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Newlispdoc ext

cormullion edited this page Sep 25, 2011 · 1 revision

newlispdoc-ext - newlispdoc extended

This is a modified version of the official newlispdoc script that ships with newLISP. The official version uses its own syntax highlighting routines, which are not what I want. I therefore modified the original script so that, although it works as documented, it also allows you to specify another script that carries out the syntax highlighting.

Instead of typing this:

newlispdoc -s -d *.lsp

you can type in this.

newlispdoc -e extformatter.lsp -d *.lsp

The -e option should be followed by the name of a script file that processes the newLISP source. The 'extformatter.lsp' script must contain a function that the main newlispdoc-ext.lsp file calls. Here's the simplest possible script:

(define (syntax-highlight source-text title) 
    (string title source-text))

More usefully, you'd write some script that processes the file in some more exotic way. Such a script is external-syntax-highlighting.lsp.

Last edited: 2011-09-18 16:38:28

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