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#5770: Expand unit tests to cover all three rotation commands on a de…
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…fined brush: RotateSelectionX; RotateSelectionY; RotateSelectionZ
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codereader committed Oct 3, 2021
1 parent c75a91b commit 601c748
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 5 deletions.
82 changes: 77 additions & 5 deletions test/Brush.cpp
Expand Up @@ -335,17 +335,89 @@ TEST_F(Quake3BrushTest, TextureOnAngledBrush)

inline void checkFaceNormalAndShader(IBrush* brush, int faceIndex, const Vector3& expectedNormal, const std::string& expectedMaterial)
EXPECT_TRUE(math::isNear(brush->getFace(faceIndex).getPlane3().normal(), expectedNormal, 0.01)) <<
"Face " << faceIndex << " failed the normal check";
EXPECT_EQ(brush->getFace(faceIndex).getShader(), expectedMaterial) << "Face " << faceIndex << " doesn't have the expected material";

// Create a defined brush with a certain AABB for the rotation tests
// Face with (0,0,1) will have textures/numbers/10
// Face with (0,1,0) will have textures/numbers/11
inline scene::INodePtr createBrushForRotationTest()
auto worldspawn = GlobalMapModule().findOrInsertWorldspawn();
auto brushNode = algorithm::createCuboidBrush(worldspawn, AABB({ 192, 8, 48 }, { 48, 8, 50 }), "textures/numbers/1");
Node_setSelected(brushNode, true);

auto brush = Node_getIBrush(brushNode);

// Set up two faces with defined materials to later detect how the brush has been rotated
algorithm::findBrushFaceWithNormal(brush, { 0, 0, 1 })->setShader("textures/numbers/10");
algorithm::findBrushFaceWithNormal(brush, { 0, 1, 0 })->setShader("textures/numbers/11");

// Check the faces explicitly
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 0, { 1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 1, {-1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 2, { 0, 1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/11");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 3, { 0,-1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 4, { 0, 0, 1 }, "textures/numbers/10");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 5, { 0, 0,-1 }, "textures/numbers/1");

return brushNode;

// #5770: Brushes disappear due to transformation being applied twice while freezing the brush node (first face is transformed twice)
TEST_F(BrushTest, RotateBrushZ90Degrees)
auto worldspawn = GlobalMapModule().findOrInsertWorldspawn();
auto brush = algorithm::createCuboidBrush(worldspawn, AABB({ 192, 8, 48 }, { 48, 8, 50 }), "textures/numbers/1");
Node_setSelected(brush, true);
auto brushNode = createBrushForRotationTest();


EXPECT_TRUE(Node_getIBrush(brush)->hasContributingFaces()) << "Failed to transform this brush, it seems to have disappeared";
auto brush = Node_getIBrush(brushNode);

// Check the faces explicitly, normals should have been rotated, order of faces unchanged
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 0, { 0,-1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 1, { 0, 1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 2, { 1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/11");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 3, {-1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 4, { 0, 0, 1 }, "textures/numbers/10");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 5, { 0, 0,-1 }, "textures/numbers/1");

TEST_F(BrushTest, RotateBrushX90Degrees)
auto brushNode = createBrushForRotationTest();


auto brush = Node_getIBrush(brushNode);

// Check the faces explicitly, normals should have been rotated, order of faces unchanged
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 0, { 1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 1, {-1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 2, { 0, 0,-1 }, "textures/numbers/11");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 3, { 0, 0, 1 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 4, { 0, 1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/10");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 5, { 0,-1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");

TEST_F(BrushTest, RotateBrushY90Degrees)
auto brushNode = createBrushForRotationTest();


auto brush = Node_getIBrush(brushNode);

// Check the faces explicitly, normals should have been rotated, order of faces unchanged
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 0, { 0, 0,-1 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 1, { 0, 0, 1 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 2, { 0, 1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/11");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 3, { 0,-1, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 4, { 1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/10");
checkFaceNormalAndShader(brush, 5, {-1, 0, 0 }, "textures/numbers/1");


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