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Repository files navigation

Many of these have been grabbed from various sources around the interwebs. Credit is given where known, but
unfortunately I wasn't always great at keeping track.

If I have one of your scripts in this collection and you would like credit (or removal) please open an issue.

| script                 | description                                             |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| `git-cleanup-features` | clean up feature branches that have already been merged |
| `git-incoming`         | show commits that are missing on the local branch       |
| `git-index`            | show the staged diff                                    |
| `git-last`             | show the last N commits                                 |
| `git-outgoing`         | show commits that are missing on the remote branch      |
| `git-rebase-features`  | rebase feature branches against `main`                  |
| `git-unwip`            | rewind the last commit back into the index              |
| `git-wip`              | make a wip commit of all outstanding changes            |
| `git-wtf`              | show status of all branches                             |