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This repository implements an ASGI compatible HTTP server from scratch as well as a companion ASGI application. No dependencies are needed as long as you're running Python 3.8 or above. The idea behind this repository is to grok how ASGI works and what is the role of the ASGI protocol server and the ASGI application itself and how they communicate.


Note that the HTTP server is very, very barebones and is only meant to serve as a teaching tool for understanding ASGI - nothing more. Nothing included in this repository is meant to be run in production. The HTTP request parsing is neither robust nor safe, the connection handling is inadequate, the protocol server does not fully implement the ASGI specification for HTTP (for example streaming HTTP responses using more_body is missing) and there's most likely a bug or two.

How it works

The ASGI specification is rather short so I'd suggest reading through it if you're interested but what follows is a minimalistic summary of it. A typical ASGI application can essentially be split into two components:

  • a protocol server
  • an application
                    ___________________                   _______________
                    |                 |  <-- message ---  |             |
socket <-- data --> | protocol server |                   | application |
                    |_________________|  --- message -->  |_____________|

Protocol server

The protocol server is responsible for decoding protocol data (for example HTTP) into messages defined by the ASGI specification which are then sent to the application. The messages themselves are usually simple Python dictionaries. The application can also send ASGI specification compliant messages in the other direction, i.e. to the protocol server which then needs to encode those messages to conform to whatever protocol it is implementing.

In the context of HTTP this means that the protocol server is more or less a TCP socket server which decodes the HTTP protocol into messages defined by the ASGI specification for HTTP which are then passed to the application. The application can also send HTTP responses as messages to the protocol server and the protocol server needs to encode those messages to match the HTTP protocol.

Note about protocols

Note that each protocol has their own protocol specific ASGI specification. The main ASGI specification itself is concerned with this split between the protocol server and the application, not the specific events defined for a common protocol. In this repository the HTTP protocol server is defined in the server module.


The ASGI applications called by the protocol server themselves are simple coroutines:

async def application(scope, receive, send):

Scope is a dictionary containing relevant information for the current connection and / or request. In the context of HTTP the scope dictionary will contain things like the HTTP method and path but not the body of the HTTP request. receive is a coroutine which can be awaited for to retrieve the body of the HTTP request and send is a coroutine which can be used to send the HTTP response by calling it with ASGI compliant HTTP messages.


And that's more or less it. Some details have obviously been omitted but to summarize the whole thing in a few short steps:

  • a protocol server decodes protocol traffic into events / messages defined by the relevant protocol specification
  • the application coroutine consumes those messages and sends back messages of its own
  • the protocol server will encode the messages sent by the application according to the protocol it implements


To run the protocol server:

python3 -m asgi.server asgi.example:app

You can now navigate your browser to localhost:8000 and you should see a simple HTML page.

To run tests:

python3 -m unittest discover tests/


ASGI server for HTTP/1.0






