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Elasticsearch Quartz


Elasticsearch Quartz Plugin is a scheduler for Elasticsearch plugins. In your Elasticsarch plugin, you can register a job and start it at a specified time.


Install Quartz Plugin

$ $ES_HOME/bin/plugin -install org.codelibs/elasticsearch-quartz/1.0.1


Edit pom.xml

To use ScheduleService, put the following dependency to your pom.xml.


Inject ScheduleService

Quartz plugin provides ScheduleService instance to DI container(Guice) of Elasticsearch. Therefore, you can use scheduleService in your Service or River class as below:

public YourRiver(final RiverName riverName, final RiverSettings settings,
    final Client client, final ScheduleService scheduleService) {

ScheduleService delegates Scheduler's methods of Quartz.

Register Job

ScheduleService allows you to register your Job and Trigger of Quartz.

scheduleService.scheduleJob(job, trigger);

Unregister Job

You can remove your job by group and job ID.

import static org.quartz.JobKey.jobKey;


scheduleService.deleteJob(jobKey(jobId, groupId));