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Packer Swaggy C

Packer Swaggy C is a Packer builder of Docker image which contains Swagger CodeGen supported languages, Swagger CodeGen CLI jar and Swaggy C.

This is useful when you want to build multiple API clients from an OpenAPI spec without having to install the languages one by one.

Current included languages: Clojure, Dart, Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, TypeScript. More coming soon!


Pull Swaggy C Docker image from Docker Hub:

docker pull cliffano/swaggy-c

Or alternatively, you can create the Docker image:

git clone
cd packer-swaggy-c
make docker

An image with cliffano/swaggy-c repository and latest tag should show up:

haku> docker images

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
cliffano/swaggy-c   latest              a9ea23c9807d        7 minutes ago       3.61 GB
ubuntu              latest              14f60031763d        7 days ago          120 MB


Execute swaggy-c to generate the API clients, Swaggy C and Swagger CodeGen are already installed within the container:

docker run \
  --workdir /opt/workspace \
  -v $(pwd):/opt/workspace \
  -t cliffano/swaggy-c \
  --rm \
  swaggy-c \
  --jar /opt/swagger-codegen/modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar \
  --api-spec path/to/spec.yml \

The sample above uses the current working directory as the workspace. The generated API clients will be written to {lang}/generated/ directory.

What's inside

Path Description
/usr/local/bin/swaggy-c Swaggy C CLI command, available in PATH
/opt/swaggy-c/bin/ Display versions info of all provisioned languages
/opt/swagger-codegen/modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar Swagger CodeGen CLI jar, use this when you want to run the latest jar from the time when the Docker image was created

Adding new language

As Swagger CodeGen keeps evolving, new languages will be added throughout time. To add a new language support to Packer Swaggy C:

  1. Create new language provisioning manifest at modules-extra/swagger_codegen/manifests/langs/<lang>.pp
  2. If the provisioning manifest requires a new Puppet module, add the dependency to Puppetfile
  3. Create the corresponding info script for the new language at modules-extra/swagger_codegen/files/langs/<lang>, or alternatively if the info script is a template modules-extra/swagger_codegen/templates/langs/<lang>
  4. Update provisioners/swagger-codegen-langs.pp to include the new language by adding include swagger_codegen::langs::<lang>
  5. Build Swagger Codegen Languages Docker image make docker-swagger-codegen-langs
  6. Build Swaggy C Docker image make docker-swaggy-c


Related Projects:

  • swaggy-c - Builder for Swagger CodeGen-generated API clients in multiple languages


[retired] Packer builder of Docker image which contains Swagger CodeGen supported languages, Swagger CodeGen CLI jar, and Swaggy C







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