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chris2fr edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 4 revisions


Workload should :

  • Transform the paradigm to days and not hours. It is a small but significant change that would make my life much more enjoyable. This would imply putting hour information in the task attributes, timesheet, time log entry. Basically, there would by an export filter on tasks that would export the time in days (even by units of 0,125 representing one hour). I would see this as a box that has 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 3/4, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8 values.
  • Allow people to input their time from a daily time-table. Columns are days. Lines are tasks. The time per each day in a cell can be cliqued-on and changed. The maximum time input value is one day per day. It would be fun to even have ajax calls here to show the dropdown in the cell, call the server, update the info on the server, refresh the value in the cell.
  • Export the data into a HTML document with a .xls extension.
  • Export the data into a CSV file with columns :,,,,, user.login, effort done, effort todo, date debut, date fin, priority
  • Import massive updates with regards to start date, due date, effort still needed, priority, person

PMO (Workload summary) should :

  • Present a summary table by project, by project category, by resource
  • Milestone should be a red-line to the right (red-line on right of cell of milestone date)
  • Massively change priorities on whole project/project-category/developper
  • Re-affect developpers to project/project-category/developper triplets
  • Always take into account all projects
  • Allocat time to recurrent activities
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