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Introducing Bluebird

So I wanted to try out my Waiter code in a larger-scale project to see how it faired. About ten to twelve iced coffees, later, I had Bluebird. It's a fairly simple app that adds Twitter OAuth authentication to your Django app. The twist is -- and I'm not quite sure of how relevant this will prove to be until Django 1.2 lands with multi-db support -- that this particular bird-themed authentication app is heavily dependent on the django.contrib.sites module. There's no hard-coding of consumers here!

What does this mean for you? How does this even make sense? WHY?

Well, this is coded to address (in theory) situations like the following:

<Site 1>    <Site 2>    <Authentication Portal>
    \           |       /
     \          |      /
    <OAuth Consumer for Sites 1 and 2>

So if you'd like a single sign-on for Sites one and two, bluebird might be the app for you! Of course, it works just as well with a combined Site/Authportal setup.

How does it work

The TwitterConsumer object itself can be associated with many Sites -- these sites are end users of the Consumer; and registered with a single Site that serves as an auth_portal. To configure a site as an auth_portal, its core should include a IS_BLUEBIRD_AUTH_PORTAL = True line. All sites using this app should include its (in the same location), and add the app to INSTALLED_APPS.

In your templates, you can link to twitter as follows:

<a href="{% url bluebird_initiate_login %}?next={% url relative_url_on_your_site %}">Twitter!</a>

When a user clicks on that -- joy of joys -- they'll go through this process --302--> --302-->

and on the way back: --302--> --302--><whatever you set `next` to> 

Other Things

When you authenticate a user with Twitter, you can get information about them in the following manner:

user = User.objects.get(username='isntitvacant')
user.twitter_auth                   # -> their authentication
user.twitter_auth.get_client()      # -> returns a configured oauth2.Client ready for you to use
user.twitter_auth.twitter_profile   # -> returns a cached profile object with jsonified data

# but by doing the following:              # this will unpack the data
print    # prints the users screen_name

By default, when a user registers, it will attempt to create a user with an unusable password and a username that matches their twitter screen_name. It will append underscores to their name until a username is available.

This does open up some neat things, for example, updating a user's status is pretty easy:

from waiter.apis.twitter import Twitter

if hasattr(user, 'twitter_auth'):
    http = user.twitter_auth.get_client()
    waiter = Twitter()
        'status':'I love eating food',

Some Pitfalls

For the time being, this assumes that you've got multiple sites running a similar django installation using a single database. I'm not exactly sure how common this is (probably not very). I'm imagining that when 1.2 hits this will be much more useful, as you could configure multiple sites to use the same auth database, but otherwise keep seperate DB's.

Also, make sure you have a handler404 and a templates/404.html defined, or the tests will complain at you loudly. Most everything is tested, though testing Waiter was a little difficult due to Mox not supporting overriding __div__.



  • add 'bluebird' to INSTALLED_APPS
  • add 'django.contrib.sites' to INSTALLED_APPS
  • add 'south' to INSTALLED_APPS
  • set your SITE_ID (usually this will be SITE_ID = 1)
  • if this site will be used as an auth_portal, set IS_BLUEBIRD_AUTH_PORTAL = 1
  • add bluebird.backends.TwitterAuthBackend to your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS project/ ===============
  • add ('^bluebird/', include('bluebird.urls')) to your urlpatterns finally =======
  • ./ syncdb && ./ migrate


  • python >= 2.5
  • mox -- testing
  • simplegeo's oauth2 library
  • waiter
  • tested on django 1.1
  • south -- migrations


A Twitter OAuth multi-site authentication backend for Django, and so much more







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