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Iracema is a Python package aimed at the empirical research on music performance, with focus on the analysis of expressiveness and individuality from audio recordings. It is developed and maintaned by researchers at CEGeME, and contains computational models of music information extraction that were developed for supporting research projects in music performance. It was strongly inspired by Expan, a Matlab tool that had been previously developed at CEGeME.


We strongly recommend that you install iracema into a separate virtual environment, since it is always a good practice to keep project-specific dependencies isolated from your base Python installation (check instructions in the section Virtual environment). After activating your virtual environment, you can install iracema by running the following command:

pip3 install iracema

If you're a Linux user, you will need to manually install an audio I/O library called PortAudio. If you are a MacOS X user, this library is probably already installed. In Debian / Ubuntu you can install it using apt:

sudo apt install libportaudio2

Virtual environment

To create a virtual environment to use iracema, go to the project's folder and run:

python3 -m venv venv

A folder called venv will be created, where you will be able to install all the project's dependencies, isolated from your base Python installation. To activate this newly created environment, type the following command:

source venv/bin/activate


To contribute with the development of iracema, clone the repository from github:

git clone --recurse-submodules

The command shown above will also clone some example audio files. If you don't want to download those files, you should omit the parameter --recursive:

git clone

To install the required dependencies and the cloned project in pip, go to the directory where the repository was cloned and type in your command line:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .


  • Python packages (required):
    • numpy
    • scipy
    • matplotlib
    • sounddevice
    • audioread
  • Optional dependencies:
    • ffmpeg, libav, gstreamer or core audio (for opening different audio file formats)
    • libportaudio2 (if you want to play audio)