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Cockroach Labs Field Team

The company building CockroachDB, the scalable, survivable SQL database and the Field Team evangelizing it


  1. docker-examples docker-examples Public

    CockroachDB examples using Docker and Docker Compose

    Shell 49 17

  2. crdb-geo-tourist crdb-geo-tourist Public

    GIS demo: find pubs, restaurants, cafes, etc. using the spatial features of CockroachDB

    Python 15 7

  3. sales-engineer-take-home-exercise sales-engineer-take-home-exercise Public

    Quick technical exercise for those interested in Sales Engineering roles at Cockroach Labs

    12 3

  4. cockroachdb-remote-client cockroachdb-remote-client Public

    Docker image used to perform simple tasks against a CockroachDB cluster then disappear

    Java 5 4

  5. dynamic-haproxy dynamic-haproxy Public

    A Docker image that simplifies the deployment of HAProxy in front of a CockroachDB Docker cluster.

    Shell 4 2


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