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DOI License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Citation File Format (CFF) website

This repository holds the sources for

The site is built with the Jekyll static site generator and the Minimal Mistakes theme.

Develop and build locally

In order for all links in your local clone to point to pages in your locally served version of the site, you need to temporarily change the value for url in the Jekyll config in _config.yml to url: Do not commit this change. If you want to commit changes to the config, make sure you change it back to url: first!

Build locally, with docker

If you have docker installed, just run

docker run --rm --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" --env JEKYLL_ENV=development -p 4000:4000 jekyll/jekyll:4.0 jekyll serve

then open your browser to http://localhost:4000.

Build locally, on your own system

# Make sure Ruby version >2.5 is installed
ruby --version

# Make sure you have the `gem` binary
gem --version

# Install jekyll and bundler dependencies
sudo gem install jekyll:4.2.0 bundler:2.2.24

# install dependencies
# note:
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install # ignore the CertificateFailureError ?

bundle exec jekyll serve -w

This will serve the site on http://localhost:4000, and changes to Markdown sources will be hot-patched.


main branch is deployed on GitHub Pages.