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brightbox edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

Rujitsu is a gem of small helper methods to help smooth out your Ruby development day.

Why build it?

When building the Brightbox internal systems, we needed somewhere to store all the little helper methods that would otherwise be copied across different projects, with the subsequent versioning nightmares that that would cause.

What’s the plan?

Errr, we don’t have a roadmap for this gem. Basically we’re going to add stuff in as and when we need it, making sure that these helpers are easily shared between our various projects. If they can help you out as well then that’s even better.

If you’ve got a helper that you think belongs in here then either fork the repository and give us a pull request when you’re ready – or just clone and send us a diff. But remember, we like tests and we like getting the words right (originally Fixnum#random_characters was called String#rand_alphanumeric(length) – 5.random_characters is just sweet though).

Who are you?

We’re Brightbox – a dedicated Rails hosting company based in the North of England.

Why rujitsu?

‘Cos there’s too much “fu” in the world.

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