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David Gobbi edited this page Jul 30, 2016 · 1 revision

Perform simple reformatting operations on a DICOM file.


dicomtodicom -o directory file.dcm ...


-o directory            The output directory.
-s --silent             Do not print anything while executing.
-v --verbose            Verbose error reporting.
--axial                 Produce axial slices.
--coronal               Produce coronal slices.
--sagittal              Produce sagittal slices.
--series-description    Textual description of the series.
--series-number         The series number to use.
--modality              The modality: MR or CT or SC.
--uid-prefix            A DICOM uid prefix (optional).
--version               Print the version and exit.
--build-version         Print source and build version.
--help                  Documentation for dicomtodicom.


This program allows adjustment of a DICOM series.


In its most basic functionality, this command reads a DICOM series and then writes it out with a new UID. It strips out any meta data that is not recognized as part of the SOP class that it is writing. In other words, its main purpose is to coerce the data to fit the requested SOP class.

Currently, only three output SOP classes can be written: Secondary Capture, CT, and MR. Enhanced CT and Enhanced MR cannot be written, but they can be read, therefore this program can be used to convert enhanced single-file CT and MR DICOM into a series of DICOM files.

The written data has the ImageType set to DERIVED\SECONDARY\OTHER and has a new series number and name. It isn't meant to replace the original data, it is simply meant to coerce the data into a format that might be more compatible with other software.

Reformatting of the data (MPR) is permitted during the conversion. This is an experimental feature and causes much of the per-instance meta data to be discarded.