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Merge pull request #18288 from felicepantaleo/FKDTreeInCommonTools
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adding fast and parallel-friendly kdtree implementation
  • Loading branch information
cmsbuild committed May 11, 2017
2 parents 2b8152a + c5ceeae commit 23b3aeb
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Showing 5 changed files with 645 additions and 0 deletions.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions CommonTools/RecoAlgos/interface/FKDPoint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#include <array>
#include <utility>

//a K-dimensional point to interface with the FKDTree class
template<class TYPE, int numberOfDimensions>
class FKDPoint

FKDPoint() :
theElements(), theId(0)

FKDPoint(TYPE x, TYPE y, unsigned int id = 0)
static_assert(numberOfDimensions==2,"FKDPoint number of arguments does not match the number of dimensions");

theId = id;
theElements[0] = x;
theElements[1] = y;

FKDPoint(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z, unsigned int id = 0)
static_assert(numberOfDimensions==3,"FKDPoint number of arguments does not match the number of dimensions");

theId = id;
theElements[0] = x;
theElements[1] = y;
theElements[2] = z;

FKDPoint(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z, TYPE w, unsigned int id = 0)
static_assert(numberOfDimensions==4,"FKDPoint number of arguments does not match the number of dimensions");
theId = id;
theElements[0] = x;
theElements[1] = y;
theElements[2] = z;
theElements[3] = w;

// the user should check that i < numberOfDimensions
TYPE& operator[](unsigned int const i)
return theElements[i];

TYPE const& operator[](unsigned int const i) const
return theElements[i];

void setDimension(unsigned int i, const TYPE& value)
theElements[i] = value;

void setId(const unsigned int id)
theId = id;

unsigned int getId() const
return theId;

std::array<TYPE, numberOfDimensions> theElements;
unsigned int theId;

300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions CommonTools/RecoAlgos/interface/FKDTree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@

#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "FKDPoint.h"
#include "FQueue.h"

// Author: Felice Pantaleo
// email:
// date: 08/05/2017
// Description: This class provides a k-d tree implementation targeting modern architectures.
// Building each level of the FKDTree can be done in parallel by different threads.
// It produces a compact array of nodes in memory thanks to the different space partitioning method used.

// Fast version of the integer logarithm
const std::array<unsigned int, 32> MultiplyDeBruijnBitPosition
{ 0, 9, 1, 10, 13, 21, 2, 29, 11, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 3, 30, 8, 12, 20, 28, 15, 17, 24, 7, 19, 27,
23, 6, 26, 5, 4, 31 } };
unsigned int ilog2(unsigned int v)
v |= v >> 1; // first round down to one less than a power of 2
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
return MultiplyDeBruijnBitPosition[(unsigned int) (v * 0x07C4ACDDU) >> 27];

template<class TYPE, unsigned int numberOfDimensions>
class FKDTree


theNumberOfPoints = 0;
theDepth = 0;

bool empty()
return theNumberOfPoints == 0;

// One can search for all the points which are contained in a k-dimensional box.
// Searching is done by providing the two k-dimensional points in the minimum and maximum corners.
// The vector that will contain the indices of the points that lay inside the box is also needed.
// Indices are pushed into foundPoints, which is not checked for emptiness at the beginning,
// nor memory is reserved for it.
// Searching is done using a Breadth-first search, level after level.
void search(const FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions>& minPoint,
const FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions>& maxPoint,
std::vector<unsigned int>& foundPoints)
//going down the FKDTree, one needs track which indices have to be visited in the following level.
//a custom queue is created, since std::queue is based on lists which are sometimes not performing
// well on computing accelerators
// The initial size of the queue has to be a power of two for allowing fast modulo % operation.
FQueue<unsigned int> indicesToVisit(16);

//The root element is pushed first
unsigned int index;
bool intersection;
unsigned int dimension;
unsigned int numberOfindicesToVisitThisDepth;
unsigned int numberOfSonsToVisitNext;
unsigned int firstSonToVisitNext;

//The loop over levels of the FKDTree starts here
for (unsigned int depth = 0; depth < theDepth + 1; ++depth)
// At each level, comparisons are performed for a different dimension in round robin.
dimension = depth % numberOfDimensions;
numberOfindicesToVisitThisDepth = indicesToVisit.size();
// Loop over the nodes to be visit at this level
for (unsigned int visitedindicesThisDepth = 0;
visitedindicesThisDepth < numberOfindicesToVisitThisDepth;

index = indicesToVisit[visitedindicesThisDepth];
// check if the element's dimension lays between the two box borders
intersection = intersects(index, minPoint, maxPoint, dimension);
firstSonToVisitNext = leftSonIndex(index);

if (intersection)
// Check if the element is contained in the box and push it to the result
if (is_in_the_box(index, minPoint, maxPoint))
//if the element is between the box borders, both the its sons have to be visited
numberOfSonsToVisitNext = (firstSonToVisitNext < theNumberOfPoints)
+ ((firstSonToVisitNext + 1) < theNumberOfPoints);
// depending on the position of the element wrt the box, one son will be visited (if it exists)
firstSonToVisitNext += (theDimensions[dimension][index]
< minPoint[dimension]);

numberOfSonsToVisitNext = std::min(
(firstSonToVisitNext < theNumberOfPoints)
+ ((firstSonToVisitNext + 1) < theNumberOfPoints), 1);

// the indices of the sons to be visited in the next iteration are pushed in the queue
for (unsigned int whichSon = 0; whichSon < numberOfSonsToVisitNext; ++whichSon)
indicesToVisit.push_back(firstSonToVisitNext + whichSon);
// a new element is popped from the queue


// A vector of K-dimensional points needs to be passed in order to build the kdtree.
// The order of the elements in the vector will be modified.
void build(std::vector<FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions> >& points)
// initialization of the data members
theNumberOfPoints = points.size();
theDepth = ilog2(theNumberOfPoints);
theIntervalLength.resize(theNumberOfPoints, 0);
theIntervalMin.resize(theNumberOfPoints, 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfDimensions; ++i)

// building is done by reordering elements in a partition starting at theIntervalMin
// for a number of elements theIntervalLength
unsigned int dimension;
theIntervalMin[0] = 0;
theIntervalLength[0] = theNumberOfPoints;

// building for each level starts here
for (unsigned int depth = 0; depth < theDepth; ++depth)
// A heapified left-balanced tree can be represented in memory as an array.
// Each level contains a power of two number of elements and starts from element 2^depth -1
dimension = depth % numberOfDimensions;
unsigned int firstIndexInDepth = (1 << depth) - 1;
unsigned int maxDepth = (1 << depth);
for (unsigned int indexInDepth = 0; indexInDepth < maxDepth; ++indexInDepth)
unsigned int indexInArray = firstIndexInDepth + indexInDepth;
unsigned int leftSonIndexInArray = 2 * indexInArray + 1;
unsigned int rightSonIndexInArray = leftSonIndexInArray + 1;

// partitioning is done by choosing the pivotal element that keeps the tree heapified
// and left-balanced
unsigned int whichElementInInterval = partition_complete_kdtree(
// the elements have been partitioned in two unsorted subspaces (one containing the elements
// smaller than the pivot, the other containing those greater than the pivot)
std::nth_element(points.begin() + theIntervalMin[indexInArray],
points.begin() + theIntervalMin[indexInArray] + whichElementInInterval,
points.begin() + theIntervalMin[indexInArray]
+ theIntervalLength[indexInArray],
[dimension](const FKDPoint<TYPE,numberOfDimensions> & a,
const FKDPoint<TYPE,numberOfDimensions> & b) -> bool
if(a[dimension] == b[dimension])
return a.getId() < b.getId();
return a[dimension] < b[dimension];
// the element is placed in its final position in the internal array representation
// of the tree
add_at_position(points[theIntervalMin[indexInArray] + whichElementInInterval],
if (leftSonIndexInArray < theNumberOfPoints)
theIntervalMin[leftSonIndexInArray] = theIntervalMin[indexInArray];
theIntervalLength[leftSonIndexInArray] = whichElementInInterval;

if (rightSonIndexInArray < theNumberOfPoints)
theIntervalMin[rightSonIndexInArray] = theIntervalMin[indexInArray]
+ whichElementInInterval + 1;
theIntervalLength[rightSonIndexInArray] = (theIntervalLength[indexInArray]
- 1 - whichElementInInterval);
// the last level of the tree may not be complete and needs special treatment
dimension = theDepth % numberOfDimensions;
unsigned int firstIndexInDepth = (1 << theDepth) - 1;
for (unsigned int indexInArray = firstIndexInDepth; indexInArray < theNumberOfPoints;
add_at_position(points[theIntervalMin[indexInArray]], indexInArray);

// returns the number of points in the FKDTree
std::size_t size() const
return theNumberOfPoints;

// returns the index of the element which makes the FKDtree a left-complete heap
// e.g.: if we have 6 elements, the tree will be shaped like
// O
// / '\'
// O O
// /'\' /
// O OO
// This will return for a length of 6 the 4th element, which will partition the tree so that
// 3 elements are on its left and 2 elements are on its right
unsigned int partition_complete_kdtree(unsigned int length)
if (length == 1)
return 0;
unsigned int index = 1 << (ilog2(length));

if ((index / 2) - 1 <= length - index)
return index - 1;
return length - index / 2;

// returns the index of an element left son in the array representation
unsigned int leftSonIndex(unsigned int index) const
return 2 * index + 1;
// returns the index of an element right son in the array representation
unsigned int rightSonIndex(unsigned int index) const
return 2 * index + 2;

//check if one element's dimension is between minPoint's and maxPoint's dimension
bool intersects(unsigned int index, const FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions>& minPoint,
const FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions>& maxPoint, int dimension) const
return (theDimensions[dimension][index] <= maxPoint[dimension]
&& theDimensions[dimension][index] >= minPoint[dimension]);

// check if an element is completely in the box
bool is_in_the_box(unsigned int index, const FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions>& minPoint,
const FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions>& maxPoint) const
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfDimensions; ++i)
if ((theDimensions[i][index] <= maxPoint[i]
&& theDimensions[i][index] >= minPoint[i]) == false)
return false;
return true;

// places an element at the specified position in the internal data structure
void add_at_position(const FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions>& point,
const unsigned int position)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfDimensions; ++i)
theDimensions[i][position] = point[i];
theIds[position] = point.getId();

void add_at_position(FKDPoint<TYPE, numberOfDimensions> && point,
const unsigned int position)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfDimensions; ++i)
theDimensions[i][position] = point[i];
theIds[position] = point.getId();

unsigned int theNumberOfPoints;
unsigned int theDepth;

// a SoA containing all the dimensions for each point
std::array<std::vector<TYPE>, numberOfDimensions> theDimensions;
std::vector<unsigned int> theIntervalLength;
std::vector<unsigned int> theIntervalMin;
std::vector<unsigned int> theIds;



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