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Mark Chandler edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 1 revision

No where else I can think to put these, so bear with me. You should read these before

Do I write 'Desurium' or 'Desura'?

Desura. Desurium is just branding.

An issue is caused by third party software. Do I just clos-

No. You should report it to the appropriate project, if possible. Then they can take care of it.

My edits to CEF aren't working.

CEF isn't built using CMake. It's only copied in to the Chromium codebase then built using Gyp. To edit it, copy any changes to build/chromium-prefix/src/chromium/src/cef.

What's the deal with the 'gc' prefix?

According to Lodle, 'gc' stands for 'game core', which is the internal name for Desura.