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davetron5000 edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

= Dave’s Resume

OK, so at the top of this is my actual resume, generated by some YAML files and the code here. It’s not the prettiest OO design in the world, but I needed to get my resume done quickly.

= How you can use this

1. Install the rtf gem via gem install rtf 2. Get this code from git 3. rake scaffold – this will create a directory called scaffold/ off this project’s root. This contains the YAML files for your resume. 4. Edit those files (see below for more info) 5. Modify conf/conf.rb to your tastes. You should at least change the value of “RESUME_YAML” to point to where your YAML is 6. rake

You now have resume.markdown and resume.doc in the project’s root.

= YAML format

Basically, this is the serialized form of the classes in resume.rb, as produced by the standard YAML serializer that comes with Ruby.

So, if you edit this and get the formatting wrong, you get obtuse errors. So, be gentle and thank yourself you don’t have to do it in Word.

Basically, the resume is:

  • Core (in resume.yaml) – This has stuff like your name, address, summary, etc.
  • SkillSet (in skills.yaml) – This is a database of your skills, with an experience level and a # of years experience.
    o The acceted levels currently are:
    + :novice – skills show up in “Exposure To”
    + :intermediate – skills show up last in their category
    + :expert – skills show up first in their category
    o The categories are currently hard-coded (sorry) and any skill not in a category won’t show up. The categories are:
    + :languages
    + :apis
    + :tools
    + :databases
    + :operating_systems
  • Experience – any file that starts with experience_ and ends in .yaml will get picked up. The formatter will sort things in reverse chronological order for you. A Job consists of one or more positions, and the formatter should be smart about handling jobs with only one position.
  • Education – works like Experience files starting with education will get picked up and sorted reverse chronologically
  • Samples – this is just a name and a link, and only shows up in the Markdown version.
  • References – this isn’t used anywhere right now, but any file starting with reference_ and ending with .yaml will get picked up.

= So why is this so cruddy and hard-coded?

‘Cause I did it in like 6 hours so I could have a way to more easily manage my resume. I hate Word, and there really wasn’t a great way to translate between LaTeX and Word that worked for me. Plus, I thought it would be cool to host my resume on GitHub.


The other reason I did this is so that I could generate customized resumes more easily. To that end, I may implement some sort of conditional pre-processing or tagging to allow that to happen.

  • Create tagging for skills and achievements to allow focusing a resume, but storing a lot of info
  • Don’t hard-code the categories
  • Possibly a section for awards/certifications
  • Maybe some test cases?
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