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dataService bug fixes and documentation
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tothandras committed Aug 21, 2015
1 parent a57d74d commit 9bea1c3
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Showing 10 changed files with 706 additions and 482 deletions.
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions master/docs/developer/www.rst
Expand Up @@ -617,6 +617,139 @@ Several methods are added to each "restangularized" objects, aside from get(), p
Call the control data api.
This builds up a POST with jsonapi encoded parameters
DataService is the future replacement of BuildbotService for accessing the Buildbot data API.
It has a modern interface for accessing data. It uses IndexedDB for storing cached data as a single data store,
and LocalStorage for broadcasting events between browser tabs. DataService works in a master/slave architecture.
The master browser tab is responsible for keeping the requested data up to date in the IndexedDB and notify slaves when a data is ready to be used or it is updated.
It handles both the Rest API calls and the WebSocket subscriptions globally.
It uses the following libraries:
* Dexie.js ( - Minimalistic IndexedDB API with bulletproof transactions
* Tabex ( - Master election and in browser message bus
The DataService is available as a standalone AngularJS module.
Installation via bower:
.. code-block:: none
bower install buildbot-data --save
Inject the ``bbData`` module to your application:
.. code-block:: javascript
angular.module('myApp', ['bbData'])
* ``.get(endpoint, [id], [query])``: returns a promise<Collection>, when the promise is resolved, the Collection contains all the requested data
* call .getArray() on the returned promise to get the updating Collection before it's filled with the initial data
.. code-block:: coffeescript
# assign builds to $scope.builds once the Collection is filled
dataService.get('builds', builderid: 1).then (builds) ->
$scope.builds = builds
# load steps for every build
builds.forEach (b) -> b.loadSteps()
# assign builds to $scope.builds before the Collection is filled using the .getArray() function
$scope.builds = dataService.get('builds', builderid: 1).getArray()
* ``.getXXX([id], [query])``: returns a promise<Collection>, when the promise is resolved, the Collection contains all the requested data
* it's higly advised to use these instead of the ``.get('string')`` function
* XXX can be the following: Builds, Builders, Buildrequests, Buildsets, Buildslaves, Changes, Changesources, Forceschedulers, Masters, Schedulers, Sourcestamps
* call .getArray() on the returned promise to get the updating Collection before it's filled with the initial data
.. code-block:: coffeescript
# assign builds to $scope.builds once the Collection is filled
dataService.getBuilds(builderid: 1).then (builds) ->
$scope.builds = builds
# load steps for every build
builds.forEach (b) -> b.loadSteps()
# assign builds to $scope.builds before the Collection is filled using the .getArray() function
$scope.builds = dataService.getBuilds(builderid: 1).getArray()
* ``.open(scope)``: returns a DataAccessor, handles bindings, open a new accessor every time you need updating data in a controller
.. code-block:: coffeescript
# open a new accessor every time you need updating data in a controller
class DemoController extends Controller
constructor: ($scope, dataService) ->
# automatically closes all the bindings when the $scope is destroyed
opened =$scope)
# alternative syntax:
# opened =
# opened.closeOnDestroy($scope)
# closing it manually is also possible:
# opened.close()
# request new data, it updates automatically
@builders = opened.getBuilders(limit: 10, order: '-started_at').getArray()
* ``.control(url, method, [params])``: returns a promise, sends a JSON RPC2 POST request to the server
.. code-block:: coffeescript
# open a new accessor every time you need updating data in a controller
dataService.control('Forceschedulers/force', 'force').then (response) ->
, (reason) ->
* ``.clearCache()``: clears the IndexedDB tables and reloads the current page
.. code-block:: coffeescript
class DemoController extends Controller
constructor: (@dataService) ->
onClick: -> @dataService.clearCache()
Methods on the Wrapper classes:
* ``.getXXX([id], [query])``: returns a promise<Collection>, when the promise is resolved, the Collection contains all the requested data
* same as dataService.getXXX, but with relative endpoint
.. code-block:: coffeescript
# assign builds to $scope.builds once the Collection is filled
dataService.getBuilds(builderid: 1).then (builds) ->
$scope.builds = builds
# get steps for every build
builds.forEach (b) ->
b.getSteps().then (steps) ->
# assign completed test to every build
b.complete_steps = (s) -> s.complete
* ``.loadXXX([id], [query])``: returns a promise<Collection>, the Collection contains all the requested data, it is also assigned to
.. code-block:: coffeescript
$q (resolve) ->
# get builder with id = 1
dataService.getBuilders(1).then (builders) ->
builders.forEach (builder) ->
# load all builds
builder.loadBuilds().then (builds) ->
builds.forEach (build) ->
# load all buildsteps
build.loadSteps().then -> resolve(builders[0])
.then (builder) ->
# builder has a builds field, and the builds have a steps field containing the corresponding data
* ``.control(method, params)``: returns a promise, sends a JSON RPC2 POST request to the server
Expand Down
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions www/data_module/src/mock/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# types for generating test data: null, number, string, boolean, timestamp, <array>[], <object>, <objectName in Specification>
class Generator extends Service
self = null
constructor: ->
self = @

number: (min = 0, max = 100) ->
random = Math.random() * (max - min) + min

ids: {}
id: (name = '') ->
self.ids[name] ?= 0

boolean: -> Math.random() < 0.5

timestamp: (after = ->
date = new Date(after + self.number(1, 1000000))
Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000)

string: (length) ->
if length? then length++
self.number(100, Number.MAX_VALUE).toString(36).substring(0, length)

array: (fn, args...) ->
times = self.number(1, 10)
array = []
for i in [1..times]
array.push fn(args...)
return array
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions www/data_module/src/services/data/
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ class Data extends Provider
cache: true
config = null
constructor: ->
config =
cache: @cache
config = cache: @cache

### @ngInject ###
$get: ($log, $injector, $q, $window, Collection, restService, dataUtilsService, tabexService, indexedDBService, SPECIFICATION) ->
Expand Down
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions www/data_module/src/services/data/wrapper/
Expand Up @@ -29,25 +29,33 @@ class Wrapper extends Factory
specification = SPECIFICATION[root]
match = specification.paths.filter (p) ->
replaced = p
.replace ///\w+\:\w+///g, '\\*'
.replace ///\w+\:\w+///g, '(\\*|\\w+|\\d+)'
if not match?
parameter = @getId()

# second last element
for e in match.split('/') by -1
if e.indexOf(':') > -1
[fieldType, fieldName] = e.split(':')
parameter = @[fieldName]
$log.debug specification.paths, pathString
# second last element
for e in match.split('/') by -1
if e.indexOf(':') > -1
[fieldType, fieldName] = e.split(':')
parameter = @[fieldName]

dataService.get(@getEndpoint(), parameter, args...)

control: (method, params) ->
dataService.control(@getEndpoint(), method, params)

# generate endpoint functions for the class
@generateFunctions: (endpoints) ->
endpoints.forEach (e) =>
# capitalize endpoint names
E = dataUtilsService.capitalize(e)
# adds getXXX functions to the prototype
@::["get#{E}"] = (args...) ->
return @get(e, args...)
# adds loadXXX functions to the prototype
@::["load#{E}"] = (args...) ->
p = @get(e, args...)
Expand Down
116 changes: 66 additions & 50 deletions www/data_module/src/services/dataUtils/
@@ -1,52 +1,68 @@
class DataUtils extends Service
constructor: (SPECIFICATION) ->
return new class dataUtilsService
# capitalize first word
capitalize: (string) ->
string[0].toUpperCase() + string[1..].toLowerCase()

# capitalize first word
capitalize: (string) ->
string[0].toUpperCase() + string[1..].toLowerCase()

# returns the type of the endpoint
type: (arg) ->
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
a = a.filter (e) -> e isnt '*'
# if the argument count is even, the last argument is an id
if a.length % 2 is 0 then a.pop()

# singularize the type name
singularType: (arg) ->
@type(arg).replace(/s$/, '')

socketPath: (arg) ->
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
# if the argument count is even, the last argument is an id
stars = ['*']
# is it odd?
if a.length % 2 is 1 then stars.push('*')

restPath: (arg) ->
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
a = a.filter (e) -> e isnt '*'

endpointPath: (arg) ->
# if the argument count is even, the last argument is an id
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
a = a.filter (e) -> e isnt '*'
# is it even?
if a.length % 2 is 0 then a.pop()

copyOrSplit: (arrayOrString) ->
if angular.isArray(arrayOrString)
# return a copy
else if angular.isString(arrayOrString)
# split the string to get an array
throw new TypeError("Parameter 'arrayOrString' must be a array or a string, not #{typeof arrayOrString}")

unWrap: (data, path) ->
type = @type(path)
# returns the type of the endpoint
type: (arg) ->
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
a = a.filter (e) -> e isnt '*'
# if the argument count is even, the last argument is an id
if a.length % 2 is 0 then a.pop()

# singularize the type name
singularType: (arg) ->
@type(arg).replace(/s$/, '')

socketPath: (arg) ->
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
# if the argument count is even, the last argument is an id
stars = ['*']
# is it odd?
if a.length % 2 is 1 then stars.push('*')

restPath: (arg) ->
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
a = a.filter (e) -> e isnt '*'

endpointPath: (arg) ->
# if the argument count is even, the last argument is an id
a = @copyOrSplit(arg)
a = a.filter (e) -> e isnt '*'
# is it even?
if a.length % 2 is 0 then a.pop()

copyOrSplit: (arrayOrString) ->
if angular.isArray(arrayOrString)
# return a copy
else if angular.isString(arrayOrString)
# split the string to get an array
throw new TypeError("Parameter 'arrayOrString' must be a array or a string, not #{typeof arrayOrString}")

unWrap: (data, path) ->
type = @type(path)
type = SPECIFICATION[type]?.restField or type

parse: (object) ->
for k, v of object
object[k] = angular.fromJson(v)
catch error then # ignore
return object

numberOrString: (str = null) ->
# if already a number
if angular.isNumber(str) then return str
# else parse string to integer
number = parseInt str, 10
if !isNaN(number) then number else str
Expand Up @@ -88,3 +88,30 @@ describe 'Data utils service', ->

result = dataUtilsService.unWrap(data, 'bnm/1/asd/2')

describe 'parse(object)', ->

it 'should parse fields from JSON', ->
test =
a: 1
b: 'asd3'
c: angular.toJson(['a', 1, 2])
d: angular.toJson({asd: [], bsd: {}})

copy = angular.copy(test)
copy.c = angular.toJson(copy.c)
copy.d = angular.toJson(copy.d)

parsed = dataUtilsService.parse(test)


describe 'numberOrString(string)', ->

it 'should convert a string to a number if possible', ->
result = dataUtilsService.numberOrString('12')

it 'should return the string if it is not a number', ->
result = dataUtilsService.numberOrString('w3as')

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