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danielwertheim edited this page Aug 28, 2011 · 2 revisions

PineCone is just something I have lifted out of one of my other open source projects SisoDb

It lets you take a C# class and then builds a schema for this class. This schema contains cached members that via IL Emit extracts all simple values from the object graph. All values are turned into a StructureIndex, which is contained by a Structure. Each StructureIndex holds a Guid pointing back to the structure so that you easily can navigate to the structure again.

You can also provide an implementation of ISerializer on the StructureBuilder, which then will be called for each item being converted to a structure. The result of the serializer will be put in the IStructure.Data property.


	public class X
		public Guid StructureId { get; set; }

		public int X1 { get; set; }

		public int[] X2 { get; set; }

		public Y X3 { get; set; }

		public IList<Y> X4 { get; set; }

	public class Y
		public string Y1 { get; set; }

		public int Y2 { get; set; }

		public IList<Z> Y3 { get; set; }

	public class Z
		public DateTime Z1 { get; set; }

		public decimal Z2 { get; set; }

Build structures

	var pineConizer = new PineConizer();

	var structures = pineConizer.CreateStructuresFor(items);

Build structures a more manual way

	var schema = pineConizer.Schemas.GetSchema(typeof(X));
	var schema = pineConizer.Schemas.GetSchema<X>();

	var structures = pineConizer.Builder.CreateStructures(items, schema);


	var p = structures.SelectMany(s => s.Indexes).Where(i => i.Path.StartsWith("X3") || i.Value is string);


	public interface IStructure
		Guid Id { get; }

		string Name { get; }

		dynamic Data { get; set; }
		ISet<IStructureIndex> Indexes { get; }

		ISet<IStructureIndex> Uniques { get; }


	public interface IStructureIndex : IEquatable<IStructureIndex>
		Guid StructureId { get;  }

		string Path { get;  }
		object Value { get; }

		bool IsUnique { get; }


Implement ISerialzer

	public interface ISerializer
		dynamic Serialize<T>(T item);

assign it to the builder

	pineConizer.Builder.Serializer = mySerializer;

After this your structures will have their Data prop filled with the serialized content. For JSON I highly recommend as it is the most performant I know:

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