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Me0 digitizer neutr bkg fix 800 #12945

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions SimMuon/GEMDigitizer/python/
Expand Up @@ -18,4 +18,5 @@
simulateNeutralBkg = cms.bool(True), # True - will simulate neutral (n+g) background
minBunch = cms.int32(-5), # [x 25 ns], forms the readout window together with maxBunch,
maxBunch = cms.int32(3), # we should think of shrinking this window ...
mixLabel = cms.string('mix'),
213 changes: 135 additions & 78 deletions SimMuon/GEMDigitizer/src/
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/TrapezoidalStripTopology.h"
#include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/ME0Geometry.h"

#include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"

#include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussQ.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonQ.h"
Expand All @@ -11,6 +14,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <map>

const int bxwidth = 25; // [ns]

ME0PreRecoGaussianModel::ME0PreRecoGaussianModel(const edm::ParameterSet& config) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,6 +51,9 @@ for (const auto & hit: simHits)
// Digitize only Muons?
if (std::abs(hit.particleType()) != 13 && digitizeOnlyMuons_) continue;
// Digitize only in [minBunch,maxBunch] window
// window is: [(2n-1)*bxw/2, (2n+1)*bxw/2], n = [minBunch, maxBunch]
if(hit.timeOfFlight() < (2*minBunch_-1)*bxwidth*1.0/2 || hit.timeOfFlight() > (2*maxBunch_+1)*bxwidth*1.0/2) continue;
// is GEM efficient?
if (CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine) > averageEfficiency_) continue;
// create digi
Expand All @@ -67,6 +74,14 @@ for (const auto & hit: simHits)
int pdgid = hit.particleType();
ME0DigiPreReco digi(x,y,ex,ey,corr,tof,pdgid);

edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModel") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: simulateSignal] :: simhit in "<<roll->id()<<" at loc x = "<<std::setw(8)<<entry.x()<<" [cm]"
<< " loc y = "<<std::setw(8)<<entry.y()<<" [cm] time = "<<std::setw(8)<<hit.timeOfFlight()<<" [ns] pdgid = "<<std::showpos<<std::setw(4)<<pdgid;
edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModel") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: simulateSignal] :: digi in "<<roll->id()<<" at loc x = "<<std::setw(8)<<x<<" [cm] loc y = "<<std::setw(8)<<y<<" [cm]"
<<" time = "<<std::setw(8)<<tof<<" [ns]";
edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModel") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: simulateSignal] :: digi in "<<roll->id()<<" with DX = "<<std::setw(8)<<(entry.x()-x)<<" [cm]"
<<" DY = "<<std::setw(8)<<(entry.y()-y)<<" [cm] DT = "<<std::setw(8)<<(hit.timeOfFlight()-tof)<<" [ns]";


Expand All @@ -82,106 +97,148 @@ void ME0PreRecoGaussianModel::simulateNoise(const ME0EtaPartition* roll, CLHEP::
const TrapezoidalStripTopology* top_(dynamic_cast<const TrapezoidalStripTopology*>(&(roll->topology())));

auto& parameters(roll->specs()->parameters());
double bottomLength(parameters[0]); bottomLength = 2*bottomLength;
double topLength(parameters[1]); topLength = 2*topLength;
double bottomLength(parameters[0]); bottomLength = 2*bottomLength; // bottom is largest length, so furtest away from beamline
double topLength(parameters[1]); topLength = 2*topLength; // top is shortest length, so closest to beamline
double height(parameters[2]); height = 2*height;
double myTanPhi = (topLength - bottomLength) / (height * 2);
double rollRadius = top_->radius();
trArea = height * (topLength + bottomLength) / 2.0;

// simulate intrinsic noise and background hits in all BX that are being read out
for(int bx=minBunch_; bx<maxBunch_+1; ++bx) {
// Divide the detector area in different strips
// take smearing in y-coord as height for each strip
double heightIt = sigma_v;
int heightbins = height/heightIt; // round down

edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: sNoise]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] :: roll with id = "<<roll->id();
edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: sNoise]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] :: extracting parameters from the TrapezoidalStripTopology";
edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: sNoise]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] :: bottom = "<<bottomLength<<" [cm] top = "<<topLength<<" [cm] height = "<<height<<" [cm]"
<<" area = "<<trArea<<" [cm^2] Rmid = "<<rollRadius<<" [cm] => Rmin = "<<rollRadius-height*1.0/2.0<<" [cm] Rmax = "<<rollRadius+height*1.0/2.0<<" [cm]";
edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: sNoise]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] :: heightbins = "<<heightbins;

for(int hx=0; hx<heightbins; ++hx) {
double bottomIt = bottomLength + hx *2*tan(10./180*3.14)*heightIt;
double topIt = bottomLength + (hx+1)*2*tan(10./180*3.14)*heightIt;
if(hx==heightbins-1) {
topIt = topLength; // last bin ... make strip a bit larger to cover entire roll
heightIt = height-hx*heightIt;
double areaIt = heightIt*(bottomIt+topIt)*1.0/2;

edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: sNoise]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] :: height = "<<std::setw(12)<<heightIt<<" [cm] bottom = "<<std::setw(12)<<bottomIt<<" [cm]"
<< " top = "<<std::setw(12)<<topIt<<" [cm] area = "<<std::setw(12)<<areaIt<<" [cm^2] || sin(10) = "<<sin(10./180*3.14);

double myRandY = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double y0_rand = (hx+myRandY)*heightIt; // Y coord, measured from the bottom of the roll
double yy_rand = (y0_rand-height*1.0/2); // Y coord, measured from the middle of the roll, which is the Y coord in Local Coords
double yy_glob = rollRadius + yy_rand; // R coord in Global Coords
// max length in x for given y coordinate (cfr trapezoidal eta partition)
double xMax = topLength/2.0 - (height/2.0 - yy_rand) * myTanPhi;

// 1) Intrinsic Noise ... Not implemented right now
// ------------------------------------------------
// if (simulateIntrinsicNoise_)
// {
// }

// 2) Background Noise
// {
// }
// 2) Background Noise
// ----------------------------
// 2a) electron background
// -----------------------

// 2a) electron background
// -----------------------
if (simulateElectronBkg_) {

double myRandY = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double yy_rand = height * (myRandY - 0.5); // random Y coord in Local Coords
double yy_glob = rollRadius + yy_rand; // random Y coord in Global Coords

// Extract / Calculate the Average Electron Rate
// Extract / Calculate the Average Electron Rate
// for the given global Y coord from Parametrization
double averageElectronRatePerRoll = 0.0;
double yy_helper = 1.0;
for(int j=0; j<7; ++j) { averageElectronRatePerRoll += eleBkg[j]*yy_helper; yy_helper *= yy_glob; }

// Rate [Hz/cm^2] * 25*10^-9 [s] * Area [cm] = # hits in this roll
const double averageElecRate(averageElectronRatePerRoll * (bxwidth*1.0e-9) * trArea);
int n_elechits(CLHEP::RandPoissonQ::shoot(engine, averageElecRate));

// max length in x for given y coordinate (cfr trapezoidal eta partition)
double xMax = topLength/2.0 - (height/2.0 - yy_rand) * myTanPhi;

// loop over amount of electron hits in this roll
for (int i = 0; i < n_elechits; ++i) {
//calculate xx_rand at a given yy_rand
double myRandX = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double xx_rand = 2 * xMax * (myRandX - 0.5);
double ex = sigma_u;
double ey = sigma_v;
double corr = 0.;
// extract random time in this BX
double myrandT = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);

// Rate [Hz/cm^2] * Nbx * 25*10^-9 [s] * Area [cm] = # hits in this roll in this bx
const double averageElecRate(averageElectronRatePerRoll * (maxBunch_-minBunch_+1)*(bxwidth*1.0e-9) * areaIt);

edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: elebkg]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"]" /* "] :: BX = "<<std::showpos<<bx*/
<< " evaluation of Background Hit Rate at this coord :: "<<std::setw(12)<<averageElectronRatePerRoll<<" [Hz/cm^2]"
<< " x 9 x 25*10^-9 [s] x Area (of strip = "<<std::setw(12)<<areaIt<<" [cm^2]) ==> "<<std::setw(12)<<averageElecRate<<" [hits]";

bool ele_eff = (CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine)<averageElecRate)?1:0;

edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: elebkg]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] :: myRandY = "<<std::setw(12)<<myRandY<<" => local y = "<<std::setw(12)<<yy_rand<<" [cm]"
<<" => global y (global R) = "<<std::setw(12)<<yy_glob<<" [cm] || Probability = "<<std::setw(12)<<averageElecRate
<<" => efficient? "<<ele_eff<<std::endl;

if(ele_eff) {
//calculate xx_rand at a given yy_rand
double myRandX = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double xx_rand = 2 * xMax * (myRandX - 0.5);
double ex = sigma_u;
double ey = sigma_v;
double corr = 0.;
// extract random BX
double myrandBX = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
int bx = int((maxBunch_-minBunch_+1)*myrandBX)+minBunch_;
// extract random time in this BX
double myrandT = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double minBXtime = (bx-0.5)*bxwidth; // double maxBXtime = (bx+0.5)*bxwidth;
double time = myrandT*bxwidth+minBXtime;
double myrandP = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
int pdgid = 0;
if (myrandP <= 0.5) pdgid = -11; // electron
else pdgid = 11; // positron
ME0DigiPreReco digi(xx_rand, yy_rand, ex, ey, corr, time, pdgid);
double time = myrandT*bxwidth+minBXtime;
double myrandP = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
int pdgid = 0;
if (myrandP <= 0.5) pdgid = -11; // electron
else pdgid = 11; // positron
ME0DigiPreReco digi(xx_rand, yy_rand, ex, ey, corr, time, pdgid);
edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: elebkg]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] =====> electron hit in "<<roll->id()<<" pdgid = "<<pdgid<<" bx = "<<bx
<<" ==> digitized"
<<" at loc x = "<<xx_rand<<" loc y = "<<yy_rand<<" time = "<<time<<" [ns]";
} // end if electron bkg

// 2b) neutral (n+g) background
// ----------------------------
// 2b) neutral (n+g) background
// ----------------------------
if (simulateNeutralBkg_) {

double myRandY = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double yy_rand = height * (myRandY - 0.5); // random Y coord in Local Coords
double yy_glob = rollRadius + yy_rand; // random Y coord in Global Coords
// Extract / Calculate the Average Electron Rate
// for the given global Y coord from Parametrization
// Extract / Calculate the Average Neutral Rate
// for the given global Y coord from Parametrization
double averageNeutralRatePerRoll = 0.0;
double yy_helper = 1.0;
for(int j=0; j<7; ++j) { averageNeutralRatePerRoll += neuBkg[j]*yy_helper; yy_helper *= yy_glob; }
// Rate [Hz/cm^2] * 25*10^-9 [s] * Area [cm] = # hits in this roll
const double averageNeutrRate(averageNeutralRatePerRoll * (bxwidth*1.0e-9) * trArea);
int n_hits(CLHEP::RandPoissonQ::shoot(engine, averageNeutrRate));

// max length in x for given y coordinate (cfr trapezoidal eta partition)
double xMax = topLength/2.0 - (height/2.0 - yy_rand) * myTanPhi;

// loop over amount of neutral hits in this roll
for (int i = 0; i < n_hits; ++i) {
//calculate xx_rand at a given yy_rand
double myRandX = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double xx_rand = 2 * xMax * (myRandX - 0.5);
double ex = sigma_u;
double ey = sigma_v;
double corr = 0.;
// extract random time in this BX
double myrandT = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double minBXtime = (bx-0.5)*bxwidth;
double time = myrandT*bxwidth+minBXtime;
int pdgid = 0;
double myrandP = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
if (myrandP <= 0.08) pdgid = 2112; // neutrons: GEM sensitivity for neutrons: 0.08%
else pdgid = 22; // photons: GEM sensitivity for photons: 1.04% ==> neutron fraction = (0.08 / 1.04) = 0.077 = 0.08
ME0DigiPreReco digi(xx_rand, yy_rand, ex, ey, corr, time, pdgid);

// Rate [Hz/cm^2] * Nbx * 25*10^-9 [s] * Area [cm] = # hits in this roll
const double averageNeutrRate(averageNeutralRatePerRoll * (maxBunch_-minBunch_+1)*(bxwidth*1.0e-9) * areaIt);

edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: neubkg]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"]" /* "] :: BX = "<<std::showpos<<bx*/
<< " evaluation of Background Hit Rate at this coord :: "<<std::setw(12)<<averageNeutralRatePerRoll<<" [Hz/cm^2]"
<< " x 9 x 25*10^-9 [s] x Area (of strip = "<<std::setw(12)<<areaIt<<" [cm^2]) ==> "<<std::setw(12)<<averageNeutrRate<<" [hits]";

bool neu_eff = (CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine)<averageNeutrRate)?1:0;

edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: neubkg]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] :: myRandY = "<<std::setw(12)<<myRandY<<" => local y = "<<std::setw(12)<<yy_rand<<" [cm]"
<<" => global y (global R) = "<<std::setw(12)<<yy_glob<<" [cm] || Probability = "<<std::setw(12)<<averageNeutrRate
<<" => efficient? "<<neu_eff<<std::endl;

if(neu_eff) {
//calculate xx_rand at a given yy_rand
double myRandX = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double xx_rand = 2 * xMax * (myRandX - 0.5);
double ex = sigma_u;
double ey = sigma_v;
double corr = 0.;
// extract random BX
double myrandBX= CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
int bx = int((maxBunch_-minBunch_+1)*myrandBX)+minBunch_;
// extract random time in this BX
double myrandT = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
double minBXtime = (bx-0.5)*bxwidth;
double time = myrandT*bxwidth+minBXtime;
int pdgid = 0;
double myrandP = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);
if (myrandP <= 0.08) pdgid = 2112; // neutrons: GEM sensitivity for neutrons: 0.08%
else pdgid = 22; // photons: GEM sensitivity for photons: 1.04% ==> neutron fraction = (0.08 / 1.04) = 0.077 = 0.08
ME0DigiPreReco digi(xx_rand, yy_rand, ex, ey, corr, time, pdgid);
edm::LogVerbatim("ME0PreRecoGaussianModelNoise") << "[ME0PreRecoDigi :: neubkg]["<<roll->id().rawId()<<"] ======> neutral hit in "<<roll->id()<<" pdgid = "<<pdgid<<" bx = "<<bx
<<" ==> digitized"
<<" at loc x = "<<xx_rand<<" loc y = "<<yy_rand<<" time = "<<time<<" [ns]";

} // end loop over bx
} // end if neutral bkg
} // end loop over strips (= pseudo rolls)