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Releases: dita4publishers/dita4publishers

Fix for org.dita4publishers.common.html

31 Aug 20:50
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Fixes a subtle bug in common.html that caused tab characters to produce paired single quotes instead of spaces. Other small fixes for HTML5 transform.

[UPDATE: Added fix for html5 plugin issue #54]

[UPDATE: Added fix for html5 plugin issue #55]

Fixes for @copy-to in main transform types, adjust-copy-to preprocess extensions

24 Jun 22:21
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This release reflects fixes to the dita-community/org.dita-community.adjust-copy-to plugin, which was not correctly handling the map document through the adjustment process and was not properly setting the @copy-to attribute or using @keys properly when the use-nav-keys option was turned on.

In addition, the common.html code for determining result HTML filenames was not taking @copy-to into account, so whether you specified @copy-to directly in your map or used the adjust-copy-to plugin to do it for you, the HTML generated from the HTML2, HTML5, EPUB, and Kindle plugins did not reflect the copy-to values.

This update should now correctly do copy-to adjustment and should correctly reflect copy-to values in the generated HTML files.

See the dita-community/org.dita-community.adjust-copy-to documentation for details on how to control copy-to value adjustment, including using @keys to set the copy-to value.

Also includes a small enhancement to the Word2DITA transform to avoid issues when the root topic name parameter is not specified in the Ant script or to the XSLT transform.

Restore missing net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.doctypes plugin, fix Simplified Chinese string files.

09 Jun 20:35
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Restores the missing net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.doctypes plugin to the plugins package.

Fixes the language code for Simplified Chines in the common.html and html5 plugins' strings.xml file.

Plugin-only Release: Various fixes (adjust-copy-to, HTML2, EPUB, dita-support-utils.xsl)

25 May 17:18
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Fixes a number of small but important issues in various DITA Community and D4P plugins, including:

  • Adjusted adjust-copy-to so it's turned on by default and fixed bug with handling of topicrefs within chunks.
  • Fixed issues with handling toc='no' in HTML2 and EPUB transforms
  • Fixed HTML2 XSLT code issue (incorrect use of parentId parameter in index generation code)
  • Fixed df:resolveTopicRef() to not resolve peer or external scope topicrefs

Plugin-Only Release: Fixed unwanted dependencies among plugins

27 Apr 17:00
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This release should allow deployment of just those plugins absolutely required for EPUB or HTML5 without D4P stuff you don't need (like the D4P doctypes).

Plugin-Only Release: EPUB improvements, HTML5 enhancements, code refactoring

27 Apr 16:15
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Provides EPUB improvements to ensure all EPUBs pass epubcheck, add additional output options.

Incremental HTML5 improvements.

A bit of code refactoring to remove EPUB dependency on HTML2 transform.

Plugin-Only Release: HTML5 improvements, fix for @chunk handling

19 Mar 20:50
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Fixes issue with HTML5 navigation generation (bad relative paths, navigation links to topics within to-content chunks)

Fixes bug in handling of topicrefs that specify @chunk=to-content that are descendants of topics that specify @chunk=to-content (fix to common.xslt getUniqueTopicrefs() function).

Plugin-only Release. HTML5 Improvements

12 Feb 20:04
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This package provides a number of small fixes to the HTML5 transformation type.

Plugins-only 1.0.0 Release Candidate 07 (Fix for dropped whitespace)

07 Jan 18:51
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This release fixes a bug in the org.dita4publishers.json plugin (used from the HTML5 plugin) that caused whitespace to be dropped between subelements when all the non-whitespace content of e.g. a paragraph was in subelements.

Includes some code changes to allow use of OT 2.0, although full 2.0 support is not yet verified.

Added two new release packages for EPUB-only and HTML5-only as a convenience for users who only want the HTML5 or EPUB processing but don't care about the vocabulary or other plugins.

Plugins-only 1.0.0 Release Candidate 05 (EPUB improvements)

06 Jan 23:02
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Preparing new release to correct HTML5 issue 21