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Tryouts v2.3.1 (2024-06-18)

Ruby tests that read like documentation.

A simple test framework for Ruby code that uses introspection to allow defining checks in comments.


One of:

  • In your Gemfile: gem 'tryouts'
  • As a gem: gem install tryouts
  • From source:
  $ git clone git://


  # Run all tests accessible from the current directory (e.g. ./try, ./tryouts))
  $ try

  # Run a single test file
  $ try try/10_utils_try.rb

  # Command arguments
  $ try -h
  Usage: try [options]
      -V, --version                    Display the version
      -q, --quiet                      Run in quiet mode
      -v, --verbose                    Run in verbose mode
      -f, --fails                      Show only failing tryouts
      -D, --debug                      Run in debug mode
      -h, --help                       Display this help

Exit codes

When all tests pass, try exits with a 0. An exit code of 1 or more indicates the number of failing tests.

Writing tests

  ## A very simple test
  1 + 1
  #=> 2

  ## The test description can spread
  ## across multiple lines. The same
  ## is true for test definitions.
  a = 'foo'
  b = 'bar'
  a + b
  #=> 'foobar'

  ## A test will pass when its return
  ## value equals the expectation.
  #=> String

  ## The expectations are evaluated as well.
  #=> 9 * 9

  ## Here's an example of testing errors
    raise RuntimeError
  rescue RuntimeError
  #=> :success

For real world examples, see Onetimesecret tryouts.

Test setup / cleanup

Put the setup code at the top of the file, and cleanup code at the bottom. Like this:

  # This is called before all tests
  require 'gibbler'
  Gibbler.digest_type = Digest::SHA256

  ## This is a single testcase
  #=> '8574309'

  # This will be called after all tests
  Gibbler.digest_type = Digest::SHA1



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