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Releases: clover/remote-pay-windows


08 Jul 15:41
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Clover Connector SDK 4.0.6 Release


  • Added RemoteApplicationID support to CloverDeviceConfiguration
  • Added QRC Only support
  • Added disablePrinting and disableReceiptSelection support
  • Added properties to DCCInfo
  • Added USB device drivers for Mini3

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 4.0.6

Removed and deprecated features

The .NET 4.0 platform has been deprecated.

We will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.


04 Nov 18:40
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Clover Connector SDK 4.0.5 Release


  • Added IncrementPreAuth support
  • Update CloverExamplePOS app to support increment pre-auth
  • Fixed a bug with USB and large messages (4096+ characters)
  • Fixed a bug preventing receipt selection after void payments

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 4.0.5

Removed and deprecated features

The .NET 4.0 platform has been deprecated.

We will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.


17 Sep 17:52
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Clover Connector SDK 4.0.4 Release


Updated AdditionalChargeAmount and AdditionalChargeType to support surcharges.

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 4.0.4

Removed and deprecated features

The .NET 4.0 platform has been deprecated.

We will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.


18 Feb 18:29
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Clover Connector SDK 4.0.3 Release

USB connection improvements

The USB communication has been rewritten to improve stability.

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 4.0.3

Removed and deprecated features

The .NET 4.0 platform has been deprecated.

We will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.


14 Aug 21:31
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Clover Connector SDK 4.0.2 Release

Device connection improvements

The connection module managing initial interactions between a POS and Clover device has been optimized for better performance.

Example app enhancements

Two new features have been added to the example app:

  • The receipt options screen can be displayed for payment refunds and credits
  • Open pre-authorizations can be captured

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 4.0.2

Removed and deprecated features

There are no new items added to the deprecated features.

The planned deprecation announced with v2.0 is repeated here:

  • .NET 4.0 platform - In a future release, we will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.

For all of the deprecated features and platforms, the code remains available and is anticipated to work with minor updates to keep it in sync with the underlying Clover Connector SDK in .NET 4.5 and future versions. Developers needing this feature should be able to adapt and extend that code to meet their specific needs.


14 Aug 21:20
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Clover Connector SDK 4.0 Release

Remote Pay Windows

4.0 Release Change Highlights

  • USB connection stability improvements
  • Tip Suggestions transaction settings
  • Partial Payment demonstration in Example Point of Sale
  • Invalid State Transition new device notification

USB connection stability improvements

Windows POS apps connecting with USB were subject to instability if the connection was left idle or disconnected and reconnected. The USB connection module has been updated to prevent this issue.

Tip Suggestions

Transactions can now include tip suggestion text and amounts which override the default or merchant-configured tips.

Partial Payment demonstration

The Example Point of Sale now demonstrates checking for partial payment autorizations for integration scenarios like gift cards, and will display a notification when it is detected. An actual point of sale implementation should either continue asking for the completed payment amount or void the payment if partial payments are not supported.

Invalid Sate Transition new notification

The device will now send a new InvalidStateTransition notification through the CloverConnectorListener. This can be safely ignored, or can be used to log or detect failed commands like attempting to show a welcome message during a sale payment. The Example Point of Sale displays a notification when these arrive, but they are likely to be handled internally or ignored in an actual point of sale implementation.

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 4.0.0

Removed and deprecated features

There are no new items added to the deprecated features.

The planned deprecation announced with v2.0 is repeated here:

  • .NET 4.0 platform - In a future release, we will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.

For all of the deprecated features and platforms, the code remains available and is anticipated to work with minor updates to keep it in sync with the underlying Clover Connector SDK in .NET 4.5 and future versions. Developers needing this feature should be able to adapt and extend that code to meet their specific needs.

Note: The 32-bit installer was removed because it was the wrong RC candidate and was marked with the 3.0.2 version. The installer is the only component with 32- or 64-bit platform requirements. The libraries are all .NET AnyCPU and will work on both platforms. Alternatives for obtaining 32-bit-compatible code:

  • Install on a 64-bit machine and copy the files
  • Use to download the package,
  • Download the source code and build a local version.

Contact your Clover developer support contact for more information or assistance.


25 Jan 22:43
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Clover Connector SDK 3.0.2 Release

Remote Pay Windows

3.0.2 Release Change Highlights

  • Added language and locale information to the Payment.TransactionInfo object
  • Removed the deprecated REST & WebSocket services
  • General bug fixes and quality improvements

TransactionInfo Language and Locale Information

To support regions with multiple languages, the language and locale information related to the customer's card used in the current transaction has been added to the new Payment.TransactionInfo object. This can be used to make language decisions, like whether to print a custom receipt in French or English in a point of sale application for a Canadian merchant.

Removed REST & WebSocket services

The Clover Connector REST and WebSocket services were previously deprecated and have now been removed.

Rather than providing a generic REST or WebSocket server wrapped around a USB Clover Connector connection, developers are encouraged to wrap any of the Clover Connector connections with a server specific to their needs.

The existing code is available on GitHub in previous releases. It can be used as an example and adapted as needed for your application.

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 3.0.2

Removed and deprecated features

The 3.0.2 release no longer includes the REST or WebSocket services. No features have been added to the deprecated list.

The planned deprecation announced with v2.0 is repeated here:

  • .NET 4.0 platform - In a future release, we will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.

For all of the deprecated features and platforms, the code remains available and is anticipated to work with minor updates to keep it in sync with the underlying Clover Connector SDK in .NET 4.5 and future versions. Developers needing this feature should be able to adapt and extend that code to meet their specific needs.


07 Dec 16:38
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Clover Connector SDK 3.0.1 Release

Remote Pay Windows

3.0.1 Release Change Highlights

  • Added Regional support for Argentina
  • Added Regional Extra Parameters to the Example Point of Sale application
  • Removed DeviceActivityEnd suppression
  • General bug fixes and quality improvements

Argentina Regional Support

With Clover's launch of Argentina payment processing, Remote Pay Windows SDK now supports the Argentine payment flows and the additional parameters to be used across all the regions Clover supports.

Regional Extra Parameters in Example Point of Sale App

The Transaction Overrides tab now has a section called Regional Extra Parameters where key-value pairs can be added. The names and values depend on region-specific details. A convienence class (RegionalExtras) has been added in the SDK with the parameter names and values known as of this release. That list will change as the regional development teams continue their work.

Device Activity End Suppression

In previous versions, the SDK suppressed any DeviceActivityEnd message that came out of order and was not matched to the most recent DeviceActivityStart message. With the expansion of regional payment flows, the SDK supplies the consumer with all the messaging data it receives. If an application consumes the DeviceActivityEnd messages and assumes they always match DeviceActivityStart, testing for continued compatibility is recommended.

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 3.0.1

Removed and deprecated features

The 3.0.1 release no longer includes the REST or WebSocket services. No features have been added to the deprecated list.

The planned deprecation announced with v2.0 is repeated here:

  • .NET 4.0 platform - In a future release, we will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.

For all of the deprecated features and platforms, the code remains available and is anticipated to work with minor updates to keep it in sync with the underlying Clover Connector SDK in .NET 4.5 and future versions. Developers needing this feature should be able to adapt and extend that code to meet their specific


01 Nov 22:06
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Clover Connector SDK 3.0 Release

Remote Pay Windows

3.0 Release Change Highlights

  • A new Loyalty API
  • General bug fixes and quality improvements

Loyalty API

Clover now supports the exchange of customer loyalty information between a Clover device and a point of sale. This communication channel provides the ability to recognize customers using unique identifiers. An identifier could be the customer’s name, phone number, or email address; their loyalty card number stored with a barcode or stripe; or an Apple Pass or Google SmartTap NFC payload broadcast by the customer’s phone.

Both the point-of-sale software and custom activities on the Clover device can access the data to perform database lookups and then customize the customer experience using the data.

NuGet Package

Use NuGet references to easily include Remote Pay Windows in your .NET project:

Install-Package Clover.RemotePayWindows -Version 3.0.0 

Removed and deprecated features

The 3.0 release removes the REST and WebSocket services. No features have been added to the deprecated list.

The planned deprecation announced with v2.0 is repeated here:

  • .NET 4.0 platform - In a future release, we will no longer develop and deliver a .NET 4.0 backward-compatible platform release.

For all of the deprecated features and platforms, the code remains available and is anticipated to work with minor updates to keep it in sync with the underlying Clover Connector SDK in .NET 4.5 and future versions. Developers needing this feature should be able to adapt and extend that code to meet their specific


01 Oct 17:44
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1.4.3 Release Change Highlights

Support for Clover Mini (2nd Generation)

The Windows SDK and USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with the Mini (2nd Gen).

Improvements to USB reconnections after device restarts

Updates were made to ensure the connection is correctly reestablished between the POS and the Clover device after it restarts. This change resolves most issues with USB-connected devices failing to reconnect.

New installer packaging

The installers are now standard Microsoft MSIs. They can be packaged for delivery as part of product installers for more deployment scenarios.

  • The SDK installer installs both .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 into Program Files, along with the drivers and example point-of-sale application for convenience
  • Source code for the example application has been removed from the install. It can still be accessed as a separate Github source download.
  • The USB driver MSIs are provided in a separate zip download for convenience