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How to bring the pod into your project

1️⃣ - Create your project.

2️⃣ - Close your project.

3️⃣ - Cd to project root

4️⃣ - run this command -> pod init (if you do not have CocoaPods installed run this command -> sudo gem install cocoapods)

5️⃣ - Now you have a Podfile. Edit the podfile and put this in it:

source ''
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '13.0'

target 'PROJECTNAME' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  pod 'ClearentIdtechIOSFrameworkPod', '2.0.0'


Change PROJECTNAME to the name of your project.

6️⃣ - run this command : pod install.

7️⃣ - Now you have our Pod. Your project's settings and build phases have been modified to use it. From now on open your project using the workspace.

If for some reason the pod install failed and you want to remove the pod install you can run this command -> pod deintegrate.