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Launching Application with Docker

This guide outlines how to set up and start the application using Docker.



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Prod-DDM-APP
  2. Adjust configuration files:

    • Review the configuration files to ensure they meet your requirements.
    • Make any necessary adjustments if needed.
  3. Building Docker images:

    docker-compose build web
  4. Start the application:

    docker-compose up -d

    The -d flag starts the containers in the background.

  5. Check the status of containers:

    docker-compose ps

    This displays the status of the running containers.

  6. Access the application:

    The application should now be accessible at the provided address, usually localhost or the host's IP address depending on the configuration.

  7. Stopping and removing containers:

    To stop and remove the containers, execute the following command:

    docker-compose down

    This will stop and remove all running containers, but it will retain the data unless the -v flag is used to remove volumes as well.


  • Ensure that the ports specified in the compose.yml file are not being used by other applications.
  • Adjust environment variables in the compose.yml file as needed to configure the application.