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Ecal global unpacker for hlt #2914

merged 2 commits into from Mar 19, 2014
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1,095 changes: 430 additions & 665 deletions HLTrigger/Configuration/python/

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661 changes: 319 additions & 342 deletions HLTrigger/Configuration/python/

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998 changes: 347 additions & 651 deletions HLTrigger/Configuration/python/

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143 changes: 107 additions & 36 deletions HLTrigger/Configuration/python/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# /dev/CMSSW_7_1_0/HIon/V11 (CMSSW_7_1_0_pre4_HLT5)
# /dev/CMSSW_7_1_0/HIon/V16 (CMSSW_7_1_0_pre4_HLT5)

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

HLTConfigVersion = cms.PSet(
tableName = cms.string('/dev/CMSSW_7_1_0/HIon/V11')
tableName = cms.string('/dev/CMSSW_7_1_0/HIon/V16')

streams = cms.PSet(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2268,31 +2268,77 @@
L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitFacility",
sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
workerName = cms.string( "" )
hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "NotNeededoESfalse" ),
doES = cms.bool( False ),
type = cms.string( "all" ),
sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
MuonJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
esInstance = cms.untracked.string( "es" ),
MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( )
hltEcalDigis = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToDigi",
tccUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
FedLabel = cms.InputTag( "listfeds" ),
srpUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
syncCheck = cms.bool( True ),
feIdCheck = cms.bool( True ),
silentMode = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
orderedFedList = cms.vint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 ),
eventPut = cms.bool( True ),
numbTriggerTSamples = cms.int32( 1 ),
numbXtalTSamples = cms.int32( 10 ),
orderedDCCIdList = cms.vint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 ),
FEDs = cms.vint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 ),
DoRegional = cms.bool( False ),
feUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
forceToKeepFRData = cms.bool( False ),
headerUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
memUnpacking = cms.bool( True )
hltEcalRecHitAll = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" ),
hltEcalPreshowerDigis = cms.EDProducer( "ESRawToDigi",
sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
debugMode = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
InstanceES = cms.string( "" ),
LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ),
ESdigiCollection = cms.string( "" )
hltEcalUncalibRecHit = cms.EDProducer( "EcalUncalibRecHitProducer",
EEdigiCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','eeDigis' ),
alphaEB = cms.double( 1.138 ),
alphaEE = cms.double( 1.89 ),
EBdigiCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','ebDigis' ),
EEhitCollection = cms.string( "EcalUncalibRecHitsEE" ),
AlphaBetaFilename = cms.untracked.string( "NOFILE" ),
betaEB = cms.double( 1.655 ),
MinAmplEndcap = cms.double( 14.0 ),
MinAmplBarrel = cms.double( 8.0 ),
algo = cms.string( "EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerWeights" ),
betaEE = cms.double( 1.4 ),
UseDynamicPedestal = cms.bool( True ),
EBhitCollection = cms.string( "EcalUncalibRecHitsEB" )
hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.EDProducer( "EcalDetIdToBeRecoveredProducer",
ebIntegrityChIdErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityChIdErrors' ),
ebDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.string( "ebDetId" ),
integrityTTIdErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityTTIdErrors' ),
eeIntegrityGainErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainErrors' ),
ebFEToBeRecovered = cms.string( "ebFE" ),
ebIntegrityGainErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainErrors' ),
eeDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.string( "eeDetId" ),
eeIntegrityGainSwitchErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainSwitchErrors' ),
eeIntegrityChIdErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityChIdErrors' ),
ebIntegrityGainSwitchErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainSwitchErrors' ),
ebSrFlagCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalDigis" ),
eeFEToBeRecovered = cms.string( "eeFE" ),
integrityBlockSizeErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityBlockSizeErrors' ),
eeSrFlagCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalDigis" )
hltEcalRecHit = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRecHitProducer",
recoverEEVFE = cms.bool( False ),
EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs" ),
recoverEBIsolatedChannels = cms.bool( False ),
recoverEBVFE = cms.bool( False ),
laserCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
EBLaserMIN = cms.double( 0.5 ),
killDeadChannels = cms.bool( True ),
dbStatusToBeExcludedEB = cms.vint32( 14, 78, 142 ),
EEuncalibRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalUncalibRecHit','EcalUncalibRecHitsEE' ),
dbStatusToBeExcludedEE = cms.vint32( 14, 78, 142 ),
EELaserMIN = cms.double( 0.5 ),
ebFEToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered','ebFE' ),
cleaningConfig = cms.PSet(
e6e2thresh = cms.double( 0.04 ),
tightenCrack_e6e2_double = cms.double( 3.0 ),
Expand All @@ -2310,7 +2356,31 @@
e4e1_a_endcap = cms.double( 0.02 ),
cThreshold_double = cms.double( 10.0 )
lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" )
logWarningEtThreshold_EE_FE = cms.double( 50.0 ),
eeDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered','eeDetId' ),
recoverEBFE = cms.bool( True ),
eeFEToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered','eeFE' ),
ebDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered','ebDetId' ),
singleChannelRecoveryThreshold = cms.double( 8.0 ),
ChannelStatusToBeExcluded = cms.vint32( ),
EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
triggerPrimitiveDigiCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalTriggerPrimitives' ),
recoverEEFE = cms.bool( True ),
singleChannelRecoveryMethod = cms.string( "NeuralNetworks" ),
EBLaserMAX = cms.double( 3.0 ),
flagsMapDBReco = cms.vint32( 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, -1, -1, -1, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9 ),
EBuncalibRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalUncalibRecHit','EcalUncalibRecHitsEB' ),
algoRecover = cms.string( "EcalRecHitWorkerRecover" ),
algo = cms.string( "EcalRecHitWorkerSimple" ),
EELaserMAX = cms.double( 8.0 ),
logWarningEtThreshold_EB_FE = cms.double( 50.0 ),
recoverEEIsolatedChannels = cms.bool( False )
hltEcalPreshowerRecHit = cms.EDProducer( "ESRecHitProducer",
ESRecoAlgo = cms.int32( 0 ),
ESrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsES" ),
algo = cms.string( "ESRecHitWorker" ),
ESdigiCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalPreshowerDigis" )
hltHcalDigis = cms.EDProducer( "HcalRawToDigi",
UnpackZDC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2557,7 +2627,7 @@
UseHcalRecoveredHits = cms.bool( False ),
HOThresholdMinus2 = cms.double( 3.5 ),
HOThreshold0 = cms.double( 3.5 ),
ecalInputs = cms.VInputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll:EcalRecHitsEB','hltEcalRecHitAll:EcalRecHitsEE' ),
ecalInputs = cms.VInputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit:EcalRecHitsEB','hltEcalRecHit:EcalRecHitsEE' ),
UseRejectedRecoveredHcalHits = cms.bool( False ),
MomEBDepth = cms.double( 0.3 ),
HBWeight = cms.double( 1.0 ),
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offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
hltIslandBasicClustersHI = cms.EDProducer( "IslandClusterProducer",
endcapHits = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
endcapHits = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
IslandEndcapSeedThr = cms.double( 0.18 ),
posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
Expand All @@ -4989,7 +5059,7 @@
barrelShapeAssociation = cms.string( "islandBarrelShapeAssoc" ),
endcapShapeAssociation = cms.string( "islandEndcapShapeAssoc" ),
barrelHits = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
barrelHits = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
clustershapecollectionEE = cms.string( "islandEndcapShape" ),
clustershapecollectionEB = cms.string( "islandBarrelShape" ),
VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
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maxR9 = cms.double( 1.5 )
VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' )
recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' )
hltHiCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI = cms.EDProducer( "HiEgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
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maxR9 = cms.double( 1.5 )
VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' )
recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' )
hltCleanedHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI = cms.EDProducer( "HiSpikeCleaner",
originalSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
recHitProducerEndcap = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
recHitProducerEndcap = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
TimingCut = cms.untracked.double( 9999999.0 ),
swissCutThr = cms.untracked.double( 0.95 ),
recHitProducerBarrel = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
recHitProducerBarrel = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
etCut = cms.double( 8.0 ),
outputColl = cms.string( "" )
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hbheRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
hoRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHoreco" ),
hfRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" ),
ebRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
eeRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' )
ebRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
eeRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' )
max_EMF = cms.double( 999.0 )
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HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )
HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot )
HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )
HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalDigis + hltEcalPreshowerDigis + hltEcalUncalibRecHit + hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered + hltEcalRecHit + hltEcalPreshowerRecHit )
HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )
HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )
HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalSequence + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )
HLTRecoMETSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltMet )
HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripRawToDigi + hltSiStripZeroSuppression + hltSiStripDigiToZSRaw + hltSiStripRawDigiToVirginRaw + virginRawDataRepacker + rawDataRepacker )
HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )
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