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Bebox sample puppet generated repo project

This is a pre-configured bebox project that makes the provision for deploy of the sample-rails-app-for-bebox example on how to use bebox. This bebox project configures the environment to install a rails application with zero downtime deployment.

How to Use

The project comes pre-configured with the most of the settings to run your own vagrant machine; but some specific settings need to be reconfigured.


The same for bebox:

  • rbenv
  • ruby version >= 1.9.2 (2.1.0 recommended)
  • Vagrant installed.


Bebox demo

You can see a bebox demo video for a complete example of provisioning a machine with this example code and deploying a rails application in it.

bebox demo video


Clone the application

git clone

Setup virtualbox ubuntu 12.04 box

The project needs a pre-rolled vagrant box to run. If you did not previously configured the with bebox you need to do the following:

mkdir -p ~/.bebox/boxes
ln -s BOX_PATH ~/.bebox/boxes/

Replace BOX_PATH with the full route to the file in your disk. This creates the bebox boxes directory and a symlink to the ubuntu box in it.

Bundle project

Install the required gems for the project, bundle it with:

cd bebox-sample-puppet-generated-repo
bundle install

Setup node

This bebox project use one vagrant node that by default was created with the hostname: node1.server1.test and the ip_address:

If you need to change the default ip_address to a free IP address in your local net, replace it in all the node1.server1.test.yml files in the .checkpoints directory; to do it you can run the commands:

  • for linux:

      find .checkpoints/environments/vagrant -type f -exec sed -i "s/" {} \;
  • for mac:

      find .checkpoints/environments/vagrant -type f -exec sed -i '' -e "s/" {} \;

Finally add to your local hosts file /etc/hosts the line:

IP_ADDRESS    node1.server1.test

Where IP_ADDRESS is by default or the NEW_IP_ADDRESS if you changed in the past step.


This commands can take a lot of time while all the libraries and programs are downloaded and setting up.

You can create, run and prepare the vagrant machine with the command:

bebox prepare

Then you can provision the vagrant machine with:

bebox apply --all

or one step at a time with:

bebox apply step-N

where N is the step number (0, 1, 2, 3).

** Note 1: You can access the vagrant machine with the command: vagrant ssh from the project directory. **

** Note 2: If you need the root password for the machine it is without quotes: 'bebox' **

###Further steps

Now you can deploy the sample-rails-app-for-bebox example application to the vagrant machine. Follow the instructions in its file.

###Project creation

To see how this bebox project was created from the beginning you can see the git commits log.

git log


A puppet repo generated by bebox to deploy a sample rails app.






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