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Releases: dita4publishers/dita4publishers

EPUB bug fixes

31 Oct 19:42
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Updates the EPUB plug-in and dependency plugins to fix issues reported in EPUB issue #90.

Corrects the following issues:

  • Corrected use of unset $topics.output.dir in navigation URLs
  • Properly declare use of MathML in the EPUB manifest
  • Corrected bug in generation of height and width values for images (was resulting in "NaN")
  • Correctly preserve SVG namespace on SVG images included in the EPUB content

Test with OT 3.6.1

This release includes updates to all the plug-in packages because of changes ot common plugins but the focus was on the EPUB plug-in

1.0.0RC28: OT 3.6+, Word2DITA enhancements

06 Aug 16:15
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This release brings the D4P code up to date with DITA 1.3 and OT 3.6+. It also includes a number of fixes and enhancements to the Word2DITA plugin, including fixes for table span handling and support for cell shading.

Key new features include:

  • D4P DTD shells updated to use DITA 1.3 modules, use DITA 1.3 MathML, equation, SVG, and markup domains
  • HTML5, EPUB, and Kindle transforms updated to work with OT 3.6. Going forward, older versions of Open Toolkit will not be explicitly supported.
  • A number of small fixes to various D4P plugins.

See the online documentation at for details.

EPUB 2.5.4/3.2 Support

06 Nov 14:47
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EPUB transform appears to work with Open Toolkit 2.5.4 and 3.2, although it has not been extensively tested.

Fixes a bug in the handling of the CSS directory that caused bad URLs for references to CSS files in a directory specified with the args.csspath Open Toolkit option.

Now uses the base HTML5 transform rather than the XHTML transform as the base for HTML generation. If you have XHTML extensions that extend the XHTML transform and you want those to be used for EPUB you will need to update them to extend the HTML5 transform instead. For most extensions this should be as easy as adding the HTML5 extension point along side the XHTML extension point in your plugin's plugin.xml file.

Also includes the latest Word2DITA code, which fixes a couple of small bugs.

First build for Open Toolkit 2.4. Lightly tested but should work

15 Nov 13:31
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This release reflects the first attempt to make the EPUB, HTML5, and HTML2 transforms work with Open Toolkit 2.4. The transforms appear to run correctly.

NOTE: These transforms will only work with OT 2.4 (and maybe later releases). They will not work with OT 1.8.5 as they depend on the new OT HTML5 transform and other OT 2.x-specific changes.

Migrating the code was much easier than I expected--I had to remove a few XSLT things that are simply not in the 2.4 HTML5 code base, replaced uses of getString with getVariable and updated a couple of template overrides where the overridden templates had changed.

The other change was to simply remove the use of the DITA Community preprocessing extensions, which neither work with OT 2.x nor should be necessary given new features to ensure result topic uniqueness. However, the base OT may need a bit of enhancement to really do topic uniqueness completely and correctly.

If you do not have any reused topics then it's no problem at all. If you do have reused topics there may be issues with EPUB generation in that you can end up with multiple references to the same HTML result file, which is a violation of EPUB3 rules (although readers don't seem to mind).

EPUB and Word2DITA Enhancements

01 Sep 15:42
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This release provides new EPUB feature for including a JavaScript file in the generated HTML in the EPUB as well as a number of bug fixes for the map-driven processing framework and the Word2DITA framework. Also provides documentation improvements.

Word2DITA Updates: Language att, any other attributes, maps in final fixup

27 May 19:00
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This release adds several enhancements to the Word2DITA transform:

  • Word2DITA issue 19: Provide way to generate arbitrary attributes through the style-to-tag map
    Adds a new subelement, <additionalAttributes>, to <paragraphStyle> and <characterStyle>, with which you can specify any additional attributes for the directly-generated result element.
  • Word2DITA issue 20: Provide way to set language on style-to-tag map.
    The <paragraphStyle>, <characterStyle>,<mapProperties>, and <topicProperties> elements allow a new attribute, @langAttValue, that specifies the value to use for the @xml:lang attribute on the elements directly generated for those styles. For maps and topics, the value specified on @langAttValue overrides the language specified by the w2d.language Ant parameter (which defaults to "en-US").
  • Word2DITA issue 21: Put generated maps through final-fixup mode
    Generated maps are now processed in mode "final-fixup" just as topics are, making it easier to adjust the details of generated maps.

Improved EPUB Font Handling: Generation of CSS @font-face Rules

17 May 16:24
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This release adds additional functionality to the EPUB transformation type's support for embedded fonts. It is now possible to automatically generate a CSS file that contains @font-face rules for each font specified in the font manifest specified at run time.

Also fixed an issue with the specification of user CSS files at runtime. The EPUB transform now correctly uses the normal arg.csspath parameter to specify the location within the generated EPUB for the user-specified CSS. Also added a new parameter, epub.copy.system.css, to enable not including the OT-provided CSS files in the EPUB.

No other changes to the other transforms. Updating the release packages for convenience.

NOTE: This version works, or at least doesn't fail, with OT 2.1.1 but may or may not work with later 2.x versions. General support for 2.x is still an open action item.

Fix to bug with case of font filenames in EPUB transform. Use RC17 for other plugins

05 May 15:08
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Fixes a bug in the EPUB transform where uppercase font filenames caused fonts to be copied to the wrong directory in the EPUB.

EPUB Font Embedding and Obfuscation

26 Apr 20:26
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This release provides font embedding and obfuscation for EPUBs. It also provides the start of support for OT 2.x in that the EPUB transform might work with OT 2.x (or it might not).

Fix for DITA2InDesign debug failure, HTML5 chunked map navigation

12 Sep 18:35
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Fixes issue with DITA2InDesign where turning debugging on could result in XSLT failure on attempt to write result file while already writing a result file.

Fixes issue with generation of HTML5 navigation links when entire map is chunked to content.