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markstory committed Mar 5, 2018
1 parent d900c14 commit 4e5d62a
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 116 deletions.
201 changes: 85 additions & 116 deletions tests/TestCase/Shell/Task/UnloadTaskTest.php
Expand Up @@ -13,19 +13,25 @@
namespace Cake\Test\TestCase\Shell\Task;

use Cake\Console\Shell;
use Cake\Core\Plugin;
use Cake\Filesystem\File;
use Cake\TestSuite\TestCase;
use Cake\TestSuite\ConsoleIntegrationTestCase;

* UnloadTaskTest class
class UnloadTaskTest extends TestCase
class UnloadTaskTest extends ConsoleIntegrationTestCase
* @var \Cake\Shell\Task\UnloadTask|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
* @var string
protected $Task;
protected $bootstrap;

* @var string
protected $originalBootstrapContent;

* setUp method
Expand All @@ -35,20 +41,9 @@ class UnloadTaskTest extends TestCase
public function setUp()

$this->io = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\Console\ConsoleIo')

$this->Task = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\Shell\Task\UnloadTask')
->setMethods(['in', 'out', 'err', '_stop'])

$this->bootstrap = ROOT . DS . 'config' . DS . 'bootstrap.php';

$bootstrap = new File($this->bootstrap, false);

$this->originalBootstrapContent = $bootstrap->read();

Expand All @@ -63,9 +58,7 @@ public function tearDown()

$bootstrap = new File($this->bootstrap, false);

file_put_contents($this->bootstrap, $this->originalBootstrapContent);

Expand All @@ -75,110 +68,100 @@ public function tearDown()
public function testUnload()
$bootstrap = new File($this->bootstrap, false);



$contents = file_get_contents($this->bootstrap);
$expected = "Plugin::load('TestPlugin', ['autoload' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false]);";
$this->assertContains($expected, $bootstrap->read());
$this->assertContains($expected, $contents);

$this->Task->params = [
'cli' => false
$this->exec('plugin unload TestPlugin');

$action = $this->Task->main('TestPlugin');
$contents = file_get_contents($this->bootstrap);

$expected = "Plugin::load('TestPlugin', ['autoload' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false]);";
$this->assertNotContains($expected, $bootstrap->read());

$this->assertNotContains($expected, $contents);
$expected = "Plugin::load('TestPluginSecond', ['autoload' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false]);";
$this->assertContains($expected, $bootstrap->read());
$this->assertContains($expected, $contents);

* Data provider for various forms.
* @return array
public function variantProvider()
return [
// Plugin::load('TestPlugin', [
// 'bootstrap' => false
// ]);
["\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin', [\n\t'bootstrap' => false\n]);\n"],

// Plugin::load(
// 'TestPlugin',
// [ 'bootstrap' => false]
// );
["\nPlugin::load(\n\t'TestPlugin',\n\t[ 'bootstrap' => false]\n);\n"],

// Plugin::load(
// 'Foo',
// [
// 'bootstrap' => false
// ]
// );
["\nPlugin::load(\n\t'TestPlugin',\n\t[\n\t\t'bootstrap' => false\n\t]\n);\n"],

// Plugin::load('Test', [
// 'autoload' => false,
// 'bootstrap' => true,
// 'routes' => true
// ]);
["\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin', [\n\t'autoload' => false,\n\t'bootstrap' => true,\n\t'routes' => true\n]);\n"],

// Plugin::load('Test',
// [
// 'bootstrap' => true,
// 'routes' => true
// ]
// );
["\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin',\n\t[\n\t\t'bootstrap' => true,\n\t\t'routes' => true\n\t]\n);\n"],

// Plugin::load('Test',
// [
// ]
// );

// Plugin::load('Test');

// Plugin::load('Test', ['bootstrap' => true, 'route' => false]);
["\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin', ['bootstrap' => true, 'route' => false]);\n"],

* testRegularExpressions
* This method will tests multiple notations of plugin loading.
* @dataProvider variantProvider
* @return void
public function testRegularExpressions()
public function testRegularExpressions($content)
$bootstrap = new File($this->bootstrap, false);

$this->Task->params = [
'cli' => false
$this->exec('plugin unload TestPlugin');

// Plugin::load('TestPlugin', [
// 'bootstrap' => false
// ]);
$bootstrap->append("\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin', [\n\t'bootstrap' => false\n]);\n");
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load('TestPlugin', [\n\t'bootstrap' => false\n]);", $bootstrap->read());

// Plugin::load(
// 'TestPlugin',
// [ 'bootstrap' => false]
// );
$bootstrap->append("\nPlugin::load(\n\t'TestPlugin',\n\t[ 'bootstrap' => false]\n);\n");
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load(\n\t'TestPlugin',\n\t[ 'bootstrap' => false]\n);", $bootstrap->read());

// Plugin::load(
// 'Foo',
// [
// 'bootstrap' => false
// ]
// );
$bootstrap->append("\nPlugin::load(\n\t'TestPlugin',\n\t[\n\t\t'bootstrap' => false\n\t]\n);\n");
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load(\n\t'TestPlugin',\n\t[\n\t\t'bootstrap' => false\n\t]\n);", $bootstrap->read());

// Plugin::load('Test', [
// 'autoload' => false,
// 'bootstrap' => true,
// 'routes' => true
// ]);
$bootstrap->append("\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin', [\n\t'autoload' => false,\n\t'bootstrap' => true,\n\t'routes' => true\n]);\n");
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load('TestPlugin', [\n\t'autoload' => false,\n\t'bootstrap' => true,\n\t'routes' => true\n]);", $bootstrap->read());

// Plugin::load('Test',
// [
// 'bootstrap' => true,
// 'routes' => true
// ]
// );
$bootstrap->append("\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin',\n\t[\n\t\t'bootstrap' => true,\n\t\t'routes' => true\n\t]\n);\n");
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load('TestPlugin',\n\t[\n\t\t'bootstrap' => true,\n\t\t'routes' => true\n\t]\n);", $bootstrap->read());

// Plugin::load('Test',
// [
// ]
// );
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load('TestPlugin',\n\t[\n\t\n\t]\n);", $bootstrap->read());

// Plugin::load('Test');
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load('TestPlugin');", $bootstrap->read());

// Plugin::load('Test', ['bootstrap' => true, 'route' => false]);
$bootstrap->append("\nPlugin::load('TestPlugin', ['bootstrap' => true, 'route' => false]);\n");
$this->assertNotContains("Plugin::load('TestPlugin', ['bootstrap' => true, 'route' => false]);", $bootstrap->read());
$result = $bootstrap->read();
$this->assertNotRegexp("/Plugin\:\:load\([\'\"]TestPlugin'[\'\"][^\)]*\)\;/mi", $result);

Expand All @@ -194,18 +177,4 @@ protected function _addPluginToBootstrap($name)
$bootstrap = new File($this->bootstrap, false);
$bootstrap->append("\n\nPlugin::load('$name', ['autoload' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false]);\n");

* clearBootstrap
* Helper to clear the bootstrap file.
* @return void
protected function _clearBootstrap()
$bootstrap = new File($this->bootstrap, false);


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