax requires placeholders be specified for all values and, under some circumstances, for names too. That typically means (in my experience, anyway) verbose, brittle and hard-to-read code.

The nested-map structure also makes these values hard to manipulate in a threading-friendly way.

Contrived, worst-case example: we want to update a customer document, primary key “customer-id”, adding 1 to the auth-attempts key, and setting the nested key to “today”.

Because auth-attempts includes a hyphen, and both call and at are DynamoDB reserved words, we must set name placeholders for them. We might write something like this:

{:key {:customer-id "foo"}
 :update-expression "ADD #auth_attempts :auth_attempts_val SET #call.#at = :call_at_value"
 :expression-attribute-names {"#auth_attempts" "auth-attempts"
                              "#call" "call"
                              "#at" "at"}
 :expression-attribute-values {":auth_attempts_val" 1
                               ":call_at_value" "today"}}

I don’t think that expresses what I’m trying to do very clearly. This library allows you to write instead:

(require '[dynamodb-expression.core :as dx])

  (dx/update-expr {:customer-id "foo"})
  (dx/add :auth-attempts 1)
  (dx/set [:call :at] "today")

Which produces something like the following, applying placeholders for all names. Some indication of where the placeholder came from is retained to help debugging:

 "ADD #nauth_attempts_21478 :vauth_attempts_21478 SET #ncall_21479.#ncall_at_21480 = :vcall_at_21480"
 :key {:customer-id "foo"}
 :expression-attribute-names {"#nauth_attempts_21478" "auth-attempts"
                              "#ncall_at_21480" "at"
                              "#ncall_21479" "call"},
 :expression-attribute-values {":vauth_attempts_21478" 1
                               ":vcall_at_21480" "today"}}

Unsupported Functionality

The following update expression features are not supported (yet!). Raise an issue and/or submit a PR if you need these.

array syntax

There’s no way to access array elements right now.


Nor can you use functions like list_append.

dynamodb Grammar

To test condition expressions without nasty string hacking, there’s a grammar for condition expressions, based on the documentation.


Copyright © 2016 Paul Brabban

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.