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Awardable is a Ruby on Rails plugin for projects that want to give badges (or trophies, or achievements) to their Users (or any other ActiveRecord model).


Questions? Message one of the Authors listed below.

Installation and Usage

Install the gem from gemcutter:

sudo gem install awardable

As a plugin:

script/plugin install git://

Then add it to the project Gemfile.

gem 'awardable'

Or add it into the config/environment.rb file:

config.gem 'awardable'

Then create the migrations:

script/generate awardable

It will create the following files:

exists db/migrate
create db/migrate/20091220000000_create_awardable_tables.rb
create app/models/award.rb
create app/models/awarding.rb

Migrate the database:

rake db:migrate

Then pick the model to which you want to associate awards:

class Character < ActiveRecord::Base

At this point, you can use the plugin and models as described in the Example Usage section. And you'll go about creating the controllers and views for your Awards in the system.

However, this base install probably won't be enough to cover your application's needs. Extending the Models section will describe some added ways to add more features to Awardable in your application.

Example Usage

Let's say we have a hypothetical online game. It's like many MMO games with characters, quests and acheivments. Here's a following example of Awardable in that setting.

# We create an Award, saving it to the database. Note that the
# name must match the regular expression for a string with just lower
# case alpha, numbers and underscores. Descriptive names should be
# set in the display_name field. This is so code can reference
# the name instead of a database integer id; better readability
# if your application grants special access to sections of the
# website if a user has a specific award.
# The following is an award that an Awardable can achieve multiple
# times.
# An award can have also title associated with it. The Award model saves
# both the masculine and feminine forms of the title, but both are
# optional. The Awardable model (e.g. - User) has a method to generate
# the awarded titles based on varying options. See the documentation
# for the specific options.
award = Award.create(
  :name => 'marksman',
  :display_name => 'Bullseye: 3 Headshots in a Row',
  :masculine_title => 'Marksman',
  :feminine_title => 'Markswoman')

# An award that can only be given once, ever in the system.
# This type of award must be taken away from its current holder
# before it can be given to another.
global_award = Award.create(
  :name => 'captain_serenity_ship',
  :display_name => 'Captain: The Serenity',
  :masculine_title => 'Captain of the Serenity',
  :prestige => 1,
  :once_global => true)

# An award that can only be achieved once per ActiveRecord instance.
instance_award = Award.create(
  :name => 'battle_serenity_valley_winner',
  :display_name => 'QuestLine: Winner of the Battle of Serenity Valley',
  :masculine_title => 'Veteran of Serenity Valley',
  :feminine_title => 'Veteran of Serenity Valley',
  :once_instance => true)

# This assigns and then saves a user's Character model.
mal = => 'Malcolm Reynolds')

# Or assign by name. Note that #to_s is called on any non-Award object.

# Or by ActiveRecord relations
mal.awards << award

# => true

# => true

# => false

# Find all the users that have this award
# => [ ]

# => [ user ]

# Awards can be awarded to a user multiple times, but what if we want
# to iterate over each once? We get the unique set:
# => Set{...}

# We can get a quick overview count of the awards this character has won.
# => { :captain_serenity_ship => 1, :marksman => 2 }

# This gets the user's titles. Options include:
# 1. Which gendered title to extract;
# 2. whether or not to use the alternate gender if the primary is nil;
# 3. how to order the returned list of titles (defaults to prestige);
# 4. if needed to return the list in reverse order;
# 5. and a generic yield mechanism to filter the list using a Proc.
# See Awardable::InstanceMethods#awarded_titles documentation for details.
titles = mal.awarded_titles
puts "#{}: #{titles.join ', '}"
# => Malcolm Reynolds: Captain of the Serenity, Marksman

# And for Zoe, who is the female First Officer:
zoe = => 'Zoe Warren')
titles = zoe.awarded_titles(:gender => :female)
puts "#{}: #{titles.join ', '}"
# => Zoe Warren: Markswoman

Extending the Models

Extend the generated Award and Awardings models as you wish. For example, we may want to associate our own icons to the Awards using Paperclip.

script/generate migration add_icon_columns_to_award

The migration code:

class AddIconColumnsToAward < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    add_column :awards, :icon_file_name,    :string
    add_column :awards, :icon_content_type, :string
    add_column :awards, :icon_file_size,    :integer
    add_column :awards, :icon_updated_at,   :datetime

  def self.down
    remove_column :awards, :icon_file_name
    remove_column :awards, :icon_content_type
    remove_column :awards, :icon_file_size
    remove_column :awards, :icon_updated_at

The icon is added to the Award model:

class Award < ActiveRecord::Base
  includes Awardable::Award

  has_attached_file :icon,
      :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }

Then create the controllers and views for the Awards as you like.

Let's add a user_id to the Awardings model so we know who granted the award.

script/generate migration add_user_id_to_awardings

Then in the Awarding model:

class Awarding < ActiveRecord::Base
  includes Awardable::Awarding
  belongs_to :user

and when assigning an award:

user.award_with!(award, :user => granting_user)

For each key in the options hash, we call "#{key}=" with the value if the Awarding model responds to it.

The reciprocal relation in the User model that doesn't collide with the built in awardings relation is left as an exercise to the reader.

A Note on Ranks and Titles

Note that sometimes titles are tightly coupled to an honorific that one uses to address a person. For example, we would address Mal with the rank of "Captain", in "Captain Malcolm Reynolds". But we don't implement Rank in the Awardable system. The reason for this is that we believe that determining what Rank a Awardable model has (or displays) falls in the business logic side of things. What if the player that controls Mal is the leader of his Guild (with the Guild Leader Award)? This player may then display "Guild Leader" instead of the "Captain" Rank.

So Awardable doesn't enforce a particular method. Instead, it is up to the developer to implement it. One suggested way is to:

  1. Create a Rank model.
  2. Create the has_one relation from the Character to Rank.
  3. Extend the Award model to have a has_one relation to Rank.
  4. Modify the the controller/views to allow a player to change the displayed Rank to any Rank available to him from his Awards.


This library uses Bundler instead of the base system's rubygems to pull in the requirements for tests.

bundle install

rake spec

rake features

rake rcov

However, rake rcov requires rcov to be installed in the base system.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.



Copyright 2009 Benjamin Yu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


[unmaintained] An awards, achievements and badges plugin for Rails.







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