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Baby Mean - small reference app for the mean stack

Nothing groundbreaking here! This app is intended as a learning tool that consists of Angular, Node, MongoDB, and Express with CRUD.

Would not recommend use in a production environment!

Directory Structure

|- public                       // public folder (angularjs files)
|  |- components                // bower components
|  |- css
|  |- js
|  |- posts                     // posts feature
|  | |- views
|  | | |- create.html
|  | | |- edit.html
|  | | |- list.html
|  | | |- show.html
|  | |- posts.js
|  | |- postsController.js
|  | |- postsServices.js
|  |- views                    // app common views
|  | |- main.html
|  |- app.js                   // main angular module
|  |- homeCtrl.js              // default home controller
|- routes
|  |- index.js
|- views                        // server side templates, NOTE: check layout.jade
|  |- index.jade
|  |- layout.jade
|- .bowerrc                     // tells bower where to install dependencies
|- .gitignore
|- .npmignore
|- app.js                       // main nodejs app file
|- bower.json
|- Gruntfile.js                 // grunt task runner file
|- package.json
|- Procfile

Local Deployment

Install Dependencies: npm install (there's a postinstall in package.json to get bower dependencies).

Install Mongo: 'brew install mongo' if on OSX or by other means.

Run Mongo Daemon: 'mongod' to start the local mongo database up

Run: grunt to run the default task.

Heroku Deployment


Initialize and/or commit as git repo: git init and git add . and git commit -am 'initial commit'

In root folder, create heroku app: heroku create <appname> or just heroku create to let Heroku name the app for you.

Set Environment Variables:

heroku config:add MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://<username>:<password>

(you'll see this url when you create a db in mongolab)

Run: git push heroku master

Have fun!!

Special shoutout to @masondesu for (which comprises the node, express, mongo side of this repo)


There's a lot more I want to add, but for starters:

  • Add unit tests
  • Add e2e tests
  • Demonstrate some common api examples
  • Add common files, services, components
  • Add a more complex feature, like an ACE editor
  • Add Restangular example
  • Add ui.router examples
  • Create a few mongoose Schema examples
  • Use passport module for third party authentication

Feel free to send pull requests!


small reference app for the mean stack






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