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we now use travis only for real db tests
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tardyp committed Feb 26, 2017
1 parent a0b355e commit 26ee924
Showing 1 changed file with 10 additions and 89 deletions.
99 changes: 10 additions & 89 deletions .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -21,52 +21,13 @@ python:
- "2.7"

# Configuration when SQLite database is persistent between running tests
# (by default in other tests in-memory SQLite database is used which is
# recreated for each test).
# Helps to detect issues with incorrect database setup/cleanup in tests.
# Configuration that runs tests with real MySQL database
- TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=trial BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL=mysql+mysqldb://travis@
- TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=trial BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL=mysql+mysqldb://travis@
# Configuration that runs tests with real PostgreSQL database with pg8000 and psycopg2 drivers
- TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=trial BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL=postgresql+psycopg2:///bbtest?user=postgres
- TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=trial BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL=postgresql+pg8000:///bbtest?user=postgres

# Test different versions of SQLAlchemy
- TWISTED=15.5.0 SQLALCHEMY=0.8.0 TESTS=trial
- TWISTED=15.5.0 SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=trial

# Configuration to run `python test` to check this test runner.
# - TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=setuppy_test

- $HOME/.cache/pip
- www/base/node_modules
- www/codeparameter/node_modules
- www/console_view/node_modules
- www/waterfall_view/node_modules
- www/nestedexample/node_modules
- www/base/libs
- www/codeparameter/libs
- www/console_view/libs
- www/waterfall_view/libs
- www/nestedexample/libs

fast_finish: true
# Specify SQLALCHEMY=latest to avoid errors installing.
- python: "3.5"
env: TWISTED=trunk TESTS=flake8 SQLALCHEMY=latest

# Tests of buildbot-worker on python 2.6
- python: "2.6"
env: TWISTED=14.0.2 TESTS=trial_worker SQLALCHEMY=latest
# python 3 tests
- python: "3.5"
env: TWISTED=trunk TESTS=trial SQLALCHEMY=latest
# we now use travis only for real database testing
# travis containers do have much more optimized db installations

- TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=coverage BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL=mysql+mysqldb://travis@
# Configuration that runs tests with real PostgreSQL database with pg8000 and psycopg2 drivers
- TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=coverage BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL=postgresql+psycopg2:///bbtest?user=postgres
- TWISTED=latest SQLALCHEMY=latest TESTS=coverage BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL=postgresql+pg8000:///bbtest?user=postgres

# Dependencies installation commands
Expand All @@ -80,38 +41,13 @@ install:
# Install mysqlclient for tests that uses real MySQL
# Install psycopg2 and pg8000 for tests that uses real PostgreSQL
- |
if [ $TESTS = trial -o $TESTS = coverage -o $TESTS = js ]; then
pip install -e pkg \
-e 'master[tls,test]' \
-e 'worker[test]' \
mysqlclient \
psycopg2 \
- |
if [ $TESTS = trial_worker ]; then
pip install -e 'worker[test]'
# install buildbot_www from pip in order to run the www tests
- "if [ $TESTS = trial -o $TESTS = coverage ]; then pip install --pre buildbot_www ; fi"

- "pip install -e worker future"

# Install sphinx so that pylint will be able to import it
- "if [ $TESTS = lint ]; then pip install sphinx ; fi"
# Install docs dependencies for running the tests
# until towncrier toml is released, we need to fetch from git :-/
- "if [ $TESTS = docs ]; then pip install -e './master[docs]' 'git+' ; fi"

# Check that Twisted is not installed during previous steps on setuppy_test configuration.
# In setuppy_test all dependencies should be installed by setuptools during tests.
- "if [ $TESTS = setuppy_test ]; then ! (pip list | grep Twisted) ; fi"
# Automatic installation of autobahn during ` test` fails due to:
- "if [ $TESTS = setuppy_test ]; then pip install autobahn Twisted ; fi"
pg8000 \
# create real MySQL database for tests
Expand All @@ -121,24 +57,10 @@ before_script:

# Tests running commands
# make frontend_install_tests takes 17 min, so we only do it post submit
- "if [ $TESTS = js -a ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} = false ]; then make frontend ; fi"
- "if [ $TESTS = js -a ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} = false ]; then make frontend_install_tests ; fi"
- "if [ $TESTS = trial ]; then trial --reporter=text --rterrors buildbot.test buildbot_worker.test; fi"
- "if [ $TESTS = trial_worker ]; then trial --reporter=text --rterrors buildbot_worker.test; fi"
# run tests under coverage for latest only (it's slower..)
# run real db tests under coverage to have several merging coverage report
- "if [ $TESTS = coverage ]; then coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc $(which trial) --reporter=text --rterrors buildbot.test buildbot_worker.test ; fi"

# Build documentation
- "if [ $TESTS = docs ]; then make docs ; fi"
# Run spell checker on documentation
- "if [ $TESTS = docs ]; then make -C master/docs SPHINXOPTS=-W spelling ; fi"
# Runs Sphinx' external link checker only on post submit build (it is too unstable)
- "if [ $TESTS = docs -a ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} = false ]; then make -C master/docs SPHINXOPTS=-q linkcheck; fi"

- "if [ $TESTS = setuppy_test ]; then (cd master; python test) ; fi"
- "if [ $TESTS = setuppy_test ]; then (cd worker; python test) ; fi"

email: false
Expand All @@ -156,6 +78,5 @@ branches:
- master
- eight
- buildbot-0.9.0
depth: 300

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